Fluff – how to protect against them? Is a nap bite dangerous to health?

Meszki has become a scourge in many Polish cities. These little biting insects will haunt us for several more months. How to defend against them? Are their bites dangerous?

  1. More insects – stalkers of people – joined the mosquitoes and ticks. They are fluff.
  2. They are especially aggressive in neighboring cities and other water areas
  3. Contrary to, for example, mosquito bites, we may not even notice the bites by the fluff
  4. How to protect yourself from these insects?
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The midges attack

Flies – these small, inconspicuous insects have become extremely nuisance. Their hatching began in May, we will struggle with them until the end of the summer holidays. Meszki especially annoy the inhabitants of places located near water reservoirs. For example Włocławek, which is exposed to the plague of fluff every year. The city is located near the Vistula water barrage, which favors the development of these insects. On June 4, the city organized a spraying of 20 ha of green areas to get rid of the fluff.

A similar action was carried out in Toruń. – The spraying works on the insects, not their eggs, so they could not start until the individuals appeared. Spraying takes place early in the morning so as not to harm other useful insects, such as bees, explain Toruń officials.

In the Lublin region, the naps have also become very aggressive. – People complain that bites are extremely bothersome. They are very itchy. The natural instinct for itching is scratching, but we don’t always scratch ourselves with a clean hand. Scratching where we have been bitten by blackflies, mosquitoes or flies quite often causes secondary contamination. Then this problem must be considered and analyzed as a complex problem – said the dermatologist Dr. Teresa Żukowska on Radio Lublin

Meszki – only females are dangerous

Dams are small insects, several mm long. There are several dozen species in Poland. The most annoying fluff in a human’s life is a bolimushka. Females of this species feed on the blood of humans and animals, which is helped by the characteristic mouth apparatus, i.e. mandibles and jaws. They use their jaws to cut open human skin to reach nutrient-rich blood.

  1. Flies – insect bite and allergy

– They supplement their diet with blood, because as future mothers they have to eat better – said entomologist prof. Marek Kozłowski. Female bolimus attack mainly in the afternoon and evening.

Bed bites can be painful, although they more often do it more “discreetly” than mosquitoes. Flies do not transmit diseases, they do not let venom under the skin, but their saliva is toxic – it causes itching, swelling and an allergic reaction. Swelling – especially in allergy sufferers – can last for many days. Sometimes it is accompanied by fever and severe allergic reactions.

Meszki – how to defend against them?

Repellants, i.e. insect repellants, can be an effective means of protecting against flies. Chemical repellants can be in the form of a cream, oil or spray. It should be remembered that these agents cannot be used indoors, and it is always worth reading the leaflet, because the methods of use are very different.

In apartments, however, all insecticide spirals, containers with electricity aromas or scented candles will work. And if someone does not tolerate such odors, they can protect the windows with a mosquito net.

  1. Who are most bitten by mosquitoes and why? Six facts you need to know

You can also use natural repellants, i.e. all kinds of essential oils. Insects especially do not tolerate eucalyptus, vanilla, mint, clove and lavender scents. Natural repellers, however, are less durable than chemical repellers, and are not waterproof.

The so-called home methods. One of them is taking a large amount of vitamin B, which changes the smell of sweat to one that cannot be tolerated by fluff and other insects that attack humans. Garlic works in a similar way, but eating a lot of this vegetable may be a bit out of society.

To protect yourself from fluff, you can order today from Medonet Market:

  1. Mustico mosquito and fluff repellent plasters,
  2. Mustico mosquito and fluff repellent headband,
  3. Mustico mosquito, tick and fluff repellent spray.

Check what other Mosquito repellent you can buy in our store.

Fluff – what to do after a bite?

If we are bitten by a fluff, it is a good idea to wash the area. To get rid of the itching, it is worth using an antihistamine ointment or taking an antiallergic drug. Quick and effective action is guaranteed by Mini-Click, which soothes the symptoms of insect bites, and is applied directly to the bite site. the preparation inhibits itching and the urge to scratch.

– The first solution in the event of a mosquito or fluff bite is the most ordinary liquid powder in the world. This place should be washed, dried and coated with this preparation. Pharmacies sell liquid powder without a prescription. It is available. We, doctors, also prescribe liquid powder made, formulated, says dermatologist Dr. Teresa Żukowska.

  1. Ticks – the most important questions and answers

– In the case of bites by mosquitoes or flies, if there are severe allergic reactions, then a visit to the doctor is necessary – emphasizes Dr. Żukowska in an interview with Radio Lublin. – I especially pay attention to the situation in which the patient knows about his allergic predisposition and that his reaction will be greater than in any other person bitten by a nap.

Infections can also occur after a bite. This is the effect of scratching the wound with not always clean hands. Then you will also need to see a doctor. As with any disturbing appearance of the bite site.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Parasites live in our beds. They bite at night, they suck blood
  2. A distinctive sign that a spider has bitten you. It cannot be confused with anything else
  3. Mosquito, tick, spider – what to do when it bites? Quick reaction is what counts
  4. The wren are attacking the deer. We mistake them for ticks and their bites are very painful

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