Flu, symptoms, flu epidemic, flu prevention

Flu, symptoms, flu epidemic, flu prevention

Russia is on the verge of an epidemic, the flu is mowing down the population – for the last couple of days, all the media are full of such statements. What kind of flu came to us? Is it all that scary? Denis Prokofiev, a physician at polyclinic No. 6 of the North-Eastern Administrative District, a member of the Russian Society of Cardiology, tells about a new outbreak of a viral infection.

Myth: over the past week, a new type of flu has attacked more than 60 cities in Russia and is rapidly gaining speed. Doctors are worried, the virus is unfamiliar to them, and how to treat it is not yet clear.

Righteousness: the peak of the heyday of influenza and respiratory diseases at all times has occurred in the winter-spring period, so the current situation is not news. Why are we starting to get sick right now? Temperature jumps are to blame for everything. Frost, thaw, frost again, thaw again, and as a result, immunity from such fluctuations weakens. As far as detecting a supernova virus is concerned, this is not true. If we consider that every virus is capable of mutating, then all existing ones can be called new, but in essence they are still the same. Doctors are familiar with strains of influenza, and they have the means to fight viruses in their arsenal.

Myth: if you take an antiviral drug for prophylaxis, you won’t get the flu. Do not waste time in vain, run to the pharmacy.

Righteousness: taking pills just like that, until you are diagnosed correctly, does not make any sense. You will not defend yourself, but only in vain will you swallow the chemistry. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person. If you work in an office in a close team, then you can play it safe by observing simple hygiene rules: wash your hands, rinse the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose with saline solutions and antiseptics, use oxolinic ointment or olive oil to protect the mucous membranes. And remember, you must start taking antiviral drugs in the first two days of illness, when you literally caught the virus by the tail.

Myth: do not ignore the signals of your body, especially during an epidemic, if you have a runny nose – go to the doctor.

Righteousness: if you have a runny nose, sore throat, then, of course, you need to see a doctor. But do not confuse the symptoms of flu and SARS. A runny nose and cough are indicative of an acute respiratory illness. A headache in the frontal part, fever up to 39-40 degrees, body aches, weakness, nausea, vomiting, pain in the eyeballs are signs of intoxication, that is, an attack of the influenza virus.

The grippe virus belongs to the family of orthomyxoviruses that multiply in the cell nucleus and cytoplasm of birds and mammals and infect the respiratory organs. The virus was first isolated in the 30s of the XX century and has been constantly mutating since then. Influenza can lead to complications such as bacterial pneumonia, otitis media, toxic-allergic shock, lung abscess, bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, and meningitis. Are the types of flu different? Of course, there are thousands of strains, the virus mutates, grows stronger, but is always recognizable. The most famous types of influenza are avian and swine. The names are different, but the essence is the same – it’s all the flu, and both of these types are no more dangerous than the usual flu without any prefix.

Bird flu

This type of flu got its name for the way it spreads – migratory birds are carriers. Avian influenza affects the digestive and respiratory organs. It was first identified in Italy at the beginning of the 1997th century, and struck the first person in XNUMX in Hong Kong. Since then, the incidence of avian influenza has been recorded every year.

Swine flu

He came to us from America. This disease was common among domestic pigs in the United States, Mexico, Canada, South America, and then in Asia. The human variant of swine flu is the virus with the greatest genetic similarity to the virus that affects animals. It behaves in the same way as other types of flu – it affects the respiratory system, digestion, causes intoxication, and it is treated like any other seasonal flu.

1. Protect your nose

Before going outside, lubricate the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment. This will help prevent viruses from entering the body.

2. Feel free to mask

If for some reason the ointment does not suit you, then a medical mask can be used for protection, especially in crowded places such as public transport, a store or an office. The mask traps 95% of bacteria. Just remember to change it every day.

3. Drink more

Viruses and bacteria enter the body through the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. If you drink more often, the liquid will wash away pathogenic microbes from the mucous membrane. In addition, the products of their vital activity – toxins – are removed from the body with the liquid. Fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices are useful, and not only fruit, but also vegetable (from beets, carrots, celery, etc.), as well as fruit and berry cocktails for immunity.

4. Wash your hands often with soap and water.

And do not use other people’s personal hygiene items, because viruses are transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also by contact. Blow your nose into paper handkerchiefs and throw them away right away. And, of course, avoid close contact with ARVI patients.

5. More rest and positivity

Healthy sleep helps to improve the overall tone of the body. Therefore, to maintain immunity, you need to get enough sleep. Sleep should be at least 7-8 hours a day. Also, do not forget that a good mood is a guarantee of health. It has been proven that there are psychological prerequisites for many diseases. If a person has a positive attitude, then a good state of mind helps the body to stay healthy.

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