Flu shots 2022-2023 in Moscow
Seasonal vaccination in Moscow usually runs until the end of December. How and where to get a free flu shot 2022-2023 in Moscow, what are the contraindications, as well as other issues, we discuss with infectious disease specialists

Flu shots 2022-2023 in Moscow – where can I get it?

In the epidemic season 2022-2023. according to WHO data, the highest activity of four strains of the influenza virus is expected in the world:

  • strain-like virus A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 (H1N1)pdm09;
  • A/Hong Kong/2671/2019 (H3N2) strain-like virus;
  • B/Washington/02/2019 strain-like virus (B/Victoria lineage);
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013 strain-like virus (B/Yamagata lineage).

The first 3 strains are recommended for inclusion in trivalent influenza vaccines, while the last is included as an additional strain in quadrivalent vaccines.

The vaccination campaign in Moscow traditionally began in September. There are several ways to get vaccinated:

  1. In any clinic after contacting a general practitioner or doctor on duty.
  2. Mobile points – this season in Moscow there are 44 of them: 36 – at metro stations, 2 – at stations of the Moscow Central Ring, 2 – on the railway platform.
  3. In the MFC of your district – in the capital there are 4 centers of public services where vaccination is carried out.
  4. You can buy the vaccine at the pharmacy yourself. You will be vaccinated at the clinic free of charge.

The nearest mobile vaccination points, their opening hours, as well as other detailed information, can be found on the website of the Moscow Health Department.

5 naive questions about flu shots

Around vaccination traditionally a lot of rumors. We have collected the most popular ones and analyzed them with therapist Denis Khokhlov и Candidate of Medical Sciences, infectious disease specialist Ilya Akinfeev.

Free cheese is only in a mousetrap, we are probably being vaccinated with the cheapest and most ineffective vaccine.

Alas, but a person always wants to convict the state of deceit or deliberate forgery. But everything has long been calculated: it is the lack of vaccination and the massive incidence of influenza for the country that will be more expensive than the purchase of a vaccine and a program for its use. Free, we emphasize, for citizens. Any normal economist who knows how to count money knows that timely vaccination can save millions of rubles in the end. In Moscow, vaccination is carried out with the Grippol plus vaccine. In terms of efficiency, it is not inferior to imported ones, and in terms of cost it is commensurate with its analogue from the Netherlands – this is a serious and proven drug.

I got vaccinated last year and immediately fell ill. And why is such a vaccine necessary?

It is impossible to get sick from a vaccine, there is no live virus in it. There is one exception – this is a nasal live vaccine, but it is vaccinated only in special cases. And in the vaccine that is administered intramuscularly, there is no live influenza virus. If you feel symptoms of malaise after vaccination, a runny nose, a sore throat, then we remind you: in September-October, there is already a high probability of contracting various acute respiratory viral infections, and if a person becomes ill, he often subconsciously tries to link this event with vaccination, although it is not her fault in the disease.

It must be understood that if all the rules for influenza vaccination are observed, there will be no deterioration in health and an increase in the incidence of SARS. At the same time, the flu disease causes quite serious damage to the body’s defenses, and here it is not the vaccine that should be feared, but the virus itself.

I read that immunity from influenza lasts up to three years, I will not do it this year.

Every year specialists introduce into the composition of the vaccine the material of those strains of influenza, the probability of which is maximum during this season. There are always several of them, which increases the chance to protect the body. And every year they are different. Unfortunately, immunity to influenza is short-lived: a person who received it from a vaccine retains immune protection for only one year. But a patient who has had the flu retains immunity to this strain for up to three years. But, firstly, no one will guarantee that exactly the strain that you have already had will come this year. Secondly, you run the risk of being left without protection from the flu and getting a possible serious complication. Therefore, it is always advisable to get vaccinated.

Influenza comes in winter, why get vaccinated in September?

The vaccination campaign runs from September to December, because everything is best done in a timely manner. Yes, traditionally the epidemiological season begins in November-early December, the peak falls on the end of January-beginning of February, with a decline towards March. But sometimes the flu wave can pass even earlier. For example, last year the wave of morbidity rose already in mid-November, covering the country in December. And the decline occurred in February. Meanwhile, immunity after vaccination takes two to four weeks to develop protection against influenza. The closer to the epidemic season to vaccinate, the higher the risk that the immune response will not have time to develop. Therefore, it is traditionally recommended to be vaccinated no later than November.

If you get vaccinated, will you definitely not get sick?

In fact, people are vaccinated not in order to avoid infection, but in order to have fewer complications. A vaccinated person can get sick. So, even after being vaccinated, you should not give up other preventive measures. In the midst of an epidemic, you can wear protective masks. After visiting public places, be sure to wash your hands with soap and rinse the nasal cavity with special products that will remove viruses and bacteria from the surface of the mucosa. For washing, a product based on sea water is suitable.

Important! You do not need to register or register for vaccination. It is only important to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you. Even the CHI policy is not required. It is only important to sign an informed medical consent after a doctor’s examination (issued at the place of vaccination).


What are the contraindications:


  • allergies to chicken protein and other vaccines;
  • previously pronounced post-vaccination reactions (temperature above 40 degrees, swelling at the injection site, hyperemia over eight centimeters in diameter) or post-vaccination complications (collapse, non-febrile convulsions, anaphylaxis).


  • colds, acute febrile conditions, acute respiratory viral infections, vaccination is usually carried out two to four weeks after recovery, with mild forms of acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections, vaccination is carried out after the temperature normalizes and / or the acute symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage, vaccinations are done during remission after consultation with the attending physician.

What do we get if not the flu?

Why is everyone coughing, sneezing and snotty now, if the epidemic season has not yet begun?

There are a huge number of autumn-winter viruses, among which influenza viruses occupy only a small part. This is a very large group of various pathogens, including parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, reoviruses and others – more than 300 subtypes in total. And you can meet them during the epidemic season much more often than influenza viruses. Their symptoms are familiar to everyone.

For example, parainfluenza viruses, the RS virus are manifested primarily by coughing. Rhinovirus – protracted runny nose. Adenoviruses – sore throat, hoarseness. And all of them can be accompanied (or not) by fever, headache. If they are not treated in time, then there is a danger of complications. And although complications after other viral diseases are rarer than after the flu, they can also be very dangerous if the body is weakened.

And worst of all, during the cold season, viruses perfectly “contact” with each other. A familiar picture – he was treated for 7 days from a cold, and two days later he collapsed with a terrible cough and a sore throat. It is on some viruses that others “landed” perfectly. Immunity is weakened, it is even more difficult for him to fight new invaders than with the previous ones. And if all this is superimposed on lack of sleep, stress, then it turns out that the disease is dragging on.

Should I rinse my nose?

Washing the nose is a very useful procedure. This is a preventive measure that can significantly reduce the risk of getting sick both before and after vaccination, and during the flu season itself. It is best to rinse the nose with an isotonic solution of natural sea water (salt concentration 8 – 11 g / l). In many cases, this procedure helps prevent the occurrence of influenza and SARS.

If you are healthy: then during the influenza season, you should wash your nose every day for prevention, it is better to do this in the morning, before going out and after returning home. If there is a runny nose, then it is recommended to do this

3 – 4 times a day.

Pharmacies sell ready-made solutions of sea water in special bottles, with which it is easy to rinse the nose, and it is more convenient to use unmetered sprays for washing. For children, products with special nozzles are produced.

Will cognac with lemon help?

It is easy not to believe in SARS and influenza viruses, because we do not see them. Moreover, the Internet helpfully suggests a variety of ways to protect yourself from viruses. Like, prevention is our everything.

“There are specific and non-specific prophylaxis,” explains infectious disease specialist Ilya Akinfeev. – A specific one is aimed at a specific type of virus – this is a flu vaccination. But against the usual ARVI, it is impossible to come up with a vaccine, there are too many variants of viruses. But there is a second method of prevention – non-specific. Everyone knows about it, but let’s recall the points:

  1. Wash hands after visiting public places, especially transport.
  2. General strengthening of the body – playing sports, quitting smoking and moderate alcohol consumption.
  3. Avoid contact with sick people whenever possible. If someone in the family is sick, then you need to wear a mask. Yes, the viruses themselves are very small and can pass through the pores of the mask. But viruses don’t just fly. They are transmitted with something, such as droplets of saliva or mucus. But already they settle on the mask and do not enter the body. However, we must remember that the mask only lasts 2 hours, then it needs to be replaced.
  4. Lemon and garlic do not destroy viruses, but as a natural source of vitamins and part of proper nutrition, they can be used. And yet the main thing is to maintain moderation and not frighten others with your garlic smell.
  5. The favorite prophylaxis of Russians “vodka with pepper or cognac with lemon” does not apply to prophylaxis. Nevertheless, a small amount of alcohol can be used as an additional means of helping with hypothermia. But not on the street, but only strictly after the person is already in a warm room and will be in it for the next few hours.

“The most “amazing” and dangerous methods of treatment and prevention are to lubricate the throat with kerosene, rub the child with turpentine or used motor oil,” says therapist Denis Khokhlov. – Let’s warn you right away – using these substances in the treatment of any disease is not only ineffective, but also very dangerous!

How long does the virus “keep”?

Viruses are transmitted not only through sneezing or coughing, that is, by airborne droplets. As tells head Department of diseases of the ear, nose and throat of the Medical University. Sechenov, chief freelance otorhinolaryngologist of the Central Federal District of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery Svistushkin, at least two more: air-dust and household ways.

– Viruses are viable indoors for 2-9 hours, on paper, cardboard and fabrics – 8-12 hours, on metal objects and plastic – up to 2 days, on the surface of glass – up to 10 days, – explains the professor. – On the skin of the hands, the influenza virus lasts up to 15 minutes.

So prevention is everything. And do not forget to wash your hands after the street!

Also Head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova reminds that in the cold season you need to wipe your gadgets more often – tablets, phones, as well as computer keyboards – with antibacterial wipes.

Important! If you experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or if the high temperature does not go down for more than three days, go to the emergency room right away. If a child has rapid breathing or shortness of breath, a temperature that does not decrease during the day, or convulsions (convulsions), call an ambulance immediately.

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