Flu during pregnancy

Every year, it’s the same question: how to escape the seasonal flu epidemic that plagues between fall and spring? During the winter, the number of consultations for flu syndrome literally explodes. Seasonal influenza is viral in origin and is a highly contagious acute respiratory infection. The influenza virus belongs to the influenzae virus family. There are three types (A, B, C) each comprising several strains. In healthy people, healing is usually rapid, although fatigue may persist for the following weeks.

What are the risks of influenza in pregnant women and babies?

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to influenza, as are the elderly and infants. Pregnant, there is no more risk of being contaminated by the influenza virus, however we are more prone to complications. The state of pregnancy indeed causes a modification of the immunity which favors the risk of bacterial infection. The complications are mainly at the respiratory level and can lead to hospitalization. It unfortunately happens that resuscitation techniques are ineffective because they are too late. Every year, unvaccinated pregnant women die. On the baby side, the flu is not in itself dangerous for the fetus, except in extreme cases where a very high fever of the mother can lead to contractions and cause premature delivery.

What are the symptoms and treatment of the flu?

Seasonal flu is most often manifested by: 

  • high fever (around 39 ° C),
  • intense fatigue,
  • body aches,
  • headaches,
  • a dry cough.

« If you are pregnant and have these symptoms, do not delay in seeing the doctor. », Recommends Professor Philippe Deruelle, gynecologist-obstetrician at the CHRU in Lille. ” We must intervene as soon as possible. The doctor then confirms the diagnosis with a nasal swab. »If the mother-to-be has the flu, they will be offered an antiviral drug. Early treatment with Tamiflu, within a period of less than 48 hours after the appearance of the first signs, makes it possible to limit the occurrence of the most serious cases.

Flu vaccination in pregnant women: is it dangerous?

Vaccination against influenza remains the best way to protect pregnant women. It is recommended by the for all trimesters of pregnancy. Health insurance also covers the seasonal flu vaccine 100% for expectant mothers. ” This vaccine is authorized in pregnant women because it is composed of inactive and purified fragments », Explains Professor Deruelle. ” This means that the injected particles cannot generate the disease, unlike vaccines made from live viruses. In addition, it does not contain an adjuvant. The flu shot provides a prolonged immunity for the mother and, good to know, for the newborn up to 6 months. Regarding the risks, several studies have concluded thatno side effects* anti-influenza vaccination in pregnant women.


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