Beautiful flower beds require a lot of time and effort. If you want to relax in the country, and not work, you need to plant unpretentious perennial flowers and non-flowering ornamental plants. From year to year they will delight with their appearance without special care. Among them there are sun-loving ones and those that prefer shady corners of the garden, blooming in early spring and painting in joyful colors in late autumn. The main thing is to make the right choice of perennials for your garden, then even a minimum of effort will bring a lot of pleasure.
Unpretentious flowers
Perennial flowers are distinguished by their undemanding. Many grow in one place for a long time, become more and more beautiful, winter well, give new shoots in spring, bloom. We are happy to settle them in our dachas, we select the most unpretentious ones for the cemetery. The only preparation is to find out in advance what conditions are required for each plant for a comfortable existence: soil features, attitude to light, irrigation regime. And there you can already choose from a huge number of perennials the most beautiful, long-flowering or, conversely, those that will decorate the site with their leaves.
Bulbous plants open the flowering season. It is good to have blueberries and snowdrops in your garden, they are unpretentious, do not require care at all, they winter well. They can be planted under trees – they love shady places and earth with leafy humus, but can also grow in open lawns, suitable for a cemetery
Botanical tulips begin to bloom in early spring. These are low plants (although some species can reach 50 cm) with charming flowers that come not only in incredible colors, but in different shapes and not even single ones – many varieties bloom in a bunch. In one place, 5 years can grow, and they become more beautiful with the growth of the bulbs. Interestingly, the flowering time increases if the spring is cold.
Speaking of spring bulbous plants, one cannot fail to mention muscari or mouse hyacinth. White, pink, most often blue flowers with a pleasant smell look great among the stones. They are often used when arranging an alpine hill in the country. They are the most unpretentious you can wish for – they winter well, grow on any soil, in the sun or in the shade, you do not need to dig out the bulbs, if you do not cut off the flower stalks, they also disperse themselves. The only thing Muscari doesn’t like is stagnant water. They are also often planted in cemeteries.
Pushkinia, crocuses and daffodils do not need to be introduced, these beautiful unpretentious flowers often become garden decorations. They bloom from April to June, they can grow in the sun and in partial shade, they are not demanding on the soil.
Bulbs are often prey to rodents – this is the only thing that can lime garden bulbous plants. It is very interesting that rodents like crocuses more than others, but daffodils not only do not suffer from their voracity, but also drive away these pests. So daffodils can be planted along the perimeter of flower beds as a protection. Low Pushkinia is often planted in groups; a border of these flowers along the path looks great.
There is another strange bulbous plant – colchicum. It is very poisonous, but beautifully flowering, and it blooms when all the others are preparing for winter. Suddenly, in the middle of autumn, a bright flower blooms, similar to a large crocus – this is a very spectacular sight. He loves sunny places, does not require a transplant, the bulbs are planted in a garden in the middle of summer (July – August), sometimes they are used in cemetery beds.
After the bulbous ones, remarkably unpretentious garden perennials bloom in summer, every year they become more magnificent and more beautiful. For example, long-flowering aquilegia. This elegant plant serves as a decoration of the dacha not only during flowering, the elegant openwork foliage always looks charming. It is better to purchase this flower and plant it in your garden as an adult to avoid hassle. It likes moist soil and grows well in full sun or shade. If you do not remove the flower stalks on time, then the aquilegia will scatter throughout the site (which is good for the cemetery), but the hybrid varieties will not retain their qualities, it will be impossible to predict the colors.
Video “Unpretentious ground cover flowers”
Video selection with many options for summer cottages and garden plots.
The evergreen periwinkle spreads along the ground, braiding it with a carpet, blooms in May with blue or purple flowers. It propagates by shoots that root easily when touching the ground. Although they say that he prefers shade and moist soil, the periwinkle grows on any soil, in any light, and can cover the most unsightly garden plots with its dark green foliage. For the sake of this ability, he is often planted in cemeteries; he will not leave a single chance for cemetery weeds.
Brunner also blooms in May, known as the Caucasian forget-me-not. She is satisfied with partial shade, moist nutritious soil, she will perfectly decorate garden lowlands with her blue flowers. One has only to settle it in the garden, it will grow very quickly, without requiring any care, which is convenient for cemetery beds. Based on it, breeders have created many varieties with multi-colored leaves, they look great, but they require care and the creation of certain conditions, which cannot be said about the green leaf brunner.
With the advent of summer, tender veronica blooms. There are several types of this unpretentious plant, ground covers are capable of braiding the ground in such a way that weeds will not get a single chance, and tall ones are used in borders and complex flower beds. White, blue, purple and pink flowers in all cases decorate the site. Ground cover varieties are often planted in cemeteries.
Herbaceous peony will not cause trouble for care, but will bring a lot of joy with its flowering. Its sweet-scented pink, white, and red flowers are sure to please, which is why it’s present in many flower beds and loves moist but well-drained soil. Lupine is an integral part of country flower beds. Its long spike-shaped inflorescences and carved leaves look good in mixborders and multi-tiered flower beds. White, blue, red, pink, purple flowers can bloom repeatedly, if you cut the flower stalks in time, you need to remember that its seeds are poisonous. They say that it grows like a weed, but does not like acidic soil.
Tall perennials rudbeckia and echinacea are long-flowering. They look like large multi-colored daisies. Planted in large groups, they look very elegant and joyful, bright yellow rudbeckia looks great in large lush bouquets. They can grow in one place for a long time, they are not demanding on the composition of the soil, they like abundant watering, but they can endure dry periods without loss.
Rudbeckia dissected, better known as golden balls, marks the middle of summer with its heyday. Whatever the weather conditions, until autumn, its golden flowers adorn the garden. It should be planted once, and this care can be completed – it will grow for many years without the participation of the owners, growing more and more.
We must not forget about the multi-colored phlox, blooming almost all summer. And lilac, jasmine, bulldenezh! These beloved perennial shrubs are unpretentious and very beautiful even after the flowering period.
Simple rules of care
Most often, perennial crops are settled on the site through seedlings; you should not sow seeds in open ground. You can buy an already grown plant or divide a bush that grows with neighbors and plant it in your country house. Flowers are planted in the fall so that they have time to take root before the cold weather and easily overwinter. In the Moscow region, this may be the end of August or September.
If the soil is chosen correctly, a comfortable place is chosen, then further care will not be difficult. All flowers need watering, but unpretentious perennials can endure periods of drought. Most of them do not like stagnant water, and its lack is tolerated more easily.
It is necessary to fight weeds, loosen the soil, periodically feed the plants. Mulching with small stones or sand will help to get rid of weeds and delay the evaporation of moisture, usually this is done to give the flower bed a more decorative and well-groomed appearance.
Most bulbs prefer their bulbs to be dug up, dried in the shade, then they will delight in lush color next year. Some perennial crops cannot grow in one place for a long time; after 3, 5, 7 years (each has its own terms), they need to be transplanted. There are flowers that grow very much, their roots need to be separated. Such events are carried out one-time and quite rarely. And general care consists in watering, weeding, loosening the soil, rare top dressing with fertilizers – this is a very easy payment for the annual decoration of the garden with decorative greenery and flowers.
Video “The most unpretentious garden flowers»
Demonstrative video with examples from an expert and practical recommendations for gardeners.