Planting and caring for hazel grouse in the open field is available even to a novice gardener. Flowers are unpretentious and grow quite well. Planting them is allowed only in the fall, starting from the end of August. The basic rules are described in the article.
When to plant hazel grouse bulbs
To grow beautiful and healthy grouse flowers, it is very important to set the right planting dates. In all regions of Our Country, work should begin in the fall or even late summer, as this corresponds to the development cycle of the bulbs.
If you plant a hazel grouse in the spring, it will be difficult to care for it, because they do not have time to take root normally, and risk dying due to severe frosts. Only during the winter will the bulbs be able to give healthy flower buds, from which young shoots will go. In addition, due to the spring planting, they will certainly suffer from recurrent frosts.
Autumn planting and care are devoid of all these shortcomings. On the other hand, in this case, it is necessary to observe the deadlines especially carefully. Work is planned no later than four weeks before the first frost. Autumn in most regions is unpredictable, so you need to focus on the weather forecast.
The main recommendations for planting hazel grouse are as follows:
- In the Moscow region and other regions of the middle zone, they start work in the first half of September. If Indian summer is expected, then in the middle of the month.
- In the southern regions, planting and care begin in the first decade of October.
- In the regions of the North-West, the terms are approximately the same as for the middle lane, sometimes a week earlier.
- In the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, planting and caring for hazel grouse begin at the end of August, the deadline is in the first decade of September.
If you do it in mid-August, then the bulbs can take root and grow. This is highly undesirable – in this case, part of the planting material may die.

Fritillaries should be planted no later than mid-September
How to plant a hazel grouse bulb
Planting corms is not difficult to carry out, caring for them is also quite simple. But at the same time, it is important to outline a scheme, to determine the depth and distance at which hazel grouses need to be planted. The basic rules for landing and care are described below.
Where to plant hazel grouse
Grouse thrive in well-lit, open areas. At the same time, penumbra from low shrubs is also allowed. It is especially useful in the southern regions, where the sun is too active in summer.
Another criterion is the absence of stagnant water. The flower bed should not be located in a lowland, but on small hills. If necessary, make an embankment. The optimal soil type is loamy. It should be not only fertile enough, but also with a light, loose structure.
Also, when planting and leaving, it is taken into account that the flower bed is protected from through winds. It is better to place it near the fence, houses, other buildings. Another criterion is landscape design. Fritillaries are used both for single plantings and in composition with other flowers.
Soil Preparation
The soil for planting is prepared in advance. Then the hazel grouse will quickly take root in a new place, and caring for them will be quite simple. The site is cleaned, the soil is dug up, humus or compost is added in a bucket per square meter. If the earth is too dense, sand or sawdust up to 5 kg is embedded in it for the same area. The day before planting, the surface is leveled. Form several holes.
Bulb selection
To carry out the correct planting and care, hazel grouse bulbs are carefully selected. They should be sufficiently dense, with a solid surface, without mechanical damage, signs of rot and other pathologies. If parts of dried stems remain on them, they should not be removed, otherwise the cover layer may be damaged.
The tubers are pre-etched in a solution of pink potassium permanganate (hold for up to 30 minutes). For planting and care to be successful, they can also be sprinkled with crushed charcoal. It is not necessary to stand separately in a growth stimulator, since healthy bulbs will normally take root in a new place without this.
Small roots up to 3-4 cm long will not interfere – they are left as is. If they have grown and become longer, when planting, the extra parts should be carefully cut off.

Bulbs should be pickled in potassium permanganate for no more than 30 minutes
Grouse planting rules
In order to properly plant hazel grouse flowers, it is necessary to outline several holes of sufficient depth. It is determined by the size of the bulb – the pit should be three times deeper. For example, if the tuber is small, about 5 cm, then the depth will be 15 cm.
When planting bulbs, they act like this:
- First, they are sorted by size, selecting two or three groups: small, medium and large.
- Several landing holes are formed 40-50 cm wide at the same distance (for a tight fit).
- Small stones fall asleep at the bottom, then 2-3 cm of fertile soil.
- For proper planting and care, hazel grouse bulbs are laid several in a slope (five in one hole) and sprinkled first with sand, then with fertile soil.
- It is watered with pre-settled water, and then mulched for the winter using hay, peat, straw or other natural materials.
How to properly care for grouse
Plant care is not very difficult. To ensure long flowering, it is recommended to water and fertilize regularly. The basic cultivation rules are described below.
Watering hazel grouse
Water hazel grouse especially often in early and mid-summer. Water is provided every week. In drought – 2-3 times, preventing the soil from drying out. In August, water is already given every two weeks, and in early October, watering is completely stopped. For good care, water must be taken settled. Preliminarily, it is poured into containers and left at room temperature overnight.
After watering, the soil is loosened, if necessary, weeds are removed. To facilitate the work, the root zone can be mulched with straw, sawdust, wood chips or other materials. They are also laid for the winter – the height of the layer should be at least 12 cm.
Top dressing hazel grouse
Another important rule for caring for hazel grouse is regular fertilizing:
- In April, a tablespoon of nitrophoska is mixed with the same amount of Agricola and dissolved in 10 liters of water.
- At the same time, 4 kg of humus are laid on each square meter (fresh manure should never be used).
- After flowering is completed, care is reduced to the introduction of potassium sulfate and superphosphate (a tablespoon per 10 liters).

Regular feeding guarantees long flowering
When to transplant hazel grouse flowers
To ensure proper care, hazel grouse should be repotted periodically. Flowers grow in one place for only 4-5 years, after which they actively grow and lose their attractive appearance. Therefore, every four years (and preferably every 2-3) they are transferred to another place. Work is planned for late summer – early September. The recommendations are exactly the same as for transplantation:
- Prepare the soil and bulb.
- Mark several spacious holes.
- Put 5-6 corms in them.
- Sprinkle with soil, ensure normal care: water once, feed with wood ash and carefully mulch for the winter.
How does the hazel grouse flower
Growing hazel grouse can be done by seeds, bulbs and children. Each breeding option is described below.
How to propagate hazel grouse seeds
This method allows you to get new varieties due to the combination of genes during pollination. But it is very laborious, and the flowering of plants will begin only after seven years.
For proper reproduction of hazel grouse, seeds are planted in fertile soil as early as December. The soil is moistened and left in a dark room at a temperature of 2-3 degrees. In early spring, containers are transferred to the garden, periodically watered. In the summer, after the ground part of the seedlings dies off, the bulbs are dug up and stored at room temperature, and in the fall they are planted in open ground, as described above.
dividing the bulbs
For proper planting and care of the bulbs, it is allowed to divide annually into two identical parts. In early spring, it is broken by hand, the place of cut is sprinkled with charcoal, dried a little, and then planted in the soil already in mid-August. For the winter carefully mulch.

Grouse can be grown from seeds, as well as propagated vegetatively.
Bulbs can give offshoots, which are called children. To stimulate their appearance, after digging the tubers from the soil, two cone-shaped holes with a diameter of not more than 2,5 cm are cut out on the thick part of the integumentary scale. The wounds are dried, sprinkled with coal powder, transferred to sand and periodically watered. After the appearance of the roots, they are transplanted into open ground.
Diseases and pests
Plants are resistant to viral and fungal infections. But they can suffer from onion rattles, daylilies and lily beetles. To cope with insects, it is recommended to treat with insecticides:
- “Match”;
- “Fitoverm”;
- “Decis”;
- “Ephoria”;
- “Aktara” and others.
Growing problems
Even a novice gardener can cope with growing hazel grouse in the open field, since planting and care are simple. But sometimes summer residents face certain problems, due to which plants bloom poorly and even die. The most common are:
- If the bulbs are small (up to 5 cm), they will not be able to produce flowers in the first year – they will first gain weight. To speed up the process, they need to organize special care.
- If you choose the wrong planting dates, the bulbs will grow or not have time to take root and freeze at the beginning of winter.
- If the soil is too loose, sandy, for proper winter care, a lot of mulch should be laid (from 15-20 cm).
- After the petals fall, all ovaries must be removed. Otherwise, the bulbs will weaken, and the next year, even with good care, flowering will be poor.
Planting and caring for hazel grouse in the open field is not very difficult if you choose the right timing. Bulbs take root only when planted in early autumn. Plants need to be regularly watered and fed, and after four years they should be transplanted to another place.