Flowers for giving: choose the most unpretentious flowers

The cottage is a great place to relax in the fresh air. In addition, it is summer residents who like to engage in the garden. Regardless of the size of the plot, you always want to plant something on it in order to consume natural vegetables and fruits.

Picturesqueness in the summer cottage is the concern of all nature lovers. For the beauty in the country “responsible” various plants. First of all, we are talking about flowers. Spring and summer are the best times for flowers. Keep in mind that just planting flowers is only part of the job. They need care for the entire summer season.

Flowers for giving: choose the most unpretentious flowers

Before planting a flower garden, decide on a place that will be the most optimal for a flower bed. Everything should harmonize wonderfully. In addition, you should choose the flowers that you would like to see in your area. There are a variety of flower beds – round, square, curly. You can make low or high flower beds.

Among summer residents, arches have become widespread, on which lianas, grapes or other plants are perfectly placed. Here it must be borne in mind that to create such beauty, you will have to spend a lot of effort.

If you decide to give preference to perennial flowers, then the best options would be:

  1. Stock roses. These are tall flowers (about 1.5 meters).
  2. Helenium. These are yellow flowers that create a joyful mood and fit perfectly into any flower bed.
  3. Rhodiola rosea. It grows to a height of about 50 cm. Interesting flowers that can elegantly decorate a summer cottage.
  4. Peonies. Of course, what kind of cottage without these flowers. They attract with their luxury and beauty.
  5. Geranium. This option is ideal for those who like undersized flowers.
  6. Pansies. Graceful and bright flowers that are distinguished by their originality.

Choosing the most unpretentious flowers for a summer residence

As already mentioned, the cottage is a unique place for relaxation and recreation. For this reason, do not bother yourself and your loved ones with unnecessary work. So, if you decide to create a chic flower garden, pick up the most unpretentious flowers. It can be:

  • Colchicum. This type of flower lasts until November, when all the others have already faded. For summer varieties, moist soil is not needed, but for autumn varieties, it is imperative to provide flowers with moisture. You can plant such flowers, both in a flower bed and in hanging vases.
  • Crocuses. Very undemanding flowers, like dryness. Therefore, moisture should not stagnate in the soil.
  • Lilies of the valley are amazing perennial flowers when they don’t need much attention. They bloom well in both sun and shade.
  • Periwinkle. Wonderful spring flowers that grow very quickly. They love shade.
  • Geranium. Will delight summer residents from May to September. Flowers are best planted in shady areas.
  • Cornflower. Flowers go with everything else. Do not require special care, bloom in summer. They have no ground requirements.
  • Chamomile. This flower is long growing. He does not require care. The main thing is a sunny and dry place.
  • Phloxes. Distinguished by their incredible aroma. Blooms all summer and early fall.

Of course, there are many other unpretentious varieties of flowers that will delight summer residents with their attractiveness. In any case, remember the main purpose of the cottage. Do not forget also about hygiene in the country. So, if there is a toilet on the street, you will need disposable toilet pads.

Provide yourself and your loved ones in the country with the main accessory – a brazier. Cook a barbecue, have a delicious meal in the fresh air, have a nice chat with family members, friends – what else do you need for maximum relaxation and reboot?

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