If you have a country house or plot, then you probably thought about how to create a flower bed from perennials with your own hands. A flower bed of continuous flowering will delight you from early spring to the last days of the outgoing autumn, and evergreen shrubs can retain their beauty even in winter. You will learn about what schemes there are and examples of designing a flower garden for beginners in order to organize continuous flowering of plants with your own hands in the article.
Scheme of a flower bed of this type
In order for you to enjoy the beauty and aromas of planted plants throughout the season, from early spring to late autumn, you need to properly organize the flower garden scheme and select suitable flowers. The main secret for beginners in creating a bed of continuous flowering perennials is to know exactly the flowering period of each crop. Thus, planting several varieties, the flowering period of which will gradually replace each other, will provide you with a fragrant and incredibly beautiful flower carpet all season. The second rule for planting such a flower bed is the particular care and requirements of different plants. Therefore, when planting a flower garden with perennials, choose varieties with similar requirements for agricultural technology. In order to be able to navigate as accurately as possible, draw up a diagram of planting perennials in a flower bed, first on a piece of paper. Consider the following planting examples when organizing:
- In the central part of the site, it is customary to plant tall varieties. Together with flowering plantations, green shrubs can be planted in this place, which create a decorative effect. It is not recommended to place shrubs in a heap, it is better to plant them evenly so that they complement flowering bouquets.
- We plant low-growing plants, moving closer to the edge of the flower garden. The very edge can be decorated with creeping plants that are able to hide all the existing flaws.
- When choosing colors, pay attention to the combination of shades in the ensemble. Do not be afraid to focus on bright spots that can enliven the flower bed and make it incredibly bright.
Schemes for creating a flower bed of continuous flowering with your own hands from perennials can be different, depending on how you would like to see it:
- flower garden spring tenderness;
- flower garden summer colors;
- flower garden autumn nobility.
Below you will find examples of perennials that you can use to create each of the three DIY compositions:
- We plant geraniums and stonecrops near the edges of the flower bed. The geranium blooms first and blooms in June-July, then the sedum takes over, which will delight the eye until mid-autumn.
- Then a row of irises of different varieties. Flowering period from May to June.
- The next row is peonies and roses. These fragrant plants bloom in early May and continue until the end of July.
- Tall plants are planted near the fence or support – mordovnik and millet, which bloom in August.
Selection of green shrubs
Green shrubs are a universal element of any flower bed, as they almost always organically complement the flower arrangement of plants of the same year or perennials planted with their own hands. Unlike low-growing trees, ornamental shrubs grow much faster, and their viability is much higher. For example, the branches of a green shrub that have caught a night frost can be cut off, while its attractiveness will still be preserved. If we compare them with herbaceous plants, then green shrubs do not need to be planted every season and dug up for the winter.
So that even in winter there are bright colors on the site, when planning a scheme for planting plantings in a flower bed with your own hands, consider the following: ornamental shrubs can delight with lush greenery almost to frost; decorative fruit shrubs, for example, cotoneaster or dwarf mountain ash – these are bright colors in the winter garden.
Green shrubs are classified into three groups:
- dekorativnocetušie;
- decorative leaves;
- decorative fruits.
The perennial flower garden is well decorated with ornamental shrubs, which are divided into: deciduous and evergreen. When choosing a type of shrub, consider the following features:
- Weather conditions and resistance to frost.
- Demanding on lighting (sunny area, partial shade or shade).
- Soil type.
- “Relationships” with neighboring plants.
When planting a shrub in a flower arrangement, consider its maximum size. Dwarf and miniature green shrubs and shrubs, creeping forms are traditional elements in flowering areas. In addition to a beautiful background, such plants are able to block the spread of weeds in the area. A sunny area will be perfectly decorated with compositions with bright or multi-color leaves:
- Japanese spirea with fiery red and orange leaves;
- dwarf barberry;
- golden cloud of thuja;
- a variegated species of honeysuckle;
- green thyme.
To complete the flower arrangement, plant tall bushes of meadowsweet, bush magnolia, hawthorn or forsythia in the last row. If the flower garden is located in partial shade, then preference should be given to the following types of shrubs: hydrangea, rhododendrons, heather. Plants with dark leaves are best planted in the shade:
- coniferous plants (juniper, caparis or yew berry);
- red and black elderberry;
- Chubushnik;
- snowberry,
- boxwood
Video “Instructions for creating a flower garden”
Video instruction that will help you create a flower garden.
Selection of perennial flowers
Depending on the “mood” of a blooming flower bed (spring, summer or autumn), various flower crops are used for planting. The choice of pets should be approached very carefully, taking into account the following parameters:
- illumination of plants;
- drought resistance;
- soil requirements;
- necessary care.
To create a picturesque effect, there is no need to plant a lot of perennials, it will be enough to choose 5-7 specimens with different flowering periods. The spring-type flower garden is associated with the very first flowers and the most delicate colors. Therefore, in such a flower bed, miniature daisies and primroses, multi-colored pansies and sunny daffodils, magnificent yellow purple crocuses and, of course, a rainbow of early-flowering tulips will become welcome pets. It is these plants that bloom at the beginning of the season and will delight with their beauty within a month. They are replaced with the arrival of the last month of spring, peonies and late varieties of daffodils with tulips, as well as lupins and aquilegia, bloom. By the end of May, imperial hazel grouse and hyacinths bloom.
With the advent of summer, a flowerbed of continuous flowering with perennials blooms with new, even brighter colors, for example: marigolds, hibiscus, zinnias, roses, hydrangea, delphinium. Of course, in a flower bed of continuous flowering, there must be a variety of varieties of daylilies and beautiful lilies, echinacea and clasper. If perennials are properly and timely cared for, they will delight you with their color and unsurpassed aroma all summer long.
With the advent of autumn, bright colors are replaced by the calm nobility of autumn plants. During this period, phloxes and chrysanthemums, cannes and lobelias bloom, carnations, begonias and delphiniums bloom again. To do this, remove faded inflorescences. To create a DIY fall carpet with vibrant colors, plant a few coreopsis, gelenium, or aster plants. Outlandish balls of decorative onions, yarrow and golden spheres of craspedia are ready to delight you almost until the frost.
Features and Benefits
When creating a flower garden of continuous flowering has its own characteristics. The fact is that in order for the flower garden to turn out to be thick and bright, it is important to choose a well-lit place. Then clearly distribute the areas with the name of the plants that you will plant. This is necessary for the flowering to be constant. Before planting, the soil should also be well fertilized and baking powder (expanded clay, brick chips or river sand) applied. It is very important not to allow the soil to dry out and to remove weeds in a timely manner. Benefits of a perennial flower bed:
- If we talk about the advantages of such a flower bed, then the most important thing is durability.
- Further it should be noted, ease of care and the ability to create a beautiful picture with your own hands, which will delight you all year round.
- You will have to spend money on perennials only once, but the seeds of annual crops will have to be bought every year.
- Perennials do not deplete the soil, so they do not require constant care.
- Unpretentiousness – a sunny place, partial shade and shade.
- The opportunity to create beauty with your own hands.
Video “What is a garden of constant flowering”
Demonstrative video with useful information and plants.