Once the flower is purchased, it should be placed correctly. For example, azaleas do not tolerate heat, but they require high humidity (more than 70%), cool air in a well-ventilated room, they need soil with high acidity. Sometimes they even have to be covered with snow or ice.
Quite common roses do not tolerate drafts, and cyclamens do not tolerate direct sunlight, so in the heat they need to be removed from window sills or placed only on the east or west side. Be that as it may, any flower of happiness, be it even a fern or a cactus, needs air and proper lighting. This is the basis for its growth and flowering, which ensures a uniform course of the process of photosynthesis.
Having managed to provide these components, each housewife must study the rules for watering a particular plant. With excessive moisture, the roots can begin to rot; when dry, the plant will stop blooming, losing its vitality.
Some flowers are watered directly into the ground, the level of which, by the way, should be a couple of centimeters below the edge of the pot or tub. This is done with hydrangeas, ficuses, violets. But cyclamens absorb moisture from the pallet. Some plants, especially those with large leaves, are recommended to be sprayed additionally in the heat. In any case, the water should be unboiled, but settled or filtered, not too cold (about 17 ° C).
Another important aspect of growing a houseplant, female happiness in a pot, is taking care of the saturation of the soil. That is, achieving a sufficient passage of oxygen through it by loosening, creating the correct acid-base ratio and applying the necessary fertilizers to the ground.
Almost all flowers will not refuse to be fed with calcium. You can buy special products, or you can dilute the tablets in water, after consulting the gardener in advance. And during the flowering period, the earth can be sweetened: sprinkle a little with ordinary sugar and water immediately. Cacti are very grateful for such events.
When transplanting flowers, care must be taken. Simply not damaging the root system will already be an achievement. Also, before this, you need to stock up on the correct larger pot and suitable soil.
By the way, if a flower does not bring female happiness, but is capricious and refuses to take care of it, you can create a separate terrarium-greenhouse for it on a heated balcony or right in the room and create a climate familiar to the plant in such a “flask”.
An important rule is also the obligatory disposal of the plant from dying leaves and falling flowers. In parallel with this activity, you can sing or talk to the flower calmly and respectfully. As strange as it may seem, it’s worth it: green window decorations react very favorably to such treatment.