Flower pollen – ingredients, properties, indications, contraindications

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Flower pollen is a natural source of many valuable nutrients – incl. vitamin E, B vitamins as well as phosphorus and potassium. Flower pollen has many healing properties, and its effects have long been appreciated by natural medicine. In a situation where you feel chronically tired, you cannot focus for longer, and in the morning you wake up without strength and will to live – consider eating pollen on a regular basis. What other properties does pollen have? How to use it and where is it best to buy pollen?

Flower pollen – what is it?

Pollen (bee pollen) is pollen that has been collected by bees but has not been completely processed by beneficial insects. Pollen it is collected by bees to feed young insects and goes to the hive in the form of tiny balls. One such ball is over 100 micro grains pollen different flowers – depending on where the bees fly. Acquisition flower pollen it is possible by installing a safety device at the hive inlet, which allows the bees to collect part of the collected pollen. Collected pollen it is dried and sold, another name for it is feathers. Price flower pollen is higher than honey. A large, one-kilo package flower pollen has a price of about PLN 60.

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Flower pollen – ingredients

Among the most valuable ingredients flower pollen we find a protein that makes up 13 to 40 percent pollen. Essential ingredients flower pollen there are also phytohormones and enzymes that support the proper metabolism of our body.

Pollen is a rich source of vitamins – primarily vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin C and beta-carotene. In flower pollen we can also find a lot of minerals, especially phosphorus and potassium, but also calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper.

Since pollen should not be used by allergy sufferers, it is worth testing for allergies. The examination is quick and convenient, and blood is collected at the patient’s home.

  1. Check the pollen from the Apiary Ślachetka

Flower pollen – properties

Pollen has a lot of value for our body properties. Due to its high protein content, consumption flower pollen it is recommended in protein deficiencies, e.g. in an improperly conducted vegan or vegetarian diet or a slimming diet.

Regular use flower pollen as an ingredient in beverages (a teaspoon of flower pollen should be added to honey-sweetened coffee or tea), it significantly suppresses appetite.

Consumption flower pollen helps to support the body’s immunity, and the micro and macro elements contained in it may be helpful in the treatment of anemia and poor condition of the body caused by other diseases or medications.

Pollen it should be part of the diet of people struggling with severe, chronic diseases such as cancer or kidney and liver diseases.

Consumption flower pollen is a boost of energy and a way to concentrate, so it is worth stocking up on pollen for work or study.

Pollen detoxifies the body – it will be a good supplement to the diet of people who have just quit smoking or are fighting addiction. Moreover, recent studies show that pollen can destroy staphylococcus aureus or ringworm outbreaks.

Order Honey Bieszczadzkie Bee Pollen today, which is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Flower pollen – contraindications

Unfortunately, there are some circumstances in which it cannot be used flower pollen. Take advantage of the favors flower pollen people allergic to honey cannot – pollen can cause unpleasant symptoms. Apart from that pollen it is suitable for everyone. Doubts should be discussed during the online allergy consultation via the halodoctor.pl portal.

Flower pollen – application

Prophylactic consumption flower pollen means taking about 20-40 g (4-8 teaspoons) of the substance daily in separate doses. Best pollen take about half an hour before a meal. Flower pollen we can sprinkle a meal or add it to a drink. It’s important not to add flower pollen for hot dishes and drinks, as the high temperature reduces the valuable properties included in pollen.

Propolis with pollen and vitamin C is available on Medonet Market in the form of lozenges. Try also Propolia BeeYes flower pollen capsules for hair and nails, whose active ingredients have a positive effect on the appearance, supporting the preservation of the proper structure of hair and nails.

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