Flower essences and Bach flowers
Bach flowers: what are they?
Bach Flowers are subtle liquid preparations obtained by a solar infusion process allowing a re-harmonization of our emotions and the expression of a dynamic of personal transformation.
Dr Bach was driven by the desire to treat other than by traditional medicine, to find a medicine capable of taking into account the individual as a whole, with his history, his attitudes, his emotions and not only the symptom (“He The patient must be treated and not the disease ”he said. He died in 1936 after having developed his method composed of 38 quintessences (39 with the emergency remedy, called“ Rescue ”).
Each flower targets a specific emotion, mood, personality and has the power to change a negative state to transform it into positive potential. These “pearls of consciousness” (they are taken in the form of drops) act on our energy system as catalysts of transformation and allow it to self-balance, they allow us to connect to our feelings, to our very essence for find inner peace. Because they lead us to an opening of the conscience, the therapy of Bach Flowers represents a formidable tool of prevention for our health and a precious help of self-knowledge on our inner journey.
How to choose Bach flower?
There are as many possible combinations of mixtures of elixirs as there are individuals on earth. Everyone will find what suits them best. Sometimes 1 elixir will suffice, sometimes 6 will be the most complete blend, never more than 7.
Knowing that 38 different flowers have been selected for the method, it is unlikely that you will not be able to find the flower that matches the request.
- Accept yourself, remove the false jovial mask of avoidance: AIGREMOINE
- Feel reassured, overcome anxieties: ASPEN
- Living with indulgence and tolerance: TREMBLE
- Knowing how to set one’s limits: CENTAURÉE
- Trust your intuition: PLUMBAGO
- Keep your cool in all circumstances: PRUNUS
- Learning from repetitive experiences: BOURGEON DE MARRONNIER
- Getting out of selfishness: CHICORÉE
- Having your feet on the ground instead of being in the moon: CLÉMATITE
- Purify and accept the bad image that we have of ourselves: WILD APPLE
- Feel at the height of events: ORME
- For perseverance and courage: GENTIANE
- Getting out of despair and pessimism: AJONC
- To develop altruism: BRUYÈRE
- Forgive, get out of suspicion and revenge: HOLLY
- Leaving nostalgia for the past: CHÈVREFEUILLE
- Ending procrastination: CHARM
- Develop qualities of patience: IMPATIENCE
- Stop comparing yourself to others and below LARCH
- To overcome shyness and fear, be confident: MIMULE
- Overcome vague sadness: MUSTARD
- Find strength and know how to stop struggling: OAK
- Mental and emotional rejuvenation: OLIVE
- Guilt-free and judgmental capacity: PIN SYLVESTRE
- Confidence in the abilities of others: RED CHESTNUT
- Against terror, panic fears: HELIANTHEME
- Learn to be more flexible towards yourself EAU DE ROCHE
- Be more comfortable in your choices, calm jumping thoughts: SCLERANTHE
- Dissolve grief, sorrows, emotional wounds: LADY OF ELEVENTH HOUR
- In phase of despair and dejection: CHESTNUT
- See things in a larger context, be more moderate: VERBENA
- Inspire and respect others without dominating: VINE
- Harmonize a process of change, protection: WALNUT
- Get out of solitude and communicate: HOTTONIE
- Calm the flow of ideas WHITE CHESTNUT
- Finding your vocation and ambition: WILD OATS
- More dynamism and enthusiasm: EGLANTINE
- Take responsibility without feeling sorry: SAULE
Finally, the Rescue assistance remedy, set of 5 flowers, is used on an ad hoc basis, for a few days (no more than 5 to 6 days.) It is the best-known and best-selling remedy in France. It is an immediate response to a difficulty or a passing negative mood. It is also possible to use it in prevention, unlike other Bach Flowers (anticipation of a distressing situation, of a migraine – or to be taken at the first symptoms -, of an examination…). Rescue can be mixed with other essences and in this case it counts as a Flower.
Rescue Remedy can also be applied directly to the skin (insect bite), in compresses, alone or with an organic cream or in the bath of a newborn for example (5 drops of concentrate in the bath)
Using Bach Flowers
Are recommended 4 doses 4 times a day of the prepared and diluted mixture or of the single flower.
For stable results, the treatment should be continued for 3 weeks with follow-up.
They are taken orally in the mouth directly or in a drink.
It is possible to use them on an ad hoc basis (exam, new test) or as part of a personal and introspective development.
The simplicity of this therapy, its effectiveness, its natural and harmless side (no known contraindication or side effect, no risk of dependence or addiction, no risk of toxicity or overdose) make it has been used for 80 years by both adults and children in more than 75 countries around the world.
However, special attention should be paid to people with certain pathologies such as schizophrenia or epilepsy due to the presence of alcohol. It is the same for people in the process of alcohol withdrawal. There are many laboratories that have Bach Flowers without alcohol, prepared with a base of maple, glycerin or cider vinegar.
These natural quintessences can be associated with therapy but, of course, they do not replace medical advice or treatment.
Finally, it is possible that an exacerbated reaction occurs with a flower: do not panic, it is part of the practice (for example, the fact of wanting to cry for several days in a row with Star of Bethlehem, the flower of the consolation). It is about a work of cleaning, of re-balancing which is being done, the time to “peel” the emotional layers (like an onion), one layer being able to hide another. This lasts two or three days during which it is advisable to continue the treatment to re-harmonize all the emotions of the moment and to feel calm.
Does it works?
To date, there is no scientific evidence concerning Bach flowers, whether to specify their effects or to determine their mechanisms of action. (this would also require large means to achieve them).
Clinical studies have emerged: that of Professor Campanini (Milan, 1987) on anxiety, phobias and obsessive overwhelms: 87% of patients observe positive effects and that of Professor Hylan (Un. Plymouth, UK, July 2007 on anger and mood swings, with 73% positive responses after taking the remedy.
In addition, scientists are studying hypotheses aimed at better understanding energy approaches. Researchers at Princeton University argue that the effects attributed to approaches like flower essences, therapeutic touch, distance healing, prayer therapy, and even acupuncture and homeopathy could be explained by “non-local” mechanisms that would be influenced by the conscious and unconscious intentions of the subject.
These hypotheses are often more quantum physics than biology. In addition, they take into account subjective mechanisms over which science has little control, such as consciousness, the real intention to heal, emotions, etc. Thus, according to Danièle Laberge, an herbalist and herbalist who has manufactured flower essences in Quebec for more than 25 years, knowledge about the properties of essences “is the fruit of observation, experimentation and intuition [ …] Living in the world of flowers and herbs opens up avenues of exploration that cannot be recreated in the laboratory.
In addition, the work of the Japanese Masaru Emoto (12) for his theory on the effects of thought and emotions on water. and those of Jacques Benveniste, French physician immunologist on the memory of water show that molecular biology does not explain everything. Here is what Professor Montagnier (Noberl Prize for Medicine in 2008) declared on the latter’s work “Certain phenomena, such as homeopathy, remain mysterious. I am referring to certain ideas of Jacques Benveniste (the scientist who invented the “memory of water”) because I recently encountered phenomena that only his theories seem to be able to explain. I start from observations, not from beliefs. Some things still escape us, but I am convinced that we will be able to explain them in the most rigorous way. It is still necessary to be able to carry out research on this subject … If we start by denying the existence of these phenomena, nothing will happen. I am fortunate to have been able to prove myself in “great science” in particular in the identification of the AIDS virus. I feel free to explore new areas and derive original concepts from them, even if they are controversial. ”
Luc Montagnier admits to being closer to the research and theses of Doctor Benveniste. In December 2010 in an interview with the journal Science he replied: “I am told that some have successfully reproduced Benveniste’s experiments but they are afraid to publish them because of the intellectual terror on the part of those who do not understand them “
The history of flower essences
It is the story of a man convinced that it is in nature that he would find the remedy to treat his patients differently. Not satisfied with traditional medicine from which he was moving further and further away, which caused him many problems with the Order of Physicians, he devoted all his life to researching “his natural method” of care and prevention. disease.
Edward Bach was born 1886 near Birmingham, England. Deeply altruistic, idealistic, believing and mystical, it is while working, at the age of 16, in the foundry of his father that he discovers the human suffering and it is at this moment that he decides to become doctor. With his medical degree and his title of surgeon in hand, he worked in the emergency room at University College Hospital in London, performed heavy surgery in 1914 and then specialized in bacteriology in 1915. Two years later, he entered London Homeopathic Hospital and developed what he called “nosodes”, homeopathic vaccines intended to eliminate toxins and intestinal diseases. After the death of his wife in 1917, he collapsed in his laboratory and fell into a coma; his colleagues then diagnosed spleen cancer and gave him three months to live. When he comes out of the coma, despite his state of exhaustion, he decides to deploy all his energy in the days that remain to him to live in search of his natural and holistic method. He feels intellectually and spiritually close to Samuel Hahnemann (the father of homeopathy) as well as to Hippocrates and Paralcestes who understood, like him, that it was necessary to treat the patient, the inner man and not the symptom or illness because “If our spiritual and mental nature are in harmony, the disease will disappear” or “As long as the soul, body and spirit are in harmony, nothing can affect us” he used to say. At 43, he decided to change his life, left London to settle in his native village, in a small house which today bears his name, the Bach Foundation where his furniture, his office, such as he is exhibited. was, his drawings, a part of his studies.
It is while surveying the English countryside that he gradually discovers his first flowers. He studied each plant with the same thoroughness that he studied his patients: its color, its brightness, its shape, its petals, its movement, its life, its rooting. Endowed with a remarkable intuition and sensitivity, he perceived the energy, the vibration of the flower, its power (4). His passion and his determination to discover thanks to plants a natural healing response led him to devote his last ten years, during which he worked tirelessly and died in 1936, after having perfected his method composed of 38 prepared quintessences, by solarization in the case of wild flowers or by boiling as regards the tree buds, and on the 38, an elixir which is neither a flower nor a tree but a rock water (“Rock Water” ) with curative virtues, found by Dr Bach on the premises of his childhood, in the country of Gaulle. The whole forms a system of balancing of our emotional states, classified into 7 families corresponding to the main fundamental conflicts that prevent us from being fully ourselves.
- La peur
- Hypersensitivity to ideas and influences
- Loneliness
- Lack of interest in the present
- Despair and discouragement
- The uncertainty
- Excessive sensitivity to the lives of others
His method is completed by the only compound he developed during his lifetime, the remedy “Rescue remedy” composed of 5 flowers:
- Pink rock (Hélianthème) for panic fears
- Impatiens for lack of patience, annoyance, tension
- Clemats (Clematis) for concentration, rooting in the present, loss of consciousness,
- Cherry Plum Cherry Plum to stay in control
- Star of Bethlehem for emotional shocks, great grief
Later, other products will appear such as the Rescue cream which is used for skin problems, for shocks, insect bites, sprains, minor burns… and contains, in addition to the 5 initial flowers of the Rescue assistance remedy , Crab Apple which has a purifying, cleansing, soothing effect.
There is also “Rescue Night”, in spray, a more recent composition which includes, in addition to the five Flowers of the original Rescue, the quintessential “White Chestnut” for ruminations, restless thoughts that disturb sleep.
24 years after the death of Edward Bach, other researchers around the world have followed in his footsteps, in search of new “flowers” having a power to rebalance our emotions. Then appear in Europe Contemporary Flowers or Deva Flowers, discovered in 1986 by Philippe Deroide (who for a long time directed the Deva laboratory), Australian Bush flowers, Andean essences to name only the most famous.
Specialist’s opinion
“Bach’s quintessences are part of our life and depending on what we go through, what we go through, they represent a wonderful gift that nature offers us to help us through our periods of transition and transformation more harmoniously and to move on from there. ‘before. They combine with each other and act outside our will, without modifying our free will. They are real catalysts of transformation to rebalance our energy system, our emotions, our organism.
Personally, they accompany me on a daily basis, whether at home or in the office. During a Hypnosis or Sophrology consultation, it is very rare that the person in front of me does not leave with a personalized compound comprising all the Flowers in relation to the unbalanced emotions that have been evoked. It is like a magic potion, happiness in a bottle to be consumed without moderation to allow the person to be fully themselves.
Even if Dr Bach did not succeed in making his flower method a medicine recognized by his peers, many are those, among the medical and para-medical professions, who have integrated it into their practice. And I see in many people a renewed interest in alternative medicine, in particular for Bach Flowers, especially for Rescue, tested and accepted in many homes which helps to strengthen interest in Floritherapy. “
Find Marie Ortigosa, sophrologist, NLP practitioner, Bach flower on, the network of tested and validated therapists.
Find Murielle Maître, sophrologist, practitioner in Fleur de Bach, hypnosis and yoga on, the network of tested and validated alternative medicine therapists.