Flower care cockscomb
The scallop flower has another name – “celosia”. Translated from Greek, this word means “flaming”, which correctly characterizes the color and shape of the plant. Bright inflorescences of a bizarre shape resemble burning tongues of flame of different shades.
Description of the flower cockscomb
In nature, it grows in tropical regions of Asia, Africa and America. In garden culture, only one species is used – silver celosia and a considerable number of varieties bred on its basis.
The scallop flower can be grown as a potted plant
Celosia is grown in flower beds as an annual. But it can still be planted in a pot and used as a houseplant.
- a powerful herbaceous plant with a height of 30 to 75 cm;
- large oval leaves with a sharp tip, light green or burgundy;
- thick ribbed stems green or red;
- small flowers, collected in inflorescences in the form of a cockscomb or a complex spikelet;
- small seeds in the form of black peas with a diameter of less than 1 mm.
Long bloom: from June to frost.
Celosi varieties are very diverse. Almost all of them have brightly colored leaves and inflorescences that enliven and decorate the garden.
The plant prefers sunny places protected from strong winds. In the shade, celosia does not bloom so brightly and magnificently. The flower is not picky about soils and can grow even on scarce soils. But in this case, the plant will be less strong and vigorous. Therefore, it is better to grow celosia on fertile and loose soil, then it will grow luxurious and tall with large peduncles. It must be borne in mind that strong tall plant varieties can severely deplete the soil.
The plant does not require feeding, and has a negative attitude towards fresh organic matter. You need to water the celosia occasionally, on especially hot days.
The flower propagates by seeds, which can be planted directly in open ground or in a greenhouse for seedlings. In the first case, sowing should be carried out at the end of May, when the soil warms up well, in the second – in March-April. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings dive. Celosia transplants tolerates quite well. The grown seedlings are planted in open ground at a distance of 25 cm from each other. During the rooting period, the seedlings need to be well watered.
The plant is used for mixed flower beds, rockeries or rocky hills. Low-growing varieties are a good choice for landscaping balconies.