Flower bed with roses: options and ideas for arrangement

The unconditional decoration of any suburban area is a flower bed with roses. It can bloom from May to October, you just need to organize everything correctly, pick up not only roses, but their neighbors, which in the composition will beautifully shade and emphasize the queen of flowers. Some prefer to plant perennial lilies and peonies next to roses, others believe that annual plants prolong the flowering of flower beds. Creating a flower bed with your own hands is a creative process, all its decisions are correct.

Site Selection

Roses are certainly grown in every dacha. There are many types and varieties that you want to experiment with when creating flower beds. Often a flower bed with roses is organized so that they are adjacent to other flowers, this allows not only to emphasize their beauty, but also makes the flower bed bloom permanently. In addition, plants of different growth cover stems or bare ground, forming a single composition. Usually such flower beds are located near the house in order to be able to admire them often. It must be remembered that it is impossible to plant flowers very close, so as not to complicate their care, there should be at least 40 cm between the house and the flower bed.

Flower bed with roses: options and ideas for arrangement

Almost all roses love sunlight, if you place such a flower bed in an open place, you can admire it from all sides. These beautiful flowers look very beautiful on a green background, so they are often framed with trimmed boxwood fences or simply placed on lawns. Facades on the south side are decorated with hybrid tea varieties.

When choosing a place for a flower bed, you need to remember that they like an open sunny place without drafts and fertile loamy soil with good drainage. The soil may be neutral or slightly acidic. There are some varieties that cannot roast in the sun all day, they prefer light partial shade, but there are few of them.

Video “Algorithm for self-creation of a flower garden”

Demonstrative video with a selection of photographs and an algorithm for creating a flower garden.


Color Solutions

A flower bed with roses can be made in one color, it looks very impressive. But when they do it in the country with their own hands, most often they stop at a multi-colored version. Do not place flowers of similar shades next to each other. In order for everyone to benefit from the neighborhood, it is better to choose different, but matching colors, you can contrast them, then they will emphasize each other. The number of plants that can be planted in a flower bed depends on its size, but you should not plant roses one at a time, it always looks like a random planting. It is necessary to plant 3 – 4 copies of the same color, and even other plants that emphasize the color of the central character, often these are non-flowering herbs or semi-shrubs.

Beautiful representatives of different varieties of roses are not perceived at all alone, but it will be even worse if they are placed against the background of black earth. There must be a distance of 30 cm to 1,5 m between different seedlings, and these gaps must be filled with other plants when organizing a flower bed. These can be flowering perennials that bloom before or between rose blooms. Some experts offer peonies and lilies. Hosta and juniper should emphasize the color scheme of the flower bed. Annuals are planted on the remaining empty spaces between perennial flowers, which are designed to completely hide the ground and stems, and with their flowering to extend the beauty of the flower bed until late autumn. Single plantings of roses of the same color look great on the greenery of the lawn, and standard roses or weaving on some kind of support can be the highlight of the entire site.

Flower bed with roses: options and ideas for arrangement

Variety of flower beds

The place and area often dictate their requirements for the form, even the content of the flower bed, especially if it is done in the country with your own hands. Coming up with a flower bed (and this is a kind of flower garden that has a certain shape, the logic of arranging flowers), you need to draw up a diagram, and then implement it on the site. It is not necessary to implement existing projects, everyone comes up with their own solution, but familiarity with the basic concepts and forms will show what to strive for and what to build on. So for mixed flower beds, neighbors are important – plants that, with their beauty, should only emphasize, and not overshadow the rose, or replace it with themselves for a short period between flowering. Veronica and sage can be a wonderful background, lilies will mask the earth, lavender, phlox, delphinium, peonies will set off and emphasize the beauty of prima. Designers say that peonies and roses should not match in color.

Along the edge of the lawn

Roses of any color look great against a background of greenery. Therefore, planting them along the paths along the edge of the lawn is a win-win option. Here you can plant roses of various heights, from undersized ones that will become ground cover, to the highest ones that need to be placed at regular intervals. Such a luxurious border will wind like a long snake through the entire area, and standard or weeping roses can give a certain accent.

Flower bed with roses: options and ideas for arrangement

structural rose garden

A structural rose garden is a tiny world where there can be not only paths, but benches, a pond, a terrace, a wall or a fountain. Flowers here are designed to create a mood, to emphasize some landscape finds. A small area and the opportunity to get close to each plant, each rose is made a soloist. Creating such a rose garden in the country with your own hands, you can place nearby areas paved with stone or pebbles. Shrub roses are used to create the Moorish style, and hybrid tea roses for the Chinese style.

Flowerbed on the slope

On the southern slope, you can organize a beautiful rose garden if you plant it with undersized plants. Ground cover and climbing roses are wonderfully distributed along the slope, it’s good if there are stones there, if not, you can make small props with your own hands. In the south, such a slope is populated with roses alone, in other areas it is worth adding other plants. Ivy, alpine phlox, lilies, mosses and violets can complement a beautiful flower garden. Roses should not be planted on the northern slope.

Flower bed with roses: options and ideas for arrangement


You need to start creating a rabatka by drawing a diagram. Here it is very important to correctly distribute the plants in height: the tallest plants should be placed in the center, and the lower ones should be placed towards the edge. Other flowers and herbs are often planted among roses. It can be: cereals, delphinium, undersized iris, sage – for the background; and peonies, lilies, clematis, silver wormwood – for the company. Roses with thorns should grow no closer than 50 cm from the path. Plants need to be selected so that their flowering replaces each other and creates the impression of a permanent one.

pink lawn

If there is a lot of empty space, you can place a luxurious rose garden on it. A pink lawn will decorate the place, moisten the air, and prevent weeds from growing in the wasteland. It does not require special care, but it will bring a lot of joy. Ground cover and climbing roses can be combined with other plants (cereals, peonies, lilies, hostas) for greater effect. Climbing roses can be fixed to the ground with wire or special supports made for them. You can experiment not only with colors, but with the help of climbing roses create accents at height, fixing them on wire or wooden bases.

Flower bed with roses: options and ideas for arrangement


When creating a hedge, you need to plant bushes in a checkerboard pattern: at a distance of 0,5 m, place a tall floribunda, grandiflora or even wild rose, and between them – undersized roses or other plants. Roses in vertical gardening create simply fantastic pictures, a hedge up to 1,5 m high from thorny bushes can become not only decoration, but also protection. Summer flowering deciduous roses are best planted in autumn, and evergreen roses in spring. For them, they dig a trench 60 cm deep, fill it with fertile soil, lightly tamp it down after planting, and water it.

But you need to remember that not every place is suitable for roses, you need sunny and calm, in the shade such a hedge will not turn out beautiful. After lush flowering, there are many petals on the floor, and in autumn there are also leaves that need to be removed. If you plant only deciduous roses, then after the flowering period, such a hedge will lose all its charm. Now, if evergreen roses grow in your latitudes, that’s great. Otherwise, you need to plant plants that will bloom until late autumn, and then leave bright decorative fruits.

Flower bed with roses: options and ideas for arrangement

Video “How to create a rose garden yourself”

Informative video with recommendations for self-creation of a flower garden.

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