The lunar calendar for October 2022 for flowers is not the only guide for the florist. But the recommendations of a chart based on the lunar phases should be taken into account.

Lunar calendar for flower growers for October 2022

The Moon is Earth’s closest celestial neighbor and therefore interacts with many processes on the planet’s surface. The night luminary controls not only tidal processes in the seas, many centuries ago people noticed that the life cycles of plants are directly related to the lunar phases.

That is why it is recommended to plant and grow flowers in October 2022, taking into account the lunar calendar. Although this schedule remains secondary for flower growers, its advice should be remembered.

Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

The influence of the moon extends not only to the tides, but also to biological cycles

Moon phases

To understand the essence of the lunar calendar, it is not necessary to remember exactly the optimal dates for landing and transplanting. You can focus on the phases of the moon themselves:

Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care


Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

Roots and stems grow best in the waxing and waning phase of the moon, respectively.

Auspicious and unfavorable days

The following table will help you navigate the work schedule in October 2022:

Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care


Florist calendar for October 2022 for work in the flower garden

The lunar calendar can give more detailed recommendations for October 2022 regarding gardening. Days suitable for planting and transplanting may not be suitable for care, and vice versa.

Flower transplant in October according to the lunar calendar

Perennials, which remain in one place for several years in a row, have time to deplete the soil. Therefore, they are advised to be transplanted regularly, this should be done outside the flowering period, in spring or autumn. Autumn planting is practiced more often – perennials quickly take root in a new place and, with the onset of spring, start active growth.

It is best to transplant perennials in the garden in October 2022:

  • in the phase of the growing moon
  • in the phase of the waning light.
Important! Flower growers should not transplant tubers to a new place on October 20. On this day, the lunar calendar shows the full moon, and, therefore, it is better to give plant roots and stems complete rest.
Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

In the second month of autumn, many days are suitable for planting work.

Planting flowers in October according to the lunar calendar

In general, the timing of planting new perennials in the garden coincides with the timing of transplanting plants. In both cases, in the fall of 2022, the flowers should take root in the soil as quickly as possible in order to endure the winter well.

However, the lunar calendar gives separate recommendations for flowers growing from seeds and bulbs:

  1. It is best to plant bulbous perennials in the first half of the month.
  2. Seeds can be sown in the soil throughout the month. In 2022, it is better to do this before the new moon, and during the waning moon – from the 17th until the end of the month, excluding the days of the new moon.

The lunar calendar advises to take into account the phases of the night star, but focus primarily on the weather. Seeds and bulbs are never laid in frozen ground; if a cold autumn is planned, it is better to plant planting work early.

October florist calendar for caring for garden flowers

Planting and transplanting are not the only jobs for the grower in October 2022. Perennials in the garden must be prepared for the cold – clean the flower beds and create all the conditions for a full winter.

The lunar calendar 2022 advises to distribute work in this way:

  • Most perennials require pruning before winter. It is better to spend it on the waning moon at the end of the month, when the vital juices rush to the roots. But on the new moon, the flower beds should not be touched.
  • In October 2022, the flower beds in the garden should be properly watered in order to create a supply of moisture in the soil, this will protect the roots from freezing. Simultaneously with watering, it is recommended to apply top dressing, the grower needs to add complex minerals without nitrogen to the soil.
  • The most important stage of preparation for winter is shelter for the winter. It is necessary to carry it out for flowers, depending on winter hardiness. Frost-sensitive species are covered by flower growers according to the lunar calendar 2022 at the beginning of the month. For winter-hardy varieties and species, covering work can be transferred to the waning moon at the end of the month.
Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

It is also necessary to loosen, water and fertilize flower beds according to an astronomical schedule.

Advice! 1-3, 5, 7, 11-13, 15, 19, 20, 24, and 28-30 you can loosen the soil. These procedures will provide good air permeability to the soil and improve moisture saturation during irrigation.

What perennials can be propagated in October

Not only perennial plants are suitable for autumn planting and transplanting. The following varieties respond best to reproduction in the fall:

  • badan, honeydew and brunnera;
  • aquilegia and astilba;
  • primroses and herbaceous peonies;
  • roses, chrysanthemums and asters;
  • irises, delphinium and lilies;
  • daylilies and phloxes.

In the autumn period of 2022, flower growers can plant daffodils, tulips and hyacinths. However, they must be propagated if the temperature has not already dropped too low. September and early October remain the optimal time for breeding flowering perennials, so the grower should work as early as possible.

Florist calendar for October 2022: indoor plants and flowers

Plants that remain constantly in room heat are affected by lunar changes in the same way as perennials in the garden. It is necessary to replant them and carry out other work in 2022, taking into account the recommendations for October.

Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

At home, there is also work for a florist in the fall

Calendar for transplanting indoor flowers for October 2022

The lunar disk calendar 2022 gives some pretty detailed advice on how to take care of houseplants:

  1. In the early days, transplantation to the growing moon goes very well. After the full moon, you can also transplant.
Important! On the 1st, 2nd and 4th-8th, if desired, indoor flowers can be transplanted. But you need to do this by the method of transshipment, it is the least traumatic.

Lunar calendar for planting flowers for October 2022

For a new rooting in the ground, the same days are suitable as for transferring flowers to another pot. Florists need to take into account that for both manipulations it is important to choose the days when the plants take root in the ground as quickly as possible.

A good survival rate is provided by both the growing and the waning night luminary in 2022.

Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

You can root the sprouts on the same days that are suitable for transplanting work.

What plants can be propagated in October

October does not always become a warm enough month, and in 2022 it is quite possible to expect early cold weather from it. However, caring for indoor plants is different from caring for perennials in the garden. Flowers in the warmth of the home will not suffer from frost, which means that most of them are allowed to propagate in the fall.

Geranium, tradescantia, dichorisandra, oplismenus, setcreasia and syngonium react especially well to autumn reproduction.

Before starting work, flower growers should study the characteristics of the selected plant and make sure that reproduction in October will not harm it.

Tips for caring for indoor plants and flowers in October

The florist can provide competent care for the plants on the windowsill in 2022, having previously familiarized themselves with the features of each of them. You need to take into account the timing of the start of the dormant period – in some colors, life cycles slow down earlier than others:

  1. Gerbera, geranium, fragrant callisia, fat woman and others retire in October. From now on, watering is reduced to a minimum, and fertilizing with minerals is carried out no more than once a month or fertilizers are completely postponed until spring.
  2. Some indoor flowers do not have a clearly defined life cycle and are able to continue flowering and active growth under favorable conditions. For example, if you water and feed evenly indoor maple abutilon and drip whiteperone, then their condition will not worsen at all.
  3. Certain types of indoor flowers in October 2022 are just getting ready to bloom and start active growth. According to the lunar calendar, it is imperative to provide fertilizing and watering for azaleas, Decembrists, clivias and ginuras.
Florists lunar calendar for October 2022: transplant, planting, care

Autumn flower care is determined not only by astronomical cycles, but also by plant species.

Attention! From 1 to 3, 5, 7, 9, 11-14, 15, 19, 20, 24, and 28-30, it is recommended to treat indoor flowers from harmful insects and at the same time clean the window sill.

What days should you refrain from work

The lunar calendar offers flower growers a fairly wide choice of days for basic work. Time for rest can be chosen at will during the month.


The lunar calendar for October 2022 for flowers helps bring gardening and homework in line with nature’s rhythms. At the same time, the indications of the lunar calendar should not contradict real weather conditions, otherwise following the schedule may turn to harm.

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