The flower grower’s lunar calendar for August 2022 is an indispensable tool for creating a beautiful flower garden, since each phase of the moon positively or negatively affects the growth and development of a flower culture. To achieve the expected result and decorate your backyard with bright colors, you need to carefully study the favorable and negative days for care and planting.

Lunar calendar for august 2022

Embellishing a personal plot is possible only if you follow the recommendations of the grower’s calendar. Since each stage of the moon positively and negatively affects the growth and development of flowers:

  1. On the growing moon, the juice rises and nourishes the stem, leaves and buds. Therefore, at this time, growth and development occur much faster.
  2. On the waning moon, all nutrients are redirected to the rhizome.

Therefore, flower seeds are recommended to be sown in the increasing phase, and bulbs, tubers and rhizomes in the decreasing phase. Also, the full moon is considered the most favorable day for planting flowering crops.

Important! On the new moon, on a solar and lunar eclipse, nature freezes, so they do not plant flowers and care for them.

Florists lunar calendar for August 2022: indoor and garden flowers, flower beds, flower beds

Moon phases in august 2022

In order for the flower garden to please the eye and be the envy of the neighbors, it is necessary to perform work according to the lunar calendar for flower growers.

Florists lunar calendar for August 2022: indoor and garden flowers, flower beds, flower beds

Moon phases and ongoing events:

  1. August 27 – on the new moon, summer residents plan and prepare a place for a flower garden.
  2. From 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 – the growing moon. These days the seeds are sown.
  3. August 12 is the full moon, a favorable time for planting flowers.
  4. From 13 to 26 – during the outgoing moon, bulbous crops are planted, perennials are transplanted, and sanitary pruning of plants is carried out.

Favorable and unfavorable days: table

Cyclic lunar phases leave their mark on the growth and development of flower crops. And so that the work done is not in vain, it is necessary to refer to the lunar calendar for flower growers. Favorable time for planting flowers is indicated in the table.

Florists lunar calendar for August 2022: indoor and garden flowers, flower beds, flower beds

Important! All other days are not suitable for working in the flower garden.

Florist calendar for August: work in the flower garden

In August, the days are still warm, and the nights become long and cool. In order for the next year the flower garden to please with its beauty, it is necessary to perform timely work on the grower’s lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar for the care of garden flowers in August

At the end of summer, summer residents have a lot of worries. Harvesting, planting seeds and preparing perennials for the coming winter.

Works in the flower garden:

  1. Since seeds begin to ripen in many flowering varieties in August, they must be collected in a timely manner, packaged in bags and put away for storage.
  2. At this time, you can divide and transplant perennials.
  3. Top dressing of gladioli and dahlias with phosphorus and potassium.
  4. In the last days of August, old peony bushes are divided and transplanted. For abundant flowering, the place should be well lit and located in an open area, and each division should have at least 2 flower buds.
  5. Throughout August, you can engage in the propagation of shrubs with green or lignified shoots and branches.
  6. At the end of the month, root shoots are cut out from grafted plants, as it takes a lot of strength from shrubs.
  7. To prolong flowering, you need to regularly remove dried inflorescences and fertilize with phosphorus and potassium.
  8. 4-5-year-old lilies after flowering are transplanted to a new place.
  9. At the end of summer, seedlings of biennials and perennials are planted.
  10. Since flower buds are laid in many species in autumn, it is necessary not to forget to make timely watering and loosening.
  11. In the last days of August, ornamental shrubs and perennial flowers are prepared for the upcoming cold weather.

Florists lunar calendar for August 2022: indoor and garden flowers, flower beds, flower beds

In the last month of summer, seeds of perennials and biennials are sown:

  • in the first half of the month – pansies, lupins, daisies;
  • in the 15th – echinacea, spur, delphinium;
  • at the end of the month – rosehip seeds to grow a rootstock for propagating roses.

From bulbous crops, in August you can plant hyacinths, iridodictium, lilies, muscari, daffodils, pushkinia, hazel grouses.

Important! In order for flower crops planted at the end of summer to show themselves in all their glory, it is necessary to strictly follow the lunar calendar.
What to do in the flower garden in August

When can perennials be propagated in August

Perennials can be successfully propagated by cuttings in the phase of the young moon. Since during this period the leaf plate and the stem absorb life-giving moisture. As a result, it will be easier for the flower culture to recover from wounds, and it will be easier for the cuttings to grow the root system. When propagating perennial crops, it is necessary to adhere to the lunar calendar.

Important! 3, 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 30, 31 – breeding is not carried out on these numbers. Since the work done will not give the expected result.

Florist’s lunar calendar for August 2022: tips for caring for indoor flowers

Home flowers, just like garden flowers, grow and develop depending on the phase of the moon. Therefore, care, transplantation and reproduction should be done only on favorable days.

Caring for indoor flowers in August

Despite the fact that August is the last month of summer, many indoor flowers continue to grow and bloom. Therefore, at this time they need proper care: regular irrigation and top dressing. If indoor flowers are grown on a loggia, the frequency of watering is reduced on cloudy days. Since the weather is changeable at the end of summer, more tender specimens are best moved indoors.

Florists lunar calendar for August 2022: indoor and garden flowers, flower beds, flower beds

Top dressing is necessary for long flowering. Feeding is carried out every 10 days with complex mineral fertilizers.

Caring for indoor plants at the end of summer according to the lunar calendar:

  1. Cyclamen – at this time, the flower leaves the dormant period, begins to grow and develop. For the rapid appearance of flower stalks, the plant is transplanted into nutrient soil and exposed to a well-lit place.
  2. Callas – yellowing of the leaves indicates the onset of a dormant period. Watering at this time is reduced, and after the death of the leaf plate, it is completely stopped. For the winter, the pot is cleaned in a dark, cool place until the flower arrow appears.
  3. Cacti should receive sufficient sunlight. But in August, watering is reduced, and fertilizers are not applied. If the plants are located on the balcony, it is necessary to control that raindrops do not fall on it.
  4. Azalea – watering is reduced, faded shoots are shortened by ½ length. After leaf fall, the plant is moved to a cool place.

Ficuses, hibiscus and dieffenbachia at this time will not refuse to transplant into a more spacious pot. The rest of the plants will only need to update the soil. To do this, remove a few centimeters of the old layer and add a new, nutritious substrate.

Also, indoor flowers are brought into an aesthetic appearance by pinching, removing dry and damaged shoots. These procedures will favorably affect the plants, and they, having grown stronger, will be able to safely winter.

Important! In August, foliar top dressing for spring and summer flowering plants is stopped. Top dressing is applied only for winter-flowering crops.

When you can plant, transplant, propagate indoor flowers in August

The moon goes through several phases, each of which in a certain way affects the growth and development of plants.

Lunar calendar for August for the care of indoor flowers:

  1. August 27 – the new moon is an unfavorable time for working with indoor flowers. On this day, prepare the soil and nutrient substrate for transplantation.
  2. From 1 to 11 – a young moon. These days, transplantation and preventive measures against insect pests and diseases are carried out.
  3. August 12 – only preparatory work is done on the full moon, transplantation is not carried out on this day.
  4. From 13 to 26 – during the period of the outgoing moon, they prevent diseases, remove excess shoots and carry out sanitary pruning. These days you can transplant bulbous and tuberous plants.
  5. August 30 – new moon. On this day, it is not recommended to work with indoor crops.
  6. August 28-31 – a young moon, this is a prosperous day for the destruction of fungi and pests, for foliar feeding and preparing flower crops for a dormant period.


The grower’s lunar calendar for August 2022 will help preserve the beauty of home and garden plants, as well as prepare them for wintering. If the grower follows the rules of care on favorable days, then the flowers will delight with healthy foliage, beautiful flowering, rapid growth and development.

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