Floor covering in the garage: types, characteristics, installation methods

Having made a concrete floor in the garage, after a while you realize that the option, although not bad, is not ideal. Firstly, during cleaning it is dusty, the dust is fine, clogged into the smallest cracks, lays down with a thin light gray coating. Secondly, the trapped liquids are absorbed, and there is no way to remove them. If the stain is oily, dirt constantly sticks to it. After a while, the floor seems to be dirty all the time. So the idea comes to make the floor covering in the garage so that it does not “dust”, it washes well, but at the same time it is non-slip and durable.

Every car owner dreams of having a smooth, durable, dust-free floor in the garage.

Impregnations (primers, primers)

If you don’t know how to cover the concrete floor in the garage so that it doesn’t get dusty, doesn’t get very dirty, and spend a little time at the same time, pay attention to impregnations for concrete (they also call a primer for concrete). These are multicomponent compositions based on polymers. They are organic and inorganic. Since these are impregnations, they do not form any film on the surface, and therefore they cannot peel off and lag behind. Their components penetrate concrete, bind molecules with polymer chains. As a result, the strength of the surface becomes 2-3 times stronger, resistance to aggressive environments (acidic and alkaline), temperature extremes increases, it tolerates frost better, and the formation of dust is also excluded.

In general, there are three types of primers for concrete:

  • Polyurethane. Their main purpose is waterproofing, they are also used to make a repair mortar: the primer is mixed with sand and cracks and chips are sealed with this mixture.
  • Water dispersion. They do a good job of dedusting and slightly strengthen the surface of the concrete. Their cost is average.
  • Epoxy. For the most part, they are two-component, prepared before application, the main purpose is waterproofing.
    After two layers of impregnation for concrete, the floor does not dust at all

If, after primer treatment, you will not paint the floor or fill it with any other topcoat, then water-dispersion primers are best suited for dedusting floors in the garage. Under paint or other coatings, primers are taken of the same type: under polyurethane paint for concrete of the same composition, preparation is taken, etc.

Polyurethane (polymer) impregnation for concrete

This garage cover is good for everyone, except for the price – 1 liter costs about $ 5. You can find packing of 3 kg and 20 kg. Impregnation consumption when applying the first layer 0,25-0,5 kg/m2, for the second – 0,15-0,2 kg / m2.

When processing, do not dilute, smear generously, at least twice. Polyurethane impregnation for concrete binds particles without forming a film. Such a concrete floor stops dusting, it will absorb less liquid. The same compositions strengthen the crumbling concrete surface. If the process has already gone far, they will not help, but if only traces of abrasion are visible, impregnation will help delay the process.

Application of polyurethane impregnation

Polymer impregnations are applied only on dry surfaces. The moisture content of the concrete must be no more than 5% (at least 28 days must pass from the moment of pouring). The composition is poured onto the floor in portions, distributing with a roller or a special mop over the entire surface. Some companies can add color, so that at the same time you can get a colored floor in the garage. This treatment can be used as a preparation for the subsequent application of paint or polymer flooring.

Application features: temperature should be from 0°C to 17°C, air humidity should not be lower than 70%. If the humidity is lower, it must be moistened artificially – with electric humidifiers or by hanging wet rags in the garage, constantly making sure that they do not dry out. Only under such conditions will polymerization be good.

Epoxy primers

This type of impregnation consists of two components that are mixed immediately before use. It is possible to work with them at temperatures above +5°C, there are no other requirements. The cost is higher than that of polymer ones – $ 7 per kg, the consumption is almost the same.

Epoxy impregnation for dedusting the floor in the garage

Paints for concrete

On top of the soil, special paints for concrete can be applied. They last a long time – with what compounds they paint floors in service stations, garages, etc. These are far from ordinary paints, but multicomponent polymer-based compositions to which coloring pigments are added. You need to choose depending on the tasks that the floor covering in the garage should perform:

  • PVC-based concrete paints are suitable for dust removal.
  • Polyurethane paint is suitable for protection against acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances.
  • Increasing strength, resistance to abrasion – two-component epoxy paints.

Speaking specifically about garages, then epoxy compounds are probably more suitable. They create a strong film that adheres very well to the concrete base. Such paint does not swell and does not fly around. Over time, it can rub a little, and then in places of a very heavy load. It can be used in service stations, basements and garages.

Paint for concrete simultaneously removes dust, gives an attractive appearance, reduces moisture absorption

Epoxy paint for concrete is applied to the prepared concrete base. The floor must be dry (at least 30 days must pass from the moment of pouring). If the screed has been poured recently, cement laitance is removed from the surface with a hard (steel) brush. If the floor is old, there are chips and cracks, repair them, remove greasy stains. Remove debris after processing.

Before applying the paint, the floor is washed with PVA diluted with water. The second option is a weak aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid (1:9). After a day, the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush. after that, the concrete floor is ready for applying epoxy paint.

The base and hardener are brought into a warm room per day. The temperature must be above 18°C. Mix each of the components separately, in its own container. Then, a hardener is added to the container with the base according to the norm and the composition is mixed. If necessary, you can use the solvent specified in the instructions. The viability of such paint is small (time to hardening), so you need to work quickly.

Rubber paint

This type of paint has improved waterproofing characteristics, good hiding power, high wear resistance, it is easy to clean, even with detergents, alkali resistant. Can be used at temperatures from -50°C to +60°C. When painted, it creates a coating that is very similar to rubber, with almost the same properties. There are also disadvantages – the surface is too smooth, and in winter it can be slippery. The second unpleasant moment, when the car drives into the garage and slips a little, the wheels can tear off pieces of paint. The solution is to lay rubber bands under the wheels. the most popular option is from the conveyor. They do not wear out for years, and with rubber paint they will coexist perfectly.

Rubber paint can be used as a garage floor covering

Surface preparation consists in removing old peeling coatings, chalk, dust, grease stains. If the floor has a glossy finish, sand it to a dull finish. The last step is to wash the floor with a solution of soda, then rinse with water and dry.

It is necessary to apply paint in 2-3 layers. Before use, stir, dilute is not recommended, but in extreme cases, you can use the solvent specified in the instructions. Stir the paint regularly while working.

Rubber flooring in the garage

Rubber flooring is comfortable and practical. Its minus is a solid price – from $ 18 per square meter, if we talk about rubber modular coating.

Today rubber coating is produced in three versions:

  • modular plates of different sizes;
  • rolled rubber coating;
  • rubber crumb with a polymer binder.

Roll and modular coating differ in the type of laying and the form of release. The rest of the characteristics are similar. The method of installation practically does not differ, only in one case the coating is assembled from fragments, most often of a square shape, with edges designed in the form of locks of various configurations. The roll coating is rolled out on the floor. Both types are glued with polyurethane adhesive. Standard concrete preparation: repair of chips and dents, removal of dust and dirt, primer (polymer impregnation).

Laying a rubber modular floor – connecting dovetail locks

When choosing a modular or rolled rubber coating, pay attention to the thickness of the rubber. It can be from 4 mm to 50 mm. A very thick floor covering in the garage is not suitable for him, but too thin can be damaged by the wheels. The optimal thickness is 10-15 mm. It is not very expensive for the price, and the characteristics are more than enough.

Rubber crumb or they also say rubber asphalt is a two-component coating. The crumb itself comes in bags and is black in color. To give it any other color, there are dyes. They are added to dry crumbs and mixed until it is completely colored. Then a binder is added. Usually it is a polyurethane adhesive. The mass is stirred until smooth. But the process must occur quickly – the hardening time is very short. The crumb with polyurethane is laid out on the prepared base (levelled, primed, covered with a layer of polyurethane glue), leveled and pressed down with a roller.

PVC tiles

This type of flooring has recently appeared, it is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with various additives. There are both options for the home (PVC laminate), and for technical and industrial premises. If we talk about properties, then the PVC tile flooring in the garage absorbs sounds, makes the floor warmer, is not afraid of the effects of gasolines, solvents, acids, fats, alkalis, is completely waterproof, durable. The price is comparable to the cost of commercial linoleum.

According to the laying method, there are two types of PVC tiles – a modular coating that is simply connected with locks and is not attached to the base, and a coating that is glued to polymer glue. Under laying, a flat base with differences of no more than 5 mm / m is required2. This is perhaps the only drawback of this material: such a flat floor in the garage is the exception rather than the rule.

PVC tiles are used in commercial garages and workshops where the load is much higher

Tiled garage floor

Understandable, but not the best choice. Firstly, debris constantly accumulates in the seams. Secondly, the coating is slippery, unless you take a special tile with an anti-slip surface, but it is expensive. Thirdly, from the fall of heavy objects, the tile breaks. Nevertheless, the floor is made of tiles in the garage, because there are also pluses: it is easy to clean, a well-known laying technology.

If we talk about the choice of tiles, then the best option would be technical porcelain stoneware. It is not as beautiful as decorative, but also more affordable in price. Its unpolished surface does not slip, laying according to the usual technology for tiles. You can only try to make fewer seams so that there are fewer problems with them.

Technical porcelain stoneware can be used for garage flooring

There is a very inexpensive option for finishing the floor in the garage with tiles – buy a battle and make a “mosaic”. True, such artistic work will take more time, but the tile battle is sold for almost nothing.

Self-leveling floors

Self-leveling floors have very good technical characteristics and appearance. They are very resistant to external influences, strong and durable. Their minus is a very rather big price. Especially for polymer and epoxy. The third type – concrete self-leveling floors – already has a more affordable price. Usually it is used to make a durable and dust-free floor covering for the garage.

They got their name due to the fact that they have a liquid consistency and spread over the base. These compounds are also called self-leveling, because due to their high fluidity they are distributed over the surface. But do not think that they do not need to be leveled at all. After pouring the composition in one place, it must be “dispersed” over the surface with a spatula or some similar tool, more or less evenly distributing it. The solution will finally level itself, but the degree of fluidity is different for different compositions, but manual distribution will never hurt (usually expensive brands spread better).

This type of garage flooring requires a level, primed base. The primer is selected on the same basis as self-leveling floors. Since the finishing composition is not cheap, they try to level the base as best as possible – in order to reduce the consumption of the self-leveling floor.

Choosing a garage floor is not easy – there are many materials that meet the requirements. The only thing that can stop you is a limited budget and the need to have an even foundation (which also requires considerable expenses). From this point of view, the most democratic option is impregnations and paints for concrete.

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