Floating – a state of weightlessness

An unusual procedure for deep relaxation of the mind and body has finally reached our country. Its effect can be tested for yourself in one of the Moscow centers.

“To lie on the surface of the water” is the translation of the English verb float, which gave the name to floating. The procedure looks like this: a person lies down in water, oily from a high concentration of magnesium salts. Thanks to this, it can stay on the surface without any effort. The first apparatus for floating in 1972 was invented by a psychoanalyst, neuroscientist John Lilly, who studied the state of the brain under conditions of limited external influences. Therefore, the procedure takes place in complete silence and darkness, and the temperature of the water in the saline mini-pool corresponds to body temperature. Such an environment promotes deep relaxation, introduces you into a meditative state, and also significantly reduces the load on the spine and joints, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, stimulates the production of endorphins, joy hormones, which not only improve mood, but also relieve pain.

Float center Embryo

Psychologist Nail Gareev, a student of the transactional psychoanalyst Vadim Petrovsky, was perhaps the first to bring float cameras to Russia. These are exact copies of “Samadhi” created by John Lilly. In size, it is close to the width and length of a double bed, only closed on all sides. In the near future, a research project will start on the basis of the float center, within which a team of specialists plans to study the psychological and psychophysical changes that occur to a person during floating. You can fill out the participant questionnaire on the website.

Price for an hour session for one person: 2000 rubles.

Moscow, st. Zoological, 4, v. (495) 783 6996, embryo-float.ru

Telo’s Beauty Aesthetics and Rejuvenation Clinic

The establishment opposite the Donskoy Monastery was one of the first metropolitan places where floating appeared. Sessions take place in large indoor baths, where you can stand up if you wish, and can last from an hour to two. The procedure takes place without light, but with musical accompaniment, which automatically turns off 15 minutes after the start of the session.

Price for an hour session for one person: 2600 rubles.

Moscow, st. Donskaya, 32, t. (495) 544 4040, telosbeauty.ru

Float Studio Medical Wellness Center

Floating sessions do not take place in closed capsules, but in miniature pools, which makes the procedure comfortable even for those who suffer from claustrophobia. Once in the pool, you adjust the brightness of the light and the volume of the sound yourself, creating the most pleasant environment for yourself. Moreover, if you are bored alone, you can float here together. The staff of the center strongly recommends to do an unusual author’s massage “Tsa-Kha-Ki” (“white road of life” from Kalmyk) before diving in order to prepare the mind and body for deep relaxation.

Price for an hour session for one person: 2500 rubles.

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 7, building 1, t. (495) 974 1555, floatstudio.ru

Studio “Floating 24”

Sessions are held in spacious float pools and are suitable for both one and two people at the same time. An important advantage of the studio is the round-the-clock work schedule. So you can come to floating both at midnight and early in the morning on any day of the week.

Price for an hour session for one person: 2000 rubles.

Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Kutuzovskaya, 9, t. (929) 500 6238, floatmoscow.ru

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