
Is it really hard for men to recognize when they are being flirted with? It is no more difficult than for women, say psychologists from the University of Texas and Pennsylvania (USA)*.

Where did the stereotype of male ingenuity come from? Psychologists have come to the conclusion that women themselves are not always aware of their intentions (or are not ready to admit them). Study participants rated other women’s dating behavior as «sexual» almost as often as male participants. But when they were asked to imagine themselves in the place of these women, the assessments changed — the participants were less likely to admit that such behavior on their part would have a sexual connotation. According to the authors of the study, this is due to the fact that women are unconsciously afraid of social condemnation, even if there is no reason for this, or they do not trust their (potential) partner enough. In turn, men should remember that flirting in itself — even a very obvious one — is more of an invitation to dialogue, and not a firm yes.

*Psychological Science, online publication November 20, 2014.

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