Flex workouts (Flex)

Flex (flex) – a workout consisting of simple exercises aimed at developing flexibility. It combines elements of Pilates, yoga and stretching.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Initially, this technique appeared as a complex of physiotherapy exercises for the rehabilitation of athletes. Now it is also often used to restore body mobility and flexibility. In addition, flex training has become popular among group and individual trainers, they take place in gyms along with yoga and stretching.

Trainers divide flex into two levels: beginner and advanced. It is better to start training with basic exercises. For their implementation, special equipment is not required: you need comfortable sportswear and a yoga mat if classes are held on a hard surface. Also Read: Balance Workouts

Top reasons to start flex training

  • A complex approach – Flex training exercises are aimed at developing the flexibility of the whole body. The complex is selected in such a way as to act on various muscle groups.
  • Posture and coordination – Flex workouts are designed not only to strengthen the body, but also to lose weight. By systematically performing a simple set of exercises, you can regain a beautiful posture, make movements graceful, giving them the effect of lightness.
  • Health promotion – Flex training will strengthen the body’s immune system, as well as help normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  • stress relief – Another useful quality of flex training is the rapid release of tension after power loads. Stretching the muscles helps to relax them, and reduced intensity helps restore breathing and heart rate. Moreover, flex relieves emotional stress. Yoga elements, a slow pace of training and even breathing provide the effect of meditation and complete relaxation.
  • Efficiency – Flex – a program of low intensity. It is highly effective, despite the lightness and simplicity. These exercises are great for beginners. Training does not require physical training.

Classes using the flex technique will not only be an excellent addition to power loads. Such exercises are suitable for those who do not have time to conduct a full workout. Also Read: Cycle Training

The main exercises of flex training

It is recommended to practice 4-5 times a week. Flex workouts do not carry a heavy load and do not clog muscles, so they can be performed even several times a day. This will help you burn fat faster and achieve the desired body shape. The main flex exercises include the following:

  1. Lifting limbs from a prone position:  – In this case, you can raise your arms first, and then your legs, or you can raise all the limbs at the same time (depending on the physical fitness of the athlete). Lock the limbs in a raised position for 15-20 seconds, then slowly lower them to the floor.
  2. Raising the legs from a supine position:  – Legs should be raised at a right angle. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then release the limbs.
  3. Raising the pelvis:  – To do this, you need to sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Raise your pelvis, resting your palms on the floor. Hold your pelvis up for 15-20 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  4. Bend from supine position:  – The knees should be bent as much as possible. Raise your pelvis and stomach without taking your feet and shoulders off the floor. Try to rise as high as possible and stay in this position for at least a few seconds.
  5. Raising the legs and head from a supine position:  To do this, lie on your back and straighten your legs. Raise your legs and head, fixing them at a right angle. Stay in this position for up to 10 seconds.

Each exercise can be repeated up to 7-10 times depending on the degree of physical fitness. Flex workouts should take place at a slow pace and relax the body. It is important to monitor breathing: it should be calm and even. See also: aerial yoga workouts

Passive exercise

In addition, the flex technique involves the use of passive exercises, that is, those where the muscles are stretched by a training partner. One of the most popular passive exercises is the face-down stretch. To do this, the first partner takes a lying position face down (arms stretched up), and the second sits in front of him and alternately pulls each arm forward. The person lying down should be completely relaxed. The range of motion must be increased gradually to properly stretch the muscles.

Recommendations for flex training

Flex training is perfect for beginners, as well as for those who simply do not have time for many hours of training in the gym. Such exercises are indicated for those who want to straighten their posture, forget about back pain and muscle tension. If you want to achieve flexibility and strengthen the body – feel free to choose flex! Flex training has no contraindications. Also Read: Yoga Therapy

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