Fleas in dogs
The dog flea: presentation
The dog flea is a hematophagous insect, that is to say that it drinks blood to feed itself. Its favorite prey in apartment or house are dogs and cats, they can also attack humans. As one can imagine the fleas of the dogs settle permanently on its host. This is because Ctenocephalides stays with him all his life and eats about one blood meal a day. They are usually eliminated after a while by the dog by biting or licking.
The flea lays on the dog, up to 50 eggs per day. The eggs fall to the ground and contaminate the environment. When the egg hatches on the ground, the larva which comes out will take refuge preferably in shaded areas such as under carpets or between the slats of old and unglazed parquet floors (hence their other name “parquet chips” ). The larva which emerges from it becomes a cocoon and can thus remain in “hibernation” for several months. In its cocoon, the flea waits for the passage of a prey to hatch. This is why sometimes your dog who has never had fleas can get fleas when you go on vacation to an old country house with wooden floors. The heat and vibrations awaken the cocoons which hatch and release adult fleas. The fleas then have only one objective to find a host, to feed themselves and therefore to bite your dog, or you for lack of something better.
Thus the flea is a seasonal parasite, it develops when the weather is hot and therefore rather in spring and especially in summer. However, you should also be wary of contamination by the house in winter because heating can have the same effect as summer heat.
My dog is scratching, does he have fleas?
Fleas in dogs move very quickly through the coat. Their flat body allows them to squeeze between each hair without resistance. They are also able to jump to escape the dog which chases them in its coat.
All of its characteristics make it difficult to find a flea on a dog’s skin that begins to scratch. We end up finding fleas when the dog, and its habitat, are already heavily infested. A dog who is scratching can have fleas even if they are not found.
If there is a suspicion of the presence of fleas and a weak infestation, it is advisable to inspect the dog’s lumbar area (this is the lower back, in front of the tail), by removing the hairs against the grain or with a flea comb. This is often where moving fleas or their droppings are found. When you find these little black specks, rub them on a damp absorbent cloth. If they leave red marks, they are flea droppings. Your dog is infested and needs to be treated as well as your home.
Flea bite allergy
Some dogs can have a marked allergy when bitten by fleas, their skin may turn red, sometimes itchy blood. They are said to develop DAPP, allergy dermatitis to flea bites. In these cases it is necessary to treat rigorously every 3 months to every 3 weeks depending on the treatment you have chosen with your veterinarian. Use an effective flea repellent, and to which fleas have not developed resistance, your dog is more susceptible to the bite of a flea than others.
Does the flea transmit diseases to my dog?
Fleas in dogs harbor worms from the taenia family, Dipylidium caninum, in their digestive tract. So when the dog licks itself to get rid of what bothers it, it swallows the fleas and worms. When you find fleas or flea droppings on your dog always treat him with a dewormer after treating him for fleas or use a flea control that also kills taenia.
Also in puppies or weakened dogs, a heavy flea infestation should be of concern to you. Indeed, consuming large amounts of blood when they are numerous, they can cause anemia to appear in your animal.
My dog has fleas, which treatment should I choose?
Always use a veterinary flea control, purchased from your veterinarian or pharmacy. These anti-fleas are the most effective in killing fleas in dogs and are essential in cases of DAPP. The veterinarian will offer you anti-fleas in the form of drops to be placed on the skin, generally just behind the dog’s head, on the neck, removing its hair well. He may also offer it to you in the form of a tablet, a collar or an injectable form for a longer period. It’s up to you to discuss it with your veterinarian to find out which form is best suited to your dog, his lifestyle and your habits. The flea comb or the electric flea comb are not very effective treatments for eliminating fleas when there are a lot of them.
If you find fleas on your dog, you should definitely treat your home for fleas. Remember to clean your apartment before treatment. You will also find products intended for the environment of the dog at your veterinarian, in pharmacies or in specialized stores against pests. Please note that these products are toxic for you and animals, respect the conditions of use and call a professional if necessary.