Flaxseed oil: benefits and harms to the body
Flaxseed oil is difficult to store, but extremely useful. Find out what this product is rich in and what it can be used for

Linseed oil is obtained from dried flax seeds by cold pressing. It is yellowish or colorless, with a slight bitterness. KP, together with an expert, understands the benefits and harms of flaxseed oil for the body.

The history of the appearance of linseed oil in nutrition

Now linseed oil is popular, mainly as a dietary supplement. But earlier it was actively used in everyday life, many dishes were prepared with it. For example, in Our Country, linseed oil was added to baked goods for flavor, vegetables were flavored with it.

It was popular in India in the 40th century – up to XNUMX% of all extracted linseed oil was consumed by the inhabitants of this country.

The composition and calorie content of flaxseed oil

Caloric content for 100 grams898 kcal
Proteins0 g
Fats99,8 g
Carbohydrates0 g

Benefits of flaxseed oil

According to the content of nutrients, linseed oil is considered one of the richest. It contains acids, vitamins A, B, E and others.

Flaxseed oil serves as a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are not synthesized by the body and come only with food. At the same time, Omega-3 is quite abundant only in linseed oil, while Omega-6 is also present in others. In flaxseed oil, Omega-3 is twice as much as in fish oil. Omega 3 and 6 are necessary for the body to improve cell activity and normalize metabolic processes. These substances are introduced into the structure of cells and increase the speed of impulse transmission.

Flaxseed oil contains alpha-lipoic acid, which can reduce the risk of diabetes. This acid reduces the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, as well as lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and increases the elasticity of blood vessels, which is useful in the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart disease.

Taking flaxseed oil has a positive effect on digestion, helps fight constipation and improves liver function. Flaxseed oil contains lignans – plant estrogen-like hormones, so this product is very useful for women.

Harm of linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is not recommended for people with diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, especially in large quantities – it can cause an exacerbation. Sometimes there is also individual intolerance. There is also a danger that the oil will be spoiled, as it oxidizes very quickly and does not store much. At any suspicion it is better to refuse such a product.

“Linseed oil, like any other, is harmful if you lean too much on it,” recalls gastroenterologist-hepatologist Olga Arisheva.

The use of linseed oil in medicine

In medicine, linseed oil serves as a raw material for dietary supplements and as a medium in which various substances are diluted for medications.

In folk medicine, linseed oil has been used to heal cuts, wounds, and speed up skin regeneration. In cosmetology, this oil is popular for nourishing the skin and hair.

The use of linseed oil in cooking

Flaxseed oil is recommended to be added to salads, vegetable dishes and cereals. It cannot be used for frying, as carcinogens are formed during its heating.

Salad with cottage cheese and linseed oil

A hearty yet light salad perfect for dinner.

Linseed oil2 tsp
A tomato1 piece.
Curd3 Art. spoons
Soy sauce1 hours. Spoon
lettuce, any greenssmall bundle

Wash the vegetables and greens, cut the tomato into cubes, finely chop the greens, tear the salad into pieces with your hands. Add cottage cheese, mix.

Pass the garlic through a press, mix with oil and soy sauce. Dress salad and serve immediately.

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Pumpkin salad with flaxseed dressing

Vitamin salad with flax dressing

Raw peeled pumpkin100 g
Celery root or stalk100 g
Green apple1 piece.
Linseed oil2 tsp
Flax seedsto taste

Grate vegetables on a coarse grater. Stir, salt if desired. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with flaxseeds.

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How to choose and store linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is capricious in storage, so that it does not deteriorate, it is important to follow all the rules when choosing and storing.

Read the label – only cold-pressed oil should be in the composition. The container is necessarily glass and dark so that it does not let in light, under the influence of which the oil deteriorates. Fresh linseed oil has a pleasant smell and only a slight bitterness. If there is an unpleasant odor and a very bitter taste with a burning sensation on the mucous membrane, the oil should not be consumed.

Flaxseed oil should be stored in a dark, cool place, it is important to ensure that there is no air access and tightly close the lid. Shelf life – 1-3 months, check the packaging for details. After opening the bottle, flaxseed oil should be consumed as quickly as possible, so it is better to buy small quantities.

Popular questions and answers

Together with an expert, we will analyze the popular questions of readers about linseed oil.

What happens if you drink linseed oil every day?

– There is absolutely no point in drinking it with spoons. If you really want, then it is not necessary to deny yourself the pleasure, but the benefits of it are exactly the same as if you added it to a salad or porridge. Do not forget about contraindications, not everyone can drink oil so often, says Olga Arisheva.

Useful cold-pressed oil, unrefined. It can be consumed as part of various dishes, as well as in the form of capsules if its taste is unpleasant. Flaxseed oil is consumed with meals.

Can flaxseed oil be applied to the skin?

Can. Unrefined flaxseed oil is especially good for the skin, but you should keep in mind that it is more suitable for dry skin care. When used on oily skin, the opposite effect is possible.

Flaxseed oil is also used as a make-up remover and massage. It is important to apply a very small amount so as not to provoke the appearance of comedones – blockage of pores.

Can you lose weight with flaxseed oil?

By itself, flaxseed oil has a high calorie content, so its frequent use will lead to the opposite result. But a small amount in the composition of various dishes can speed up metabolism and suppress appetite, although the effect is rather insignificant.

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