
Useful properties and use of toadflax

Useful properties of flaxseed


Due to its healing properties flaxseed can take pride of place in the home first aid kit. This plant is able to have a choleretic, expectorant, analgesic effect. Flaxseed is often used as an antihelminthic. It is rich in ascorbic acid, pectin and resinous substances, mucus, phytosterol, choline and carotene.

Flaxseed contains folic, citric and malic acids. The herb has a high therapeutic effect. The alkaloid peganine is able to lower blood pressure, improves the pulse and normalizes contractions of the heart muscles, increases the tone of the uterus and intestines.

The use of flax

In folk medicine, the herb is used for anemia, metabolic disorders. It helps to secrete mucus with a dry cough, relieves shortness of breath, and alleviates the condition with jaundice, hernia. The cleansing properties of the plant can be used for poisoning. The herb ensures the removal of sand and stones from the bladder, treats cystitis, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. It can be used for diathesis and dropsy.

A course of therapy with flaxseed will relieve dizziness, myopathy, tonsillitis. Possessing antiseptic properties, the plant is able to treat conjunctivitis, has a positive effect on changes in blood composition. Observing the action of a medicinal herb, traditional healers for many centuries passed on knowledge about it and recipes for medicinal potions based on it. Flax infusions can be used to cure ulcers, boils, heal purulent wounds and inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Recipe № 1: 400 ml of boiling water should be poured over 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials, insisted for 2-3 hours. Apply infusion for external use.

Kidney and liver problems can be eliminated with an infusion from the collection, which includes flaxseed, corn stigmas and immortelle.

Recipe № 2: taking 1 teaspoon of all herbs, they should be poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted for 1-2 hours, squeezed out. Take three times a day before meals 1 tablespoon of the mixture.

Toadflax grass is quite popular, it positively manifests itself as a mild, laxative. Its choleretic qualities are known. It regulates the processes in the stomach and intestines. With Meniere’s syndrome, an infusion works well, which must be taken for a long time in a warm form, 125 ml 2 times a day before meals.

Flax infusion: 1 tablespoon of herbs should be insisted in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, strain – and you can take it.

Polyps, fungal infections, bedwetting and ascariasis – all these troubles will pass faster if the complex treatment includes agents for external and internal use based on toadflax. The experience of centuries has proven that flaxseed can help with encephalopathy, cardiopathy and muscle atrophy.

Ointment from flaxseed

An ointment prepared according to a folk recipe has an excellent effect on the treatment of hemorrhoids, eczema, and lichen.

Recipe № 1: you should heat a mixture consisting of 2 parts of flax powder and 5 parts of pork fat, strain and lubricate the affected areas with the resulting ointment.

Recipe № 2: equal parts of the flowers of toadflax, oak bark, water pepper are soaked in melted lard, stirring, warmed up (the fat hardens a little) and poured into a bowl. Tampons moistened with this mixture are inserted into the anus with bleeding hemorrhoidal bumps for several hours.

Recipe № 3: 2 parts of grass and 1 part of 70% alcohol must be mixed, infused for a day, add 10 parts of internal pork fat, stand in a water bath until the alcohol has completely evaporated. Then the composition is squeezed, filtered. Store the ointment in a sealed container at room temperature.

Flax species


Flax belongs to the genus of annual and perennial plants of the plantain family. The grass got its name due to the fact that its leaves resemble flax leaves. There are from 80 to 150 plant species, they have spread in the Northern Hemisphere, along the shores of the Mediterranean.

Common flax. The plant blooms from July to September, the seeds ripen in August. This species loves to spread along the steppe slopes, wastelands, ditches, chooses roadsides. All parts of the plant are used by humans, except for the root. Dry grass has an unpleasant smell, the taste is sharp, salty-bitter. The plant contains resinous substances, mucus, phytosterol. Studies confirm that the alkaloid peganine has a stimulating effect and can be used to lower blood pressure, eliminate edema, it normalizes the heart rhythm.

In addition, the plant increases intestinal tone, improves peristalsis, and exhibits a laxative effect with constipation. Flaxseed is used in folk medicine for colds, improves joint activity and increases muscle strength.

Moroccan flax. This annual plant with whorled linear leaves forms a compact shrub. This species has small flowers, purple-purple with an orange throat, collected in beautiful brushes. Flowering begins in June and ends in September. An extract can be prepared from dry grass by mixing it in a 1: 1 ratio with 40% alcohol. Daily intake at bedtime, but not for a long time, one to three tablespoons of such a drug will help with chronic constipation. This magnificent toadflax is intended for ornamental gardening.

Cymbal-shaped flax. Cymbal-shaped toadflax is a perennial ground cover plant with rounded leaves with a dark green and purple bottom surface and small flowers, pale lilac or white, popularly called “lubastics”.

Tincture for constipation: you need to take 1 part of the herb and pour 40% vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, leave for 2 hours, strain, squeeze. Drink the medicine before bedtime, 1 teaspoon.

Alpine flax. It is a perennial with creeping, highly branched, drooping, bluish-gray and fleshy stems. Purple flowers appear in June and delight the eye even in September. They are large, with a bright orange spot on the “lip”.

The plant is recommended by folk healers for cancer of any localization.

Alpine toadflax infusion: 1,5 tablespoons of herbs should be steamed with 1 cup of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist 45 minutes, strain. It is recommended to use the remedy 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals. Such an infusion can be applied to the sites of tumor formation.

Chalk linen. It belongs to perennial herbaceous plants, the stems are often recumbent, the leaves are round-ovate, gray. The flowers are irregular, yellow, collected in a loose inflorescence. taking funds from flax promotes a quick recovery from muscular dystrophy. There is an excellent way to treat hypotension.

Chalk flax tincture: 50 g of dry grass is required to pour 0,5 liters of vodka, leave for 15 days, strain and take 20-30 drops 3 times a day before meals with water.

Contraindications to the use of flaxseed

Flaxseed is contraindicated for children, women during pregnancy and lactation, patients with cirrhosis of the liver, with renal and hepatic dysfunction. The plant is poisonous, the course of treatment should be no more than 10 days. An overdose can cause severe dizziness, severe abdominal pain, indigestion, and even fainting. Paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystole are also a ban on the use of toadflax.

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