Flax types: perennial, large-flowered
Flax is used not only in the textile industry, for the production of oil and in cosmetology. Flax has decorative qualities and is widely used for growing in personal plots. Both annual and perennial plant varieties are well suited for decorating flower beds and rock gardens.
Of the annual varieties of flax, large-flowered flax can most often be found in flower beds. It is a spectacular annual and is native to North Africa. The height of a straight, branched stem, covered with pointed leaves, generally ranges from 30 to 60 cm, but under favorable conditions it can stretch up to 1 m.The main attraction of this variety, because of which flower growers liked it so much, are bright red flowers. collected in a graceful inflorescence-shield at the top of the stem.
Of all types of flax, no more than 25 varieties are used for decorating plots.
The seeds of this variety have a high vitality. After several years of storage, they give almost 100% seedlings.
Of the perennial varieties, gardeners liked the specimen with the appropriate name – perennial flax. Its thin straight stems can be from 20 to 80 cm high. In early spring they are densely covered with thin leaves, and in June small flowers of a sky-blue color bloom. The plant is very unpretentious, takes root well and requires virtually no maintenance. Perennial flax multiplies by self-sowing seeds ripening in capsule fruits.
Planting and caring for flax outdoors
Flax has very fragile roots, so planting with seedlings is not recommended. Reproduction is carried out by seeds, their resistance to cold allows planting directly into open ground. Any soil is suitable for sowing, without stagnant water. The plant prefers open, sunny places, closed from drafts, but it can grow in partial shade.
In open ground, seeds are planted in April-May. The later this is done, the longer the culture will delight with flowering. Before planting, the site must be prepared:
- the soil is carefully dug up;
- fertilize with humus or compost in the amount of 3 kg per 1 m²;
- watering and leveling with a rake;
- after 2-3 days, seeds are planted randomly or forming rows.
The first shoots will appear in about a week. Until the sprouts are sufficiently strong, they should be protected from cold and wind. After they grow up, the vagaries of nature will not be scary. Flax care consists in regular watering and removal of weeds, and it is better to do this manually, since the roots of the plant lie very close to the surface of the earth. The duration of flowering can be increased by cutting off the unripe seed pods, this procedure will also help to limit the self-seeding of the plant.
The uniqueness of flax is not limited to its decorative properties. The seeds of the plant contain a whole bunch of useful trace elements and are widely used in folk medicine. When stored properly, they are able to retain the healing properties of 3-4 years.