
Flaxseeds are one of the most important sources of Omega-3. It is enough to add a handful of seeds to the diet to forget about taking fatty acids in a blister or in the form of a hated fish oil. The same handful of flaxseeds will improve skin condition, help you grow shiny curls and save on nail extensions.

Seeds can be used not only as an additional ingredient to the dish. Flax can be ground into flour, used to make pasta, smoothies and healthy desserts. The practice of grinding any healthy food into flour is gaining momentum. Keep up with the fashion trends in the world of healthy eating and take the blender off the shelf once again.

The addition of flax (in any form) greatly increases the nutritional value of the entire dish. It is recommended to introduce flax before 16:00 so that the body gets the maximum benefit from the product, and your waist remains the same refined.

General characteristics

Flax is an annual herbaceous plant from the flax family. It reaches an average size of 30-60 centimeters. During the flowering period, it forms several inflorescences of sky-blue flowers with a barely noticeable gray undertone. The inflorescence resembles the shape of an umbrella and eventually produces a fruit – seeds of white or dark brown color. The seeds are oblong, flattened, reach 6 millimeters in length and 3 in width. Each seed looks like the creation of a skilled carpenter: it gives off a beautiful glossy sheen that resembles a polished wooden surface.

Flax seeds and products based on it have become an essential attribute of a healthy diet. Seeds are added to salads, ground into butter and flour. Its oil is used for dressings and sauces. This product gives a pleasant salty-nutty aroma and flavor that goes well with both meat and vegetables. The shade of the oil can vary from a noble golden hue to a deep brown. The color depends on the pressing method, which determines the taste of the product. Cold-pressed oil is suitable for food use. It retains maximum benefits and a rich composition of nutrients. Flaxseed flour is a substitute for traditional wheat flour in order to increase the nutritional value of the finished dish and get the most out of your meal.

Territorial features of culture growth

Flax is an international herbaceous plant that does not have a clearly defined homeland. Primary culture was spread in the mountainous regions of India, the Mediterranean and China. Today, the plant is cultivated everywhere and has reached the temperate climate zone of Europe, Asia, North America and North Africa.

Useful Properties

The main benefit of flax lies in 2 components: omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.


This is a specific rough part of the plant, which the human body is not able to digest and assimilate. It is simply not absorbed like usual proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and is naturally excreted from the body.

Fiber, in fact, facilitates the work of the digestive tract and takes some of its functions for itself. It stimulates digestion and increases the percentage of digestibility of foods. What does the person feel about it? Normalization of the stool, a feeling of unprecedented lightness, a surge of energy and strength. People who add a spoonful of flax to unseasoned fresh vegetables forever forget about heaviness in the stomach, nausea / vomiting and decreased functionality after eating. A person should be tuned to productivity, and not lie an extra hour on the couch after a hearty lunch. Such habits kill the body, reduce efficiency and provoke health problems.

There is information that our ancestors ate about 5 kilograms of food daily. At the same time, humanity did not suffer from chronic obesity or from pathologies provoked by overeating. Scientists attribute this fact to the influence of fiber. Primitive man ate mainly plant foods, which contain the maximum amount of fiber. Today it is not customary to eat a burger with a salad so as not to “kill the taste”, and it is difficult for the body to cope with a huge amount of food waste on its own. The result of such torture of the human body is visible to the naked eye and is expressed in excess weight, uneven skin, loss of its tone and elasticity.


It is the most important structural element of the cell membrane. [1]. The degree of transmission of nerve impulses, the level of brain functionality and the functioning of the circulatory system depend on the membrane. [2]. Maintaining normal levels of omega-3 throughout life reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists from Harvard University claim that eating fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, anchovies, salmon, salmon) reduces the possibility of developing heart and vascular pathologies by 36%.

Other Benefits of Flaxseeds [3]:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening immunity due to lignans (phenolic compounds of plant origin) [4];

Lignans are especially useful and necessary for the body in the autumn-winter period, when it is weakened under the influence of external factors.

  • hormonal regulation due to phytoestrogens [5];
  • reducing the risk of development of pathologies of the reproductive system.

Chemical composition of raw flax seeds

Nutritional value (based on 100 grams of raw seeds) [6]
Caloric value534 kCal
Proteins18,3 g
Fats42,2 g
Carbohydrates28,9 g
Alimentary fiber27,3 g
Water6,96 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of untreated seeds)
Thiamine (V1)1,644
Riboflavin (V2)0,161
Choline (B4)78,7
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,985
Pyridoxine (V6)0,473
Folic acid (B9)87
Ascorbic acid (C)0,6
Tocopherol (E)0,31
Fillohinon (K)0,0043
Nicotinic acid (PP)3,08
Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 gram of raw seed)
Potassium (K)813
Calcium (Ca)255
Magnesium (Mg)392
Sodium (Na)30
Phosphorus (P)642
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)5730
Manganese (Mn)2482
Copper (Cu)1220
Selenium (Se)25,4
Zinc (Zn)4340

Cooking application

The seeds are used as an addition to vegetable salads, meat or fish dishes, desserts and smoothies. In cooking, flaxseed derivatives are no less revered. Vegetable oil is obtained from them (mainly by cold pressing) and flaxseed flour.

Linseed oil

This product is enriched with unsaturated acids, the concentration of which is twice that of fish oil. [7]. Nutritionists recommend filling salads with this oil or drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach (only in case of a direct need of the body). Cooks love flaxseed oil for its delicate aroma, which combines subtle nutty notes mixed with natural plant scents. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fry with linseed oil, because during the breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids, they form carcinogenic compounds. It also begins to smoke, burn and makes the dish unfit for consumption.

Flaxseed flour

Flax is a virtually waste-free product. Flour is obtained from seeds immediately after pressing the oil. The taste of flour is practically no different from traditional wheat or oatmeal, but the functional range is radically different. Flaxseed flour is able to absorb a large amount of moisture. If you are used to adding 1-2 tablespoons of water and oil to wheat flour, then for flaxseed this amount will have to be doubled. Experienced chefs are guided by the consistency of the dough and vary the ingredients “by feel”. If you are not sure of your own sense of proportion, then clearly follow the stated recipe.

Another important property of flour is its long shelf life. Flaxseed flour increases the shelf life of baking, so manufacturers often include it in the composition so that the goods can lie longer at the point of sale without compromising taste, quality and appearance.

Used in cosmetics

For facial skin

Flaxseed oil is a real salvation from age-related manifestations on the skin. It is best suited for flabby, dry and aging skin. How to use facial oil?

  1. Prepare a homemade mask. Decide on your skin type and basic needs (moisturize, nourish, improve tone, remove wrinkles, minimize shine) and select additional components for the mask that will cope with your individual problem. Prepare, chop and mix all the products, apply on the skin for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  2. Enrich basic care with linseed oil. Add a few drops of oil to each jar of serum, day/night cream. After a few days, the result will be visible to the naked eye: the skin will shine and look healthy.
  3. Take flax seeds internally to cleanse from within. It is known that facial skin is an indicator of our internal health. Cleansing the body will certainly affect your face, your activity and well-being.

Before enriching cosmetics or making linen masks, take an allergy test.

Apply a small amount of oil to a point behind the ear or on the neck and monitor the reaction for 24 hours. If the skin turns red, itchy or irritated, give up homemade cosmetics and pay attention to professional medical lines. If the skin reacted normally to the product, carry out a series of home spa treatments without fear for your health.

For hair and nails

Flaxseed oil perfectly moisturizes hair and nail cuticles. Apply it to the ends of your hair without touching the root zone to saturate curls, get rid of split ends and add a healthy shine to your hair. Why can’t oil be applied to the roots? The scalp is very sensitive. Under the influence of oil, the pores can simply become clogged and disrupt the development of the hair follicle. As a result, we get a violation of hair growth, a sharp loss and deterioration of the curls. Limit yourself to the tips, and for the scalp (if necessary), select specialized moisturizing masks.

Use the oil as a cuticle care product. Periodically lubricate the whole nail and carefully outline the cuticle area. It will thin out, become less noticeable and dense. Why Use Cuticle Oil? To increase the “wearability” time of a manicure, thin the cuticle, make it more tender and give the nail plate a well-groomed look.

Contraindications and side effects

It is necessary to exclude flax from the diet in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation (ulcer, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis) [8]. If a patient is prescribed a special therapeutic diet that does not include flaxseeds, there is no need to experiment and endanger the body once again. [9] [10]. Follow the doctor’s recommendations, and after a full recovery, you can afford your favorite supplement.

Seeds should also be used with caution in patients with gallstones/bladder stones. The strong choleretic effect of the product can exacerbate the disease and cause a deterioration in general health.

In other cases, flaxseeds can be consumed without fear. The main thing is to get into the daily norm of BJU and treat the supplement rationally. There is no need to sprinkle seeds on all food, from salads to Greek yogurt, in the hope of getting the coveted long hair and a mark of 40 kilograms on the scales. A small handful in the morning is enough. Flax has a cumulative effect, not a momentary reaction.

Excessive consumption of any product harms the body. If an imbalance occurs (albeit useful substances), the system will begin to work exactly the opposite, so there is no need to randomly eat seeds, convulsively drinking water to make it easier to swallow the mass. Properly enter up to 10 grams of flax into your daily diet and take care of your own health.

Sources of
  1. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – The Effect of Flaxseed in Breast Cancer.
  2. ↑ Open science platform Europe PubMed Central. – Flaxseed supplementation in hyperlipidemic patients.
  3. ↑ WebMD Internet resource. – The benefits of flaxseed.
  4. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Flaxseed, a potential functional food source.
  5. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Evaluation of the efficacy of flaxseed meal and flaxseed extract in reducing menopausal symptoms.
  6. ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Flaxseed.
  7. ↑ Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. – Ask the expert: Omega-3 fatty acids.
  8. ↑ Internet resource WebMD. – What are the risks of taking flaxseed?
  9. ↑ National center for complementary and integrative health. – Flaxseed and flaxseed oil.
  10. ↑ The scientific heritage magazine. – Flaxseed, its benefits and harms.

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