Flax – properties and use of flax seeds, contraindications

Flax is a plant that has been known for centuries. It is often used in the kitchen and in cosmetics. Many valuable nutrients can be found in flax seeds, which is why it is called “Polish super food”. Flax seeds are not expensive, and they can be used as a dietary supplement or even heal ulcers or … straighten your hair. Linen has amazing properties and many uses.

Linen – properties of the commonly present flax seeds

It is flax seeds that are the richest in various nutrients. You can find in them proteins, organic acids, sterols and minerals such as zinc, iron and magnesium. You can also obtain oil from linseed, rich in linoleic enzymes and glycerides of unsaturated acids. Linen has many healing properties, both internally and externally. Contrary to appearances, the form of feeding flax is also irrelevant, because whether it is ground flax or seeds commonly known as flaxseed, or flax seed oil – flax has healing properties.

It is used successfully in ailments related to peptic ulcer disease, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum. Flax, due to its “sticky” properties, protects the walls of these organs against the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid. Interestingly, powdered flax is great for treating cough in bronchitis. However, linen also has regenerative properties for the epidermis and mucous membranes, so it can be used in compresses against skin inflammations. Ground linen can also be used by diabetics because it lowers blood sugar levels.

Linen – opinions and application

Linen has a good reputation as a spice for dishes, which not only adds flavor, but also works from the inside, protecting the digestive system and supporting its work. You can use it in a powdered form to sprinkle on dishes or eat powdered linen mixed with yogurt or water. However, it is more popular to pour water over the flax seeds to form a thick jelly. Such a jelly can be drained from the seeds and used in two ways: eat it so that the body can absorb valuable nutrients, or apply it to the hair in the form of a mask.

By using flax jelly, you can moisturize and smooth your hair, which may result in straightening the strands as a side effect. This form of linen is also great as a natural face mask, because it will moisturize and refresh the complexion, and any inflammation will heal faster. In addition, it is a XNUMX% natural mask, so there is a low risk of irritation and allergies.

Linseed extract is also an ingredient in Vianek nourishing body lotion, which softens the skin. The cosmetic is intended for daily care.

On the other hand, flax seed oil can be used as a cold additive for cooking, e.g. pouring salads, or as an oil for hair oiling or skin lubrication to moisturize and regenerate it. Linen dressings available at pharmacies are also popular. They are intended for difficult-to-heal wounds due to the fact that linen has better wound healing and moisturizing properties than other agents.

Linen – contraindications

There are not too many contraindications to the use of linen on a daily basis. The only contraindication to eating flaxseed is intestinal obstruction or intestinal diverticula. It is also worth knowing that linseed mucus may affect the absorption of other drugs and dietary supplements.

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