Flax is a plant with over 230 varieties. High quality natural fabrics and oil are made from agricultural varieties of plants, and amazingly beautiful flowers of ornamental species adorn the sites of amateur gardeners. Among them are annual and perennial herbaceous specimens, as well as shrubs.
Flax seeds are planted at the end of April, but it is also possible for the winter: after overwintering in cold soil, they will only get stronger. The plant is very unpretentious and grows well in any climatic conditions, without requiring close attention. Although the flower feels fine on depleted soil, it is still advisable to feed the land with organic and mineral complexes. Fragile flax sprouts appear 2-3 weeks after planting.
Decorative flax blooms from early summer to late autumn
To fully reveal the decorative properties of the plant, the seedlings must be thinned out, leaving a distance of 10-12 cm between them.
Depending on the variety, decorative flax grows from 15 cm to 1,2 m. The fragile fibrous stem of the plant is covered with narrow staggered leaves. Flowering begins in May-June. Flowers with five petals do not last long, but new ones quickly appear in their place, and this process continues continuously until late autumn. Different varieties of flax differ in the color of the inflorescences – they can be blue, white, pink, yellow and red.
Flax has long been a leading plant for decorating home gardens. It goes well in group plantings with annual flowers such as chamomile, cornflowers and meadow clover. In addition, the seeds of the plant contain a large amount of useful trace elements and are widely used in folk medicine:
- promote immunity;
- normalize metabolism;
- have a rejuvenating effect;
- remove slags and toxins from the body.
It is enough to take 1 tsp every day. seeds on an empty stomach, washed down with a glass of water, and after a month the body will feel a surge of vital energy. This simple recipe will help improve your eyesight and strengthen your hair, making your skin soft and supple. In addition, the seeds of the plant help to lose weight. The use of linseed oil inside improves the functioning of the intestines and liver, and as an external agent it is used in cosmetology.
Growing decorative flax in the garden, you can enjoy the beauty of flowers of various shades until late autumn, and then collect seeds and rejuvenate the body.