Flatulence – How Can I Deal With It? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Feeling full, bowel cramps, gas? Flatulence reduces the quality of life and adversely affects the daily activities of almost half of Poles! Learn how to handle a belly that grows like a balloon.

Massive problem

Abdominal bloating, also known as flatulence, is one of the most common gastrointestinal symptoms reported by patients. According to statistics, 43 percent suffer from them. Poles, most of whom experience them at least once a month. Ailments related to abdominal distension affect women twice as often. It is related to their endocrine system and menstrual cycle. A common cause of flatulence is an inadequate, hard-to-digest, high-carbohydrate diet, as well as a lack of exercise. Bloating can also be a symptom of various common diseases: irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, eating disorders or infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Here are some tips on how to deal with a bloated balloon belly.

One solution is proper supplementation. Try Harmonix 500 ml – a natural dietary supplement for flatulence and constipation, which contains extracts of 10 herbs and chokeberry juice. Effectively regulates the work of the intestines, supporting digestion. We also recommend Calm Stomach – the Panaseus dietary supplement, which also contains only natural ingredients.

Food culture

Do you eat anything, anyhow and fast? You are not alone – almost every second corporate employee eats lunch ordered via the mobile application at the company’s desk. Most often it is a sandwich or pasta. Moreover, when the Portuguese celebrate lunch for an hour, we eat the whole thing in less than half! Rushing meals, inaccurate chewing and swallowing large bites lead to swallowing more air. Some of the gases your body gets rid of when you belch, but the rest goes further into your digestive tract, causing you to bloat. Time for a change – eat slowly and try not to chat while eating. Even on the phone. Make your lunch break time just for your belly. It is worth using coriander to season the meals you eat, as it has a positive effect on the digestive system.

To strengthen your intestines and support digestive processes, try Ruta ordinary – the YANGO dietary supplement, which is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Abdominal bloating – diagnosis and treatment

End of carbonated

Coca-Cola, energy, orangeade? Carbonated drinks are saturated with carbon dioxide, which is nothing else than voluntarily and consciously swallowed gas, pushing our intestines. In addition, the overwhelming majority of “bubble evil” is sweetened, and sugar is a natural ingredient that supports fermentation. Therefore, instead of reaching for another can, switch to water with a mint leaf and a lemon slice or herbal tea. We offer you a fennel infusion, which has a relaxing effect on the intestines, or a mint tea that positively influences digestion and soothes flatulence. You can also use fennel as a seasoning for your dishes. Hop cones also have a similar effect, from which you can prepare an infusion and drink it regularly to support the digestive system. It is also worth drinking a mint tea, eg Three Mints – freeze-dried organic tea.

Not for Brussels sprouts

There are nutrients that only trigger gas in some people. There are also “sureties”, the consumption of which almost everyone will end up with a tummy. These are cruciferous vegetables, i.e. broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, but also kohlrabi, kale and Chinese cabbage. The “balloon-like belly” may also appear after dinner with pods in the lead role. Be careful with broad beans, beans, soybeans, lentils, and chickpeas. Yes – everyone’s favorite appetizer, hummus, is also censored. If you cannot imagine your life without legumes, use spices such as marjoram, cumin and thyme for cooking. They not only significantly improve the taste of food, but also reduce the incidence of flatulence.

To improve the functioning of the digestive system and prevent unpleasant ailments associated with it, drink herbal teas regularly. We recommend, for example, Pukka Mint Matcha Green – green tea with matcha.

Hard to digest fats

Deep-fried foods take longer to digest and stay in the digestive tract. Examples – steaming salmon will take us about an hour, a pork chop already more than five! An easy-to-digest diet doesn’t mean you have to forgo meat, but choose wisely. Fish (cod, sole, pike perch), lean beef, chicken and skinless turkey are allowed. Best steamed or baked in foil or parchment. When it comes to fats, choose: good quality olive oil, rapeseed oil or linseed oil. And one more thing – eat five small meals every two to three hours. Do not eat yourself at night under any circumstances.

Some herbs, such as basil, which is one of the main ingredients of HeartWarming Bio Yogi Tea, have a strengthening and supportive effect in the case of indigestion. You can buy it on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Overcome stress

Doctors are increasingly talking about the effects of stress on the functioning of the digestive system. Living in constant tension has a strong influence on the smooth muscles located in the abdominal cavity. This is why many people complain of abdominal pain, heartburn or a feeling of fullness during important exams, job interviews or difficult business meetings. The way to get rid of ailments is rest, healthy sleep and sport. The daily dose of exercise makes the intestines less lazy and better cope with residual food. Plus, it’s a great way to relieve stress and free yourself from bad emotions.

Herbal infusions work well to improve digestion and well-being. Try On flatulence – a herbal and fruit tea containing caraway fruit, peppermint leaf, hawthorn fruit, coriander fruit, artichoke herb, fennel fruit and rosemary leaf.

Watch out for the milk

The cause of flatulence, abdominal pain and the feeling of overflow may be lactose intolerance, which, according to research, affects up to 40% of people. Poles! This type of food intolerance becomes active when the body is deficient in lactase – an enzyme needed to break down lactose. This is why when eating ice cream on a stick or drinking a glass of cocoa, we feel unpleasant ailments from the digestive system. People with congenital lactose intolerance should completely abandon dairy products. On the other hand, people who began to suffer from intolerance in adulthood (with age we lose the ability to produce lactase and digest dairy products worse) must adjust the diet to the severity of symptoms. If you suspect you are lactose intolerant, exclude dairy products from your diet for a minimum of two weeks and see if you feel better.

To improve digestion and prevent bloating, you can order Original Langsteiner Swedish Herbs available in 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml bottles.

Find out which nutritional products help prevent flatulence and intestinal gas

Nature’s traps

For some people, sweet fruit is responsible for the drumstick. This is due to the high content of sugars, mainly fructose, which can enhance fermentation in the gut. If bloating occurs after eating a particular fruit, it is best to give it up or change the form of serving, i.e. instead of a raw apple, put it on a plate baked in the oven. Fructose is also found in dried and canned fruits, some vegetables, and fruit juices. Its greatest source, however, is corn fructose syrup, added to sweeten products such as sodas, breakfast cereals, candies, dressings and most packaged foods.

Do you want to take care of your intestines? Use natural herbs such as cumin, fennel and coriander. At Medonet Market you can buy a ready-made mixture For peristalsis – herbal and fruit tea supporting the functioning of the digestive system.

Stop the sweeteners

Nothing is free when it comes to nutrition. You choose low-calorie sweeteners, and your digestive system returns with gases and flatulence. Many sugar substitutes, such as sorbitol, mannitol, erythritol and xylitol, are produced from sugar alcohols, which are only partially absorbed in the small intestine and therefore have a low caloric content. However, they undergo bacterial fermentation in the large intestine, where they produce a lot of gas. If you do not want to make your intestines uncomfortable, do not sweeten at all or use regular sugar from time to time.

Its height is fermentation

Ailments such as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, and abdominal pain are one of the signals that the bacterial flora of our digestive tract is not working as it should. Do you want to get your bowels working properly, but don’t know how to do it? You can multiply your “good” gut bacteria population by eating fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. In the case of serious disorders of the bacterial flora (e.g. after antibiotic therapy or chronic digestive problems), it is worth enriching the diet with probiotic preparations.

Kombucha Wellness – a set for 2 weeks you can buy today at Medonet Market. The set includes, among others Kombucha Wellness with coriander for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

You can also use herbal teas, such as Digestive Regulating Tea, which contains yarrow, St. John’s wort, marigold, thyme, hyssop, as well as sloe and mint leaf. St. John’s Wort is also found in Oxymel with Mint, Lemon Balm and St. John’s Wort, which is available at Medonet Market. St John’s wort has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, so it’s worth including it in your diet if you suffer from digestive problems.

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