Flat stomach: the Pin Twins abs exercises to remove tummy
Personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, have created this exercise routine to reduce gut after eating excesses

La belly It worries, especially now, after several weeks of confinement in which it is probable that some excesses have been made in the diet causing an increase in abdominal fat. That is why the personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Gemelas PinThese days, they have designed routines with abdominal exercises to get a tablet. The Pin Twins share their workouts through their live broadcasts on Instagram (where they have more than 75.000 followers), their YouTube channel or the routines they create every Wednesday especially for ABC Bienestar. One of the ones that has been more successful in recent days is precisely the abdominal routine that included exercises that could be done with a cushion.
Flat stomach routine
- Time
- 15 minutes
- Drill
- 5
- Reps
- 15
- TV Shows
- 3
- Rest between sets
- 30 seconds
Last week they proposed a glute exercise routine with the idea of helping to regain the pre-confinement trouser size. Although they also especially liked their rutinas full body de HIIT, like the one they designed to activate the stiff and tired body, or the intense routine to raise the heart rate and tone the body by exercising at home.
This week the Pin Twins challenge you to get a flat stomach practicing three times a week a routine of five exercises for abdomen. To correctly practice this table, you must do 15 repetitions of each exercise, three series and a rest between each set of 30 seconds.
Exercise 1: Bend your knees
To practice this exercise, we will support the forearms in such a way that we do a knee bend, touching the ground with the tip of the foot. Next we will make a leg extension to make a wide opening. Then we will repeat the movement.
Exercise 2: Hands to ankles
We begin to practice the exercise placing the back fully supported on the floor and the legs at 90 degrees. The objective of the exercise will be to rise in that position trying to reach the ankles with the hands.
Exercise 3: Alternate Knee Bend
In this exercise we will start sitting on the floor and we will support the forearms again to perform a knee flexion alternatively so that the other leg is extended on the floor. We must do the movement continuously and we will execute it well by bringing the knee to the chest.
Exercise 4: Cross Coordination
We will return to the position of exercise two (placing the back fully supported on the floor and the legs at 90 degrees) and we will work on cross coordination by bringing the hand to the opposite foot while simultaneously carrying out an arm and leg extension. Remember to keep your legs at 90 degrees, as in the previous exercise, without the knees exceeding the hip line.
Exercise 5: Side Plank
We place ourselves in a lateral plank position, we will rest the knee and forearm on the floor and the other leg will be fully extended. To practice the exercise, we will vary the position of the fully extended arm until we reach the level of the ear and then we will return to the initial position.