Flat stomach in one month: just 7 exercises per day

Flat stomach in one month: just 7 exercises per day

Just seven exercises a day and your abs will be as good as Emily Ratajkowski’s.

Summer is in full swing, but many girls are embarrassed to appear on the beach in their favorite swimsuit, looking in the mirror at their belly, which does not seem perfect. The problem is easy to fix – all you have to do is go to the gym and find a good trainer. However, there is another option: you can buy a yoga mat, find time, concentrate your will and start doing it yourself at home, or better, in the fresh air. Daria Zuckerman, the leading station wagon trainer of the OneFit.ru unified sports subscription, showed right on the embankment of the Moskva River which exercises would improve the shape of the abdomen.

Without dietary restrictions, your belly will not quickly become flat and cubes will not appear on it, so regular exercise should be combined with the right food. To quickly achieve the effect, it is recommended to practice twice a day. Moreover, the training should be circular – you performed one exercise 25 times, then proceed to the next. There are 7 exercises in the complex, and each of them must be done three or four times, depending on the capabilities of the body.

A classic abdominal exercise, which allows you to work out the rectus abdominis muscle, forming beautiful “cubes”.

Technique of execution: legs are bent, palms are near the temples, elbows are spread apart. Raise the upper body so that the shoulder blades come off the mat. On effort, when we raise the body, we exhale, as soon as we go down, we inhale.

A typical mistake: often during the exercise, the lower back is torn off the mat and stretched forward with the head and neck. However, here it is just important that the lower and middle parts of the back are pressed against a hard surface, then the abdominal muscles work better.

The lower part of the press is being worked on. Many people face the problem of fatty folds in the lower abdomen. And just “Scissors” allow you to get rid of it. We lie down on the mat, hands in front of us. Raise your legs and cross in the air. It is important to keep your legs straight. A common mistake: many people raise the lower back. We try to control this moment so that the back is completely pressed to the floor, and only the legs work.

Exercise 3: “Diagonal twisting”

During this exercise, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved in the work, but the rectus muscle is also involved. Exercise: the legs are up in a bent position, the palms are near the temples, and the elbows are spread apart. The position is the same as in the first exercise. The technique of execution differs: we raise the body and stretch with one elbow to the knee of the opposite leg. Then with the other elbow – to the other knee. We rise – we exhale, we go down – inhale.

Exercise 4: “Twisting with straight arms”

The starting position of the legs is the same as in the first exercise. The arms are extended along the body almost parallel to the rug. Technique of execution: we raise the shoulder blades, then we go down. The lower back and lower back are pressed to the floor – we raise only the upper back, tear off the shoulder blades from the mat and remain in this position for literally half a second. At the top point – exhale, descend onto the back – inhale. Exercise not only works the rectus abdominis muscle, but also promotes fat burning.

Exercise 5: “Glute bridge on one leg”

Exercise allows you to work out the gluteus muscle and the lower abdomen. In the initial position, the legs are bent, as in the classic twisting. Technique: pull one leg up, the other supporting leg. Raise the body, trying to reach with the toe as high as possible. In this case, the knee of the supporting leg forms an angle of 90 degrees. Go up – exhale, go down – inhale.

15 reps for each leg.

Exercise allows you to work out all the muscles of the press. In the initial position, the legs are raised and bent at the knees. Hands at the level of the temples, elbows apart. Technique: raise the body diagonally and touch the opposite knee with the elbow. At the same time, we alternate the legs and elbows. On the rise – exhale, go down – inhale. It is important to ensure that the lower back is pressed against the mat without bending in the lower back.

Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in the lower abdomen and get rid of the folds of fat. In the starting position, we lie down on the mat, arms are extended along the body. Technique: lift the legs up without bending, then push with the lower back, after which we return to the starting position.

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