Flat stomach: exercise video

Oksana Fokina became the winner in the contest “The most beautiful dancer according to Woman’s Day” and told us how to make the waist perfect with the help of simple but very effective exercises.

“I have been dancing since early childhood. She began her creative and sports career at the Olympic Reserve School in the direction of “rhythmic gymnastics,” says Oksana. – A lot of dance directions have been mastered, behind not only a higher choreographic education, but also an endless number of trips, master classes, courses. I’m more of a versatile Favorite-House Dance style. By the way, waist exercises should be done at least four times a week. “

It is impossible to achieve a flat stomach in a week. But to subtract a few centimeters in the background is a solvable task. The main thing is not to forget about proper nutrition, diet, give up harmful sweets, fatty, starchy foods and drink more just non-carbonated water. If you don’t take care of your diet, then you can forget about a flat stomach. After all, no matter how much you pump, don’t pump the press, you can get rid of the fat layer only thanks to the diet. And if not a flat stomach in a week, then at least one centimeter will go negative. And this, you must agree, is a great impetus and motivation for further exploits.

Set yourself a specific task – I want a flat stomach in 6 weeks! Create a calendar in which you mark your exercise days. After 1,5 months, check – your waist and training frequency. In 6 weeks, a flat stomach is a real and doable task. If you follow a diet and exercise regimen, the results will undoubtedly be.

Follow the basic rules for abdominal exercises. First, it is better to do them on an empty stomach or 2,5 hours after eating.

And one more important note: it is better not to pump the press on critical days.

Exercise 1

Legs shoulder-width apart, knees bent, arms in front of you. We start twisting the body to the right and left. Warm up the press before further exercises.

Exercise 2

Legs in the knees, hands in front of us, we sit on the floor. We make a U-turn, bend our right arm and touch the floor with our elbow. We alternate reversals on both hands – 16 times.

Exercise 3

The position of the arms and body remains unchanged, while the legs are torn off the floor at right angles to the body. Repeat the U-turns from exercise 2 with the raised legs.

Exercise 4

Complicating it: after fixing the position of the body in the previous exercise, we repeat the turn with the body and hand, while straightening the opposite leg. We alternate sides, perform 16 times.

Exercise 5

We lie down on the floor, the left hand is behind the head, the right is set aside. For four counts, we stretch with our right hand to the right heel, then for four counts we return to the IP. We repeat – 8 times. We change hands.

Exercise 6

We lie on our back, arms along the body, legs bent and raised, in four counts we put our legs behind our head, while lifting the pelvis from the floor. Then we return to the IP for four accounts. We repeat 8 times.

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