Flat feet, “inside” feet… does my child have a problem with his feet?

During the first months, the baby was mostly lying down or sitting down. So, we never really had the opportunity to think about it. But now he is more and more often standing, and it is obvious: our little one has flat feet! An anomaly which is not one: “There is no reason to worry, the foot remains flat in 96% of children up to the age of 4 years. No need to treat them with soles before this age, their arch will hollow out on its own, ”reassures Professor Jérôme Cottalorda, orthopedic and child plastic surgeon at Lapeyronie hospital in Montpellier. 

Physiological situations

Almost just as frequent, the feet which turn “out” and are accompanied by slightly arched legs (genu varum), even “in in” with legs a little in X (genu valgum), are not more alarming. It is physiological and 

transient. There is therefore no need to bother children with rehabilitation sessions, massages, the wearing of splints, or even orthopedic shoes, which have never really been proven. Where treatment can sometimes be helpful is wearing corrective orthotics to “guide” the growth of the overlapping toes. But again, this quirk mostly settles on its own. 

The pediatrician’s supervision is enough

So we don’t worry and we trust our doctor. The usual visits to the pediatrician are more than enough to ensure that things go smoothly. Unlike other disorders that can affect sight or hearing, for example, possible concerns in the lower limbs rarely go unnoticed. And when there is a real problem, it is always detected early enough to be treated well.

Long live bare feet!

The only thing that should concern us when learning to walk is the shoes of our apprentice walker. Finally, when we go out. Because in the house, it is better to leave it barefoot or in non-slip socks, as often as possible. It is excellent for its arch of the foot and its balance. For the outdoors, we invest in a good pair of shoes adapted to the first steps. In supple leather, neither too wide nor too narrow, they must have a stiff enough stiffener up to the heel to avoid twisting. We prefer models with laces, they provide better support. And we think about changing them every three months.

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