Flat belly at home

Extra centimeters on the belly and waist are the most stubborn. But if you combine strength training and cardio workouts, and they can be “banished”!

Belly and waist are the most “problem” areas

You can train by twisting the hoop and pumping the abs for weeks or even months, but the desired result – “cubes” on the stomach and wasp waist – never get. This is because while the muscles are being worked and pumped up, they are hidden by a layer of fat. Alas, this is a fact: the female body is genetically programmed to preserve “fat reserves” in the abdomen and waist, this is a natural way to protect the area of ​​bearing a child in our body. Therefore, in order to get rid of the extra centimeters from here, you will have to work hard. But the result is worth it, isn’t it?

The secret of success is in a systematic approach

Patience, regularity, and a systematic approach will help you defeat stubborn belly fat.


The first thing to do is rethink your nutritional system. It is clear that the abuse of chips, hamburgers and cakes has not helped anyone to lose weight, and you probably do not arrange such “feasts” every day. You might want to look at what you’re used to snacking on and replace sandwiches and chocolate bars with low-fat bioyogurt and vegetables. You should be careful with fruits. Some of them, like grapes, bananas and pears, are high in calories. The best “fruit choice” for losing weight is citrus fruits, black currants, kiwi.

Cardio load

We have already talked about this and will repeat it again: the best way to get rid of excess weight, wherever unnecessary pounds are not “concentrated”, is cardio loads. Run, swim, walk at a brisk pace, exercise on a stationary bike or elliptical trainer. Each workout should be at least 30 minutes long – after this time, the body, using the energy present in the blood in the form of carbohydrates, is taken as a “fat depot”. Better, starting with 30 minutes, gradually increase the length of the workout, bringing it to 50 minutes – an hour.


Cardio loads should be combined with special exercises aimed at working out the waist and abs. If you keep an eye on your diet, do cardio twice a week, alternating them with two or three workouts aimed at the abdominal area, you will surely achieve success soon. Below – about special exercises in more detail.

Exercises for the waist and abs

1. Raising the legs from the “lying” position

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended to the sides. As we inhale, we raise our legs, bending them at the knees, and at the same time we stretch our chin to the knees (the back is pressed to the floor). We must stay in this position as long as possible. On exhalation, we smoothly (this is important!) Lower our legs.

2. “Penknife” or Jackknife

This, at first glance, a simple exercise actually requires a lot of effort, but it also gives an excellent result, since it simultaneously works on both the upper and lower press.

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended up. As we inhale, we raise our arms and legs at the same time, lifting the shoulder blades from the floor. We hold the pose as much as possible and, again, slowly lower ourselves as we exhale.

3. Twisting

Twists can be performed in different ways, with both bent and straight arms and legs. Let’s take the second option, which, in addition to working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen, and therefore the waist, also contributes to easy stretching.

Lying on your back, while inhaling, raise your right leg and reach for it with your left hand. As we exhale, we go down and repeat in the opposite direction.

4. Lightweight Jackknife option

This exercise is good for completing your abs workout when the muscles are already worked out and tired.

Starting position: lying on your back, legs and arms extended. As we inhale, we raise our arms, bend our legs at the knees, wrap our hands around our knees, as we exhale, we return to the starting position. The exercise is performed, unlike the previous slow ones, quite quickly, but it is repeated more times per approach.

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