
Useful properties and application of the flask

Useful properties of the flask


Flask is a perennial bulbous plant with a characteristic garlic odor. Due to the high content of useful minerals and bioactive substances in its composition, grass is widely used in folk medicine for various ailments. Leaves are considered the main and most effective medicinal part of the plant; they are part of many decoctions and infusions. For the preparation of medicines, it is best to use freshly picked leaves, since when they dry, they partially lose their beneficial properties.

It is also worth noting the presence in this healing herb of an essential oil with a strong garlic odor, carotene, fiber, ascorbic acid, sugar, mucus, wax and saponins. The phytoncides contained in the flask have a good antibiotic effect, and a number of trace elements and minerals help maintain the human immune system. Preparations based on this medicinal plant have an effective tonic and tonic effect.

Flask application

Traditional medicine widely uses the herb as an effective remedy against scurvy and atherosclerosis. This plant helps to cope with worms, promotes diuretic processes, improves intestinal motility and appetite. For fever and colds, folk healers have long recommended taking an infusion from the leaves of the flask. In addition, such tinctures can provide effective assistance in the fight against rheumatism or severe cough. Due to its bactericidal properties, the leaves of the plant are used to treat purulent wounds, bedsores, and trophic ulcers.

Preparations from the leaves of the flask help to overcome exhaustion, loss of strength, various diseases of the stomach and intestines. They also improve the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. The high content of carotene in the grass helps to strengthen vision. Fresh juice of this plant is dripped into the ears to relieve purulent inflammation. Daily consumption of a few leaves of this unique natural medicine improves metabolism and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The bulbs of the plant are recommended for consumption raw in case of obesity.

Flask tincture: ten fresh, finely chopped leaves of the flask must be poured with a glass of boiled water, boiled for ten minutes, poured into a thermos and insisted all night. For colds, diseases of the bladder and kidneys, take a third cup of this infusion three times a day.

Ointment flask : finely chopped leaves of the plant should be passed through a meat grinder, add a little vegetable oil to the resulting slurry. This mixture is wrapped in a gauze bandage and applied for 10 minutes to a sore spot to combat arthritis, rheumatism, and sciatica.

Contraindications to the use of the flask

The use of the flask is categorically contraindicated in patients with gastritis in the acute stage, with duodenal and stomach ulcers, hepatitis and a number of other diseases. Allergic reactions are possible. The plant is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. Be sure to consult your doctor before use.

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