Flashing flies before the eyes: causes and treatment

Flashing flies before the eyes: causes and treatment

Flies flash before my eyes people don’t just do it. This phenomenon is an ophthalmic symptom in which polymorphic opacities are observed in the visual field. Flies can have a different color and shape, they can look like elongated threads, small grains, rings, cobwebs. They will be perfectly visible in bright light, as well as when looking at blue and white objects. Flies can flicker in the eyes from time to time, or on an ongoing basis.

As a rule, if the front sight is weak, then this does not cause concern for a person. He quickly adapts to them and stops paying attention to them. However, there is a possibility that over time there will be more of them, and they will also increase in size. The fact is that such turbidity is not always a harmless symptom. It may indicate serious disorders in the body, which should not be ignored. Therefore, when flies appear before your eyes, you need to consult a doctor.

Video: “flies” before the eyes: what is it?

Diagnosis of the causes of flies flickering before the eyes

Flashing flies before the eyes: causes and treatment

To find the cause that led to the flies flickering before your eyes, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. The basic method of examination is biomicroscopy, direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy. Also, the patient is measured intraocular pressure, visual acuity and determine the field of view. If necessary, the patient is prescribed complex diagnostic procedures.

Laboratory research methods include donating blood for sugar and performing a general blood test. During the appointment, the patient’s blood pressure is measured. If there is a suspicion of a traumatic brain injury, then an MRI or CT scan of the brain may be performed.

To begin with, all patients need to visit an ophthalmologist. In the future, consultations of narrow specialists may be required, such as: a cardiologist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist, a therapist, etc.

Treatment for flies before the eyes

Flashing flies before the eyes: causes and treatment

Depending on the cause that provoked the appearance of flies before the eyes, the patient is prescribed treatment.

It is possible to use the following medicines:

  • Antioxidants.

  • Antihypoxants.

  • enzyme preparations.

  • Vitamin and mineral complexes with a high content of lutein.

You need to understand that there is no universal drug that could help get rid of flies in the eyes. Therefore, a person is prescribed drugs designed to save him from the underlying disease. 

With pathologies of the vitreous body, the patient is shown surgery. Vitrectomy is a procedure to remove it. The vitreous body is replaced by some analogue, for example, silicone oil.

Retinal detachment will require laser coagulation.

With angiopathy, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence and direct efforts to eliminate it: adjust blood pressure, keep blood sugar levels under control.

Surgery is most often indicated for cataracts. The most common treatment is phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. Treatment of cataracts with conservative methods is possible only if the disease has just begun to develop. The patient is prescribed installations of eye drops: Azapentacene, Pirenoxin, Taurine, etc. Their use allows you to stop the process of clouding the lens, but only for a while. In the future, the patient will still be sent for surgery.

Video: how to get rid of flies in front of your eyes?

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