Fixsin – what it is, contraindications and precautions

Nowadays, we are increasingly struggling with the problems of rhinitis and sinusitis of various origins. The fast pace of life, stress and environmental pollution significantly reduce immunity and the increasing frequency of various types of respiratory infections and inhalation allergies. The most common accompanying symptom is rhinitis. Unfortunately, the problem often spreads to the sinuses and can lead to chronic inflammation of the nose and sinuses. To prevent this, it is worth taking care of the daily hygiene of the nose and sinuses. Fixsin preparations will help in this.

What are Fixsin preparations – action and application

Fixsin is a medical device for rinsing the sinuses and nose. Rinsing is performed with a properly prepared sodium chloride solution. The salt is in sachets. The contents of the sachet should be dissolved in an appropriate amount of boiled, cooled water, according to the instructions. The manufacturer – Solinea – offers several different preparation options:

  1. Fixsin basic set – consists of a 240 ml bottle and 15 sachets with salt (sodium chloride). The nasal and sinus irrigation solution should be prepared in the bottle. It has a special end that allows easy application of the solution through the nostril. After the sachet is properly dissolved in water, a saline solution is formed, which is used for daily nasal and sinus hygiene. The frequency of rinsing depends on the doctor, but it is important not to leave the house for an hour after rinsing in case of low outside temperatures (even below 19 degrees Celsius).
  2. Fixsin supplementary set – contains 30 sachets of salt only without a bottle, intended for people who already have the basic set and only want to buy sachets.
  3. Fixsin hypertonic 30 sachets – each sachet contains salt, which when dissolved gives a hypertonic, i.e. concentrated solution. It’s a solution for special tasks. Usually, we do not use it every day for prophylaxis, but for treatment when catarrh is already present. The concentrated saline solution constricts the lining of the nose and sinuses and thus helps to get rid of mucus.
  4. Fixsin Junior set – 120 ml bottle and 30 sachets with sodium chloride. The product is intended especially for children over 4 years of age, with a smaller bottle specially designed for application to small noses. Contains sodium chloride in an amount that produces a dissolved saline solution for daily nasal and sinus hygiene.

In addition to daily, preventive hygiene and the conditions of rhinitis and sinuses, Fixsin preparations are also indicated for use before and after surgical procedures in the area of ​​the nose and sinuses. Remember to always use boiled water to prepare the salt solution, which is not hot.

Fixsin – contraindications and precautions

Hypersensitivity to sodium chloride is an absolute contraindication to the use of the preparation. It is also not allowed to use the preparation in the case of complete blockage of the nasal septum and ear infection. Children should only use the product under strict adult supervision. In addition, the Fixsin medical device is safe to use, can be used by pregnant and lactating women, and does not impair psychomotor performance.

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