Five weighted exercises to tone your legs and glutes

Five weighted exercises to tone your legs and glutes

With the Twins Pin

Esther and Gemma Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, propose, now that the good weather is approaching, a routine to strengthen the legs and enhance the buttocks

Five weighted exercises to tone your legs and glutesPM2:02

Are glute exercises one of the Pin Twins’ favorite workouts? Personal trainers Esther and Gemma bring a new routine, this time focused on the strengthening the legs and toning the buttocks. Now that the good weather is approaching and you can train in any park without being lazy to leave the house, the ex-swimmers propose a new basic fitness routine, but with an added: the exercises will be done with weights. «Try to gain more weight than you are used to because that is what this training, to overcome and expand the difficulty, “say fitness experts.

For this new routine they propose five exercises, three series of 12 repetitions and one minute of rest after each lap. The exercises, based on squats, lateral movements and gluteal bridge, will be done with the help of dumbbells and a step. If you do not have a step, you can perform the exercise with the help of a stair step or the curb of a sidewalk. The important thing is that one of your legs is higher than the other to perform the last exercise of the training. The Pin Twins leg and glute routine was created at the Reto 48 Moraleja facilities.

And now you can also train with the Pin Twins live and direct. This time you can be with them at an event held in the capital. Gema and Esther Pineda They will be next March 28 in La Ciudad de la Raqueta, Madrid, giving a masterclass at 11:00. The event is 100% charitable, with all the money raised going to the Spanish Association against Cancer. To buy tickets click here.

Exercise 1: squats

As if it were a normal squat, but with a dumbbell held between both hands at chest level, so that the difficulty is greater and, consequently, the results are noticed faster in both legs and buttocks. The main advantage of this exercise comes from the number of muscles involved in its practice and its versatility since it can be adapted to all kinds of levels and just by changing the feet of site the intensity in different muscles is modified.

Buttocks and legs routine

30 minutes
Exercise time
3 series of 12 replays
With material
Dumbbells and step

Exercise 2: Individual Deadlift

With one leg in front of the other and with the dumbbell in the hand opposite the front leg, lower below the knees. Remember keep your back straight on the descent and do not lift your heels off the ground or on the rise of the throne or on the descent.

Exercise 3: Sideshift with lowering

With the dumbbell in your left hand, move to the right by bending your leg in the direction you are going, but without moving your left foot off the ground when you stretch that leg as far as it will go. The dumbbell should not touch the ground.

Exercise 4: Gluteal Bridge

On the floor, with one leg bent and the other stretched up, raise your hips with the dumbbell on top. Do not bend the raised leg on the rise or fall.

Exercise 5: Bulgarian Squat

With the help of a step, raise one of your legs (the back) and perform a normal squat. Remember that the dumbbell should be in the hand opposite the leg that is on the step.

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