Five tips to avoid bloating

Five tips to avoid bloating

Five tips to avoid bloating
Bloating can be painful and very uncomfortable on a daily basis. Spasms, gurgling, gas, cramps… We experience them in different ways, their causes are numerous, but there are some simple tips to get rid of them.

1. What foods should I avoid?

The gases present in the belly come from the air ingested during swallowing, from the air contained in food and from the fermentation of food during digestion. This fermentation creates hydrogen and carbon dioxide, sources of bloating.

Certain foods are factors of bloating. The list goes on, but some foods we eat every day ferment in the stomach and intestines during digestion, causing gas, swelling and bloating. 

Try to reduce the consumption of dairy products, especially those made from whole milk. When you’re an adult, lactose is more difficult to digest and can lead to stomach pain. Likewise, drink soda water or apple juice, eat too much raw vegetables, bread, too often cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, Brussels sprouts, lentils, weights, dried beans , oat bran, prunes, figs, sweeteners, chewing gum (which makes you swallow air) increase bloating. 

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