Five things that happen to the body if you eat eggs every day

Five things that happen to the body if you eat eggs every day

According to scientists, the omelet not only reduces the risk of cancer, but also leads to weight loss.

No food seems to be talked about as much as eggs. It is a favorite protein of athletes and all those losing weight. And along with those who in the morning like to have breakfast somewhere on the Patriarch’s Ponds in the European manner.

Meanwhile, grandmothers have been scaring us since Soviet times that eggs are allergic and generally unsafe. They say that Benedict’s eggs are nothing more than a breeding ground for salmonellosis. There is so much controversy that scientists have taken up the study.

And voila! We came to the conclusion that it is possible and even necessary to eat eggs!

The daily norm of eggs, according to scientists (of course the British), is 2-3 pieces per person. And this is how eggs actually affect our bodies.

New research has shown that chicken eggs are high in lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and sharp vision. With its deficiency, destructive changes in the tissues of the eye accumulate and vision is irreversibly deteriorated, writes the Daily Mail.

If offered a choice: drink a spoonful of fish oil or eat a boiled egg, the vast majority will prefer the latter. Especially if he finds out that the vitamin D content is the same in both cases.

Well, we know about its benefits since school. It is he who helps the absorption of calcium, strengthens the bones and teeth of a person.

Yes, you heard right … Eating eggs for breakfast, you lose weight without a gym and other activities. Do not expect an instant effect, however, when you combine a low-calorie diet and eat chicken eggs, weight loss occurs twice as fast.

In addition, the eggs are very satisfying, which means you will not run for a donut on your first break.

Just don’t laugh, but the product will come in handy in amorous affairs. And there was a very scientific explanation for this.

“Another name for vitamin B9 in a product is folic acid. With its help, red blood cells are formed, the neural tube of the fetus is formed, the risk of delayed mental development of the child is reduced, ”the experts assure.

Indeed, not eggs, but some kind of elixir of eternal youth is obtained … However, according to the latest study, in 87% of women from 35 to 40 years old, age spots disappeared, skin tightened, and in men, fine wrinkles around the eyes were noticeably smoothed out.

“Eggs are definitely a healthy product. Another question is that there should be a measure in everything. And a healthy diet is a varied diet. Eating eggs alone for breakfast can cause food allergies and a nasty rash. If today you ate three eggs, then tomorrow limit yourself to one and supplement the diet, for example, with delicious porridge with fruit. I assure you, cereals are just as useful. “

And what other products doctors do not advise to eat every day, read HERE.

By the way

Many people think that brown-shelled eggs are healthier than white eggs. But actually it is not. The color of the shell depends only on the breed of the laying hen, the color of its feathers and “earrings” (earlobes). White birds with light lobes lay eggs with white shells, chickens with dark plumage and red “earrings” – beige and brown, quails – spotted. Moreover, the older the chicken, the lighter the shells of the eggs that it carries.

But the color of the shell does not affect the quality of the eggs themselves. So buy at least white or brown eggs. The quality of the protein and yolk depends only on the conditions of the poultry and the composition of the feed. And from the inside, the shell, by the way, is always white.

Christina Desyatova, Natalia Evgenieva

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