Fall has come and the children have returned to kindergartens and schools. For most parents, this means one thing – recurring colds, fever, cough, runny nose and family disorganization. This is the best time to strengthen your child’s immunity and replenish supplies in the home medicine cabinet. What should be in it?
Why do children get sick so often?
In the period from September to May, there is an increase in the number of infections (mainly of the upper respiratory tract) in children. In 90 percent. viruses are responsible for them, including mainly adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza and others [1]. They spread by droplets, both through direct contact with the secretions (runny nose, cough) of the sick person, and indirectly, through the transmission of the pathogen from an infected surface (door handles, toys, tables) to the mucous membranes of a healthy toddler.
Bacteria, which are responsible for superinfections, which are complications after a previous viral infection, are no less dangerous.
It should be emphasized that a child’s immune system is not as strong as that of an adult. We are born with innate immunity, and along with individual development, acquired immunity is built up. It takes at least a few years, during which, when exposed to new viruses and bacteria, the baby’s immune system matures and develops. Therefore, frequent childhood infections are a natural phenomenon and it is estimated that 8-10 respiratory infections occur in children each year [1].
How to recognize the first symptoms of infection in children? Symptoms are very specific and generally last for about 7 days. If they annoy the toddler for longer or increase in the following days, a visit to the pediatrician is necessary.
The most common symptoms of viral infections in children are:
- fever – generally its value is around 38 degrees C and may persist for around 3 days; if anything about the child’s condition is worrying you are advised to contact your doctor,
- general weakness of the body, irritability, tearfulness,
- runny nose – the mucosa is the gateway to the virus and bacteria; under the influence of inflammation, it swells, which results in the production of excessive secretion, which, depending on the cause of the runny nose, may be more watery or dense,
- cough – in the first phase it is usually dry, and in the following days it becomes wet,
- sore throat – a child may report pain when swallowing saliva, the mucosa itself is visibly red [2].
Five essential items in a parent’s first aid kit
The parent should be prepared for various scenarios. Here are five over-the-counter products that should be part of your home first aid kit.
Preferably non-contact. Due to the high risk of poisoning, mercury vapor should not be used with small children. Moreover, they were withdrawn from sale. Digital models allow for quick and accurate temperature determination, which is one of the first steps in assessing a child’s health and diagnosing an infection.
Plasters and bandages
In various sizes and shapes. They will be useful regardless of the season. It is also good to have disinfectants on hand, e.g. with octenidine in the composition.
Pain relievers and antipyretics
They are indispensable in the case of pain and fever. A good example is the Ibuprom for children Forte. The analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects appear after the application of a small amount of the drug. The suspension lasts up to 8 hours, so you don’t have to give it frequently. Thanks to this, the toddler can sleep peacefully all night. Moreover, the drug can be used on an empty stomach, which is convenient especially for the parent, who can alleviate the symptoms of fever or pain (e.g. during teething) without having to prepare a meal first *.
What is also worth mentioning is the space to write the date of first opening of the medicine on the side of the package. This is important for safety reasons as fever suspensions can be used for up to 6 months after first use.
The strawberry flavor of Forte for kids is child-friendly **. The dose of the drug is determined by the child’s weight – from 5 kg to 28 kg. In order to facilitate the calculation of the dose, you can use the Ibuprom Forte dosage calculator for children, which, after entering the current weight of the child, indicates the amount of the drug to be administered.
Nasal spray with sea water
It allows you to unblock the upper respiratory tract, moisturizes the irritated mucosa and creates a protective barrier against mechanical factors. However, it should be remembered that one product is intended for use by one person. Failure to do so may result in transmission of potentially dangerous pathogens.
Saline (NaCl 0,9%)
It is indispensable, for example, for rinsing the eyes or inhaling during colds in children of all ages. It is most convenient to buy it in the form of small ampoules (5 ml each).
What else is worth remembering? You should systematically check the expiry dates of the medicines in your home medicine cabinet. Some of them may require appropriate storage conditions, e.g. in a refrigerator. It is also good practice to keep the package leaflets. The last but equally important tip is to keep the first aid kit out of the reach of children and pets.
* In the case of people with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take the medicinal product with a meal or wash it down with milk.
** Drugs for fever and pain for children – maternal perception, N = 400, 85% of mothers of 0-10-year-old children agree that the statement “Ibuprom for children tastes good for children” fits the brand, Q3 2020, IQS.