Five surprising benefits of walking. Doctors prescribe prescription walks

It doesn’t require a lot of time, money, or special abilities, but it can help you in many ways. Harvard scientists report that it helps to lose weight and reduces the risk of breast cancer. It happens that during a checkup at the doctor you will “get” it in the recommendations. I’m talking about… a walk. It’s amazing how amazing it has!

As amazing as it is, an activity as simple as walking can be a real life saver. You know for sure that any regular physical activity is extremely important for your health, and walking also has its benefits. Doctors have no doubts: walking is one of the easiest and best things you can do for yourself.

What are the benefits of walking? Scientists list the five most important

1. Affects the action of genes responsible for weight gain. Harvard scientists conducted a study on 12. people to see to what extent the 32 genes associated with obesity actually contribute to weight gain. They found that in people who walked for about an hour a day at a brisk pace, the effect of the genes tested was reduced by half.

  1. Genetic research on metabolism and obesity genes available for purchase from Medonet Market

Further part below the video.

2. Helps you avoid snacking. Several studies have shown that a 15-minute walk can reduce the appetite for chocolate and even reduce the amount of sweets consumed in stressful situations. Walking can reduce the appetite and consumption of a variety of sweet snacks, according to recent research.

3. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. It has already been proven that any type of physical activity reduces the risk of cancer. A study by the American Cancer Society that focused on walking found that women who walked seven hours a week had a 14 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer. Interestingly, the relationship persisted even in women from risk groups – overweight women or those using hormone therapies.

  1. Check the risk of falling ill! Buy genetic test for breast and ovarian cancer – BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene analysis

4. It soothes aching joints. Walking can also help with arthritis, according to researchers. Walking has been shown to reduce pain, and walking about 10 km per week can reduce the risk of developing arthritis. Walking has the best protection for your knees and hips.

  1. See also: Home remedies for aching knees. Five salutary methods

5. It improves immunity. Walking can also help protect against colds and the flu. Studies have shown that people who walked for at least 20 minutes a day, at least five days a week, were almost half as likely to take sick leave as those who exercised once a week or less. They also found that while they were ill, their symptoms were milder and they healed faster.

How many steps do you take during the day?

Thanks to myBand 4family, you will not only track the number of steps, but also check your blood pressure and pulse

Regular walks also have other benefits, and being physically active contributes to your well-being and mental health. As it turns out, it doesn’t take much to live a healthy life. Next time, get off the bus a stop early and take a short walk and your body will thank you.

This may interest you:

  1. How many steps per day do you need to take? New research results
  2. How to walk to lose weight? Tricks to increase the burning of calories

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