Five signs that you should have your blood sugar checked
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Doctors agree that the diabetes that begins in the body is extremely clever and cunning. It does not hurt and does not signal its presence too clearly, and when we feel it, it is already raging diabetes and difficult to control. That is why one of the most important actions that can be taken in this unequal fight is prevention and regular preventive examinations. Testing the blood sugar level is a simple, public, and inexpensive test. How can elevated glucose levels manifest and what should we be alert to?

When should I test my sugar level?

The first signals your body sends out when sugar problems begin are extremely subtle. It is very easy to overlook them or blame poor form or too busy lifestyle. Blood glucose testis the most effective way to expose diabetes before it becomes fully comfortable in our body. A few years before the onset of type II diabetes, pre-diabetes can be diagnosed in the body and diabetes can be effectively prevented.

  1. See if you may have diabetes. Buy a package of diagnostic tests at Medonet Market

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Signs that you may have a diabetes problem

There are several signals that should not be underestimated, although they can be confusingly similar to symptoms of fatigue. Don’t give diabetes a chance and get regular check-ups!

Fatigue, mood swings, drowsiness

This is one of the best hidden symptoms because we can easily find other causes of chronic fatigue. We sleep too little, work too much, live on the go. Fatigue and sleepiness occur when the body is unable to use its sugar reserves. Fluctuating blood glucose levels can also cause a mood swing. Too much sugar can have a huge impact on your well-being.

If your sugar level is too high, start supplementing with GlucoBalance – Doctor Life dietary supplement available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. In addition to regulating glucose levels, the active ingredients of this preparation support weight loss, lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

Skin and hair problems

Hair loss, skin discoloration and blemishes. Or maybe the generally bad skin condition, tendency to dryness and pimples, especially appearing in unusual places: on the shoulders, back or buttocks. All of these symptoms can be caused by high blood sugar levels. If you are looking for the cause of such uninvited and surprising changes in your body – do a sugar test!

If it turns out that the sugar level is not at the right level, reach for the right GlikoHerbs sugar – a herbal mixture that will help regulate it.

Sudden weight change

If your body weight has changed rapidly, although your lifestyle and diet have not changed at all, it’s time to undergo preventive examinations. Sudden weight loss occurs in primary diabetes mellitus (type I diabetes), while gaining weight and problems with weight loss, despite adherence to diet and exercise, are a harbinger of problems with elevated blood glucose levels. This is a common symptom that occurs long before the diagnosis of type II diabetes. Weight gain is very common a symptom of pre-diabetes and the development of insulin resistance and / or hyperinsulinism. Too high glucose levels forces the body to produce just as much insulin, which causes fat tissue to be stored and stimulates the appetite. It is characteristic of type II diabetes overweight and abdominal obesity.

To support the maintenance of the proper blood sugar level, it is worth reaching for the natural white mulberry juice Herbal Monasterium. You can buy it on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Increased thirst and urination

If you’ve been drinking a lot lately and running to the toilet just as often, you might be knocking on your door diabetes. One of the symptoms of diabetes is polyuria. In addition to frequent visits to the toilet can also be observed a large amount of urine. Glucose binds well with water, and the body tries to excrete excess of it. Polyuria causes dehydration and increased thirst. There is a vicious circle. Therefore, diabetics very often struggle with a constant, unquenchable thirst.

If you want to take care of the right level of sugar in your blood, drink an infusion based on Sugar – a mixture of herbs on a regular basis. It contains selected herbs that are designed to regulate glucose levels.

Gum problems and susceptibility to infections

If you feel like you are getting sick every now and then it’s time to check your sugar. Elevated glucose levels promote recurrent and difficult to treat infections. Among the favorite ailments of diabetes are fungal infections. Mycosis of the nails, oral cavity or intimate infections in women.

Interestingly, diabetes likes to attack the gums. When there are problems with the condition of the oral cavity, most often periodontitis, it is worth checking their cause. According to research, diabetics are more likely to suffer from gum disease.

Diabetes also affects the functioning of the immune system worse, when there are problems with sugar, we get sick more often and catch colds.

There is absolutely no excuse for avoiding this simple study. You can check your blood sugar level on a daily basis using your home blood glucose meter. Let’s not leave diabetes open the door, it is a civilization disease that is faced by the whole world. Prophylactically, it is worth using dietary supplements that lower blood glucose levels. Order today Chanterelle – 20% polysaccharides – YANGO dietary supplement.

  1. A wide selection of blood glucose meters can be found at

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