Five signs it’s not your usual stomach ache. When to see a doctor?

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Pain from the digestive system happens to everyone. Sometimes it is the fault of a bad meal, other times overeating. However, how do you recognize that indigestion should not be underestimated and that you need to see a doctor?

  1. While abdominal pain most often does not mean anything serious, it should not be underestimated
  2. In some cases, it is this symptom that may inform, for example, about a developing neoplasm
  3. We advise on when to see a doctor in case of abdominal pain
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

When Should Abdominal Pain Bother?

Typical abdominal pain is the result of indigestion or a natural build-up of gas in the intestines. Indigestion can be the result of eating too much and difficult to digest, spicy spices, and eating stale food. In some cases, it is a symptom of other diseases, including ulcers, reflux, and cancers of the stomach and esophagus. The causes of excess gases include an inadequate diet rich in bloating foods and food intolerances.

Also read: Abdominal pain after eating. Causes and Treatment

Pain from the digestive system is not always a trivial matter. In what situations should we see a doctor?

Severe stomach pain after a heavy meal

If, after a heavy meal, we feel very intense stomach painthat does not go away, it could be that your gallbladder is inflamed. The function of this organ is to collect bile and distribute it in order to digest fats. If the bile outflow is blocked, usually caused by gallstones, it is necessary to see a doctor and institute pharmacological or surgical treatment.

Unspecified pain in the upper abdomen

Difficult to define unequivocally pain in the middle or upper abdomenaccompanied by nausea and belching could mean a heart attack. Vomiting, back pain in the interscapular region and jaw pain are also disturbing. Specialist consultation, ECG performance and determination of infarct markers, such as troponin, will allow the detection of myocardial necrosis. Quick reaction can save a life.

Diagnostics in the form of a mail order examination for gastrointestinal diseases available on Medonet Market may be important. The waiting time for the results is 7 business days.

Abdominal cramps and diarrhea

Symptoms such as abdominal pain with diarrhea or constipation, often alternating, could mean that you have irritable bowel syndrome. These are the most common symptoms that may be associated with gas. They usually last for more than three months. The way to alleviate the symptoms is to consult a doctor, obtain a diagnosis and change your diet or lifestyle.

Severe abdominal pain can cause irritable bowel syndrome, which is something to be sure of by doing the research package available on Medonet Market.

Sudden and severe abdominal pain

In people suffering from peptic ulcer disease, this type of stomach pain may indicate a perforation or rupture in the ulcer. Immediate surgical intervention in such a situation is a must. A complication of an ulcer puncture may be peritonitis, caused by bacterial or fungal infections. Intra-abdominal infection poses a risk of life-threatening septic shock.

Also check what may be caused by the stinging in the abdomen.

Abdominal pain lower left

One of the possible causes of pain on the left side of the abdomen, and more precisely in its lower part, is diverticulitis. The condition can be treated with antibiotics and stool softeners. Sometimes painkillers such as paracetamol are enough.

See also: What does stabbing mean in the left side? The cause can be renal colic, pancreas, gynecological problems and even an aneurysm

Do your symptoms require medical consultation? Check it out for yourself in a short medical interview.

Don’t wait to see a doctor

Strong or chronic digestive ailments should not be ignored. Stabbing pains, blood in the stool, symptoms of anemia or sudden weight loss are disturbing symptoms, especially when there have been cases of gastrointestinal diseases or cancer in our family. Diseases diagnosed at an early stage of development give a better chance of being cured.

Do you feel a sharp stomach pain? Make an appointment on the haloDoctor platform. You will receive professional help within 10 minutes.

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