Five rules for safe tanning. A holiday guide

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Summer is in full swing, the weather is good, so it’s no wonder that we want to sunbathe. However, before we start sunbathing, let’s properly prepare the skin for it. What to do to make tanning safe and not harmful to our skin? What to consider when buying cosmetics and how to deal with sunburn? You will learn everything from our guide.

Sun exposure is the best and practically the only natural way for the body to synthesize vitamin D3, responsible for e.g. for healthy bones, proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. At the same time, too long sunbathing leads to irritation and dangerous skin diseases. In order to be able to fully enjoy the sun, you should therefore take care of it proper photoprotection, adapted to the needs and age of our skin.

How to sunbathe safely? Use cosmetics with a filter

Solar radiation is actually a stream of electromagnetic waves, which can be divided into visible light, ultraviolet (UV) light, and infrared light. Comprehensive photoprotection should cover all types of sunlight and, importantly, it should be used not only in summer, but throughout the year. During warm months, we are particularly exposed to the effects of UV rays, two types of them to be exact:

  1. UVA – radiation that can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and thus cause allergic reactions, redness and itching. UVA radiation accelerates the formation of free radicals, which is why it is responsible for sagging and aging skin, as well as the development of neoplastic diseases.  
  2. UVB – although it accounts for only a few percent of the ultraviolet radiation contained in the sun’s rays, and additionally does not penetrate clouds and glass, it is responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. At the same time, UVB radiation has a strong erythema-forming effect, which makes it responsible for skin irritation and sunburn.  

Depending on the type, sunscreen creams create a protective coat on the skin that reflects and diffuses light (so-called physical filters) or absorb harmful UV radiation (chemical filters). Due to the fact that no cosmetic product provides XNUMX% photoprotection, by using sunscreen we prevent the harmful effects of tanning, and at the same time we can freely use the beneficial properties of the sun.

  1. See also: Quick Color, or spray tanning

Fast and safe tanning – products that will help you

All sun care products contain information about the SPF (sun protection factor), i.e. the sun protection factor. The SPF value ranges from 2 to 50. The higher the factor of the preparation, the better it will be protects the skin against the harmful effects of UV rays.

SPF tells us how many times longer we can expose our skin to the sun, as opposed to skin without cream, assuming that 15 minutes of sunlight is already harmful. For example, the SPF 20 filter provides protection for approx. 5 hours. (20 × 15 minutes), but it is best to repeat the application every 2-3 hours.

  1. Drugs and the sun. Avoid these unsafe connections

Let us note, however, that the SPF is a conventional value. For the cosmetic to actually meet its assumptions, we would have to apply a fairly thick layer and repeat the application systematically. So it is better to use creams with a higher SPF, especially when our skin is sensitive and prone to burns. If we have a problem with choosing the right tanning preparation, we can use the website, which collects consumer opinions about the products. Thanks to this, we can quickly and easily check what is the action of a specific preparation and whether it fulfills its function.

What do you need to know about safe tanning? Choose the right time for sunbathing

One of the most common mistakes made by people who want to tan quickly is exposing their skin to harsh sun. In the afternoon (11 am – 15 pm) UV radiation is the strongest, which means that this is when we are particularly exposed to skin irritations and burns. So it is better to give up on the beach at this time, especially if we are going on vacation with children.

Note also that UVA radiation passes through clouds and glass. Therefore, sunscreen should be used at all times, regardless of the weather.

  1. To sunbathe or not – how does the sun affect the skin?

Red skin after sunbathing – what should you do?

Red skin after sunbathing is the result of staying in the sun for too long and inadequate photoprotection. As a rule, it happens when we apply a too weak filter or give it up altogether. Sunburn is painful and dangerous.

To alleviate unpleasant ailments, it is best to take a cool bath immediately after returning from the beach and use cosmetics with a strong soothing effect, e.g. panthenol or aloe vera. People with fair complexion and children with delicate, sensitive skin are particularly vulnerable to sunburn.

  1. Sunburn – what about burns? Home treatments

How to keep a tan?

When the skin has a beautiful, golden shade, it is worth using a few tricks that will allow us to keep the tan for longer. Proper diet and care will help us in this. The most important ingredient that influences skin tone is beta carotene. We will find him, among others in carrots, yellow and red vegetables (e.g. peppers, tomatoes) and fruits such as apricots and peaches.

Does your skin need relief? At Medonet Market you will find a body lotion intended for daily use for skin that requires hydration and nourishment.

Beta carotene is also a natural UV filterTherefore, it is worth ensuring that our diet includes as much as possible in summer.

An effective way to maintain a tan is also the use of specialized preparations. The market offers a wide range of cosmetics, including with carotene oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter or shea, which perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin, and at the same time preserve the brown tone of the skin.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. The power of “frying” takes its toll. The number of cases of melanoma is increasing
  2. Can you sunbathe while pregnant?
  3. A simple “detector” for melanoma. The “ABCDE” principle can save your life
  4. Sun allergy – how to recognize and treat it?

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