Five foods that weaken the immune system. Better to give up on them

The immune system protects us from pathogens that attack our body. We can support it in this fight by choosing food rich in minerals, but we can also weaken it if our diet leaves much to be desired. What products should we eliminate from our menu?

  1. Consuming excessive amounts of carbonated and energy drinks has an impact on the functioning of our immune system
  2. We should also exclude foods rich in salt, processed sugar and trans fats from the menu
  3. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Nutritionist Patricia Bannan admits that although diet alone cannot strengthen the immune system, foods rich in vitamins C, D, selenium and iron can benefit our body and make us less susceptible to colds and viral infections. What products that weaken the immune system should we avoid?

Carbonated and energy drinks

First of all, it is about sweet, colorful carbonated drinks full of sugar, dyes and preservatives. A 2011 study confirms that greater consumption of sweetened soda can lead to weight gain and obesity. “Obese people may be more prone to weakened immunity,” adds the dietitian.

Energy drinks also have an impact on our immune system. In addition to sugar, they also contain high doses of caffeine and taurine, which have a stimulating effect. Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause inflammation in the body, which contributes to the weakening of the immune system.

Therefore, if you want to strengthen the immune system, it is worth reaching for a dietary supplement with vitamin C, which is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

The rest of the article under the video.

Fried foods and fast food

Deep-fried foods (French fries, breaded wings, onion rings, etc.) are real caloric bombs that can weaken our immunity. A 2016 study showed that a high-fat diet has a negative effect on the gut microbiome, which plays an important role in immune system function. In addition, eating large amounts of fried foods is also associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Do you suffer from digestive system disorders? Opt for the mail-order mucosal immunity test, which is available on Medonet Market. There you will also find a quantitative test for the determination of beta-defensin for the diagnosis of mucosal immunity.

Another study published in Experimental Biology found that eating food supplemented with TBHQ (Tert-Butyl Hydroquinone) – a preservative labeled E319 commonly found in fried, frozen, and highly processed foods – may weaken the protective power of the flu vaccine.

Fast foods high in trans fat, salt, sugar, and preservatives are not conducive to maintaining a strong immune system.

See also: A harmful substance in the bodies of adolescents. Experts advise you to give up fast food


Excessive alcohol consumption adversely affects the functioning of our body. According to the CDC, consuming more than 15 drinks a week for men and more than eight drinks a week for women adversely affects the immune system. “Alcohol can disrupt the immune pathways and cause sleep disturbances,” adds Bannan.

See also: Can I drink alcohol before or after vaccination? [WE EXPLAIN]

The WHO adds that “alcohol consumption is associated with a number of infectious and non-communicable diseases and mental health disorders that can make a person more susceptible to COVID-19. Alcohol in particular weakens the immune system and increases the risk of adverse health effects ».

In addition to restricting certain foods in the diet, it is very important to absorb micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium and zinc, to support the immune system. They are available in the form of a dietary supplement in tablets on Medonet Market.


Candies, sour jelly beans, chocolate, sweet snacks, ice cream, cakes, cookies … If we want to support our immune system, we should limit products rich in processed sugars. We learn from a review of research published in the journal Nutrients that they may contribute to increased markers of inflammation in the body, which may adversely affect our immune system.

So if you want to support your immune system, you can reach for a dietary supplement with unscented garlic. It is available on Medonet Market.

Chronic, mild inflammation is a key factor in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease and is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes, dementia and depression. According to studies, low-grade inflammation also increases the risk of death from any cause in old age.

See also: Sugar – a silent killer. What diseases does excess sugar in the diet cause?

Salty dishes and snacks

Chips, sticks, pretzels, but also canned vegetables, ready meals, luncheon meats and other similar products are rich in salt, and we all know that excessive consumption is harmful to health.

“A diet rich in salt can raise blood pressure and weaken the immune system,” explains the nutritionist. Unfortunately, due to the fact that salt is commonly added to food products, it is difficult to limit its consumption – but it is not impossible. Choose low-salt products and try not to overdelish the food.

Adequate supplementation can contribute to strengthening the immune system. At Medonet Market you can buy a dietary supplement with vitamin C and bio fl avonoids, which strengthen the body and help build its immunity.

In addition to a healthy diet, supporting the immune system is also based on adequate sleep, stress reduction and regular exercise.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. We cannot build immunity in one day. How to take care of the immune system? [WE EXPLAIN]
  2. 10 ways to strengthen your baby’s immunity
  3. Coronavirus: A Diet to Boost Your Immunity. What should you eat now?

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