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An allergy is an inappropriate reaction of the immune system to a completely safe factor, called an allergen, which does not cause any adverse reactions in healthy people. Allergens, due to the way they enter the body, are divided into inhalation, food and contact allergens.

The material was created in cooperation with the Bosch company

The most common allergic reaction is pollen, mites, animal hair, mold spores, cow’s milk, eggs, nuts, citrus fruits and seafood, as well as nickel and latex. The first symptoms of an allergy they are most often visible already in childhood. In order to control the symptoms of allergy, it is important to understand the factors that exacerbate it.


The work of the immune system of allergy sufferers is disturbed, because it treats safe substances as a potential threat, which do not cause any adverse reactions in healthy people. With impaired immunity, viral or bacterial infections are much more common. Allergy sufferers are relatively common infections, and their course can be sharper and longer. Viruses that cause infections they almost always exacerbate allergy symptoms. This is a result of not only impaired immunity, but also hypersensitivity of the respiratory tract, resulting from repeated allergic reactions.

High concentration of allergens

Research has shown that worsening of allergic reactions is directly proportional to the degree of exposure to the allergenic factor, i.e. in the case of inhalation allergies to aeroallergens. The concentration of allergens in the inhaled air and the time during which we inhale these allergens are decisive. Therefore, it is important to minimize the concentration of allergens in the inhaled air. Rigorous preventive measures aimed at minimizing exposure to allergens can reduce the severity of allergic symptoms by up to 80-90%. The most popular inhaled allergens include pollen from plants (trees, grasses, weeds), house dust mite secretions, animal hair and fungal spores mold.

People allergic to pollen should observe the pollen calendar and possibly limit staying outdoors during pollen exacerbation. But sometimes we have to leave the house. It should then be remembered that the lowest concentration of pollen occurs after rainfall and it is the best time to exercise outdoors. When you return home, change your clothes and take a shower during the dusting period.

People allergic to house dust mites should take special care to keep the house clean. It is best to get rid of dust-laden objects permanently: curtains, carpets and upholstered furniture. However, it is difficult to take their favorite stuffed animals away from children. Therefore, they should be regularly washed and stored in tightly closed containers.

Air pollution

Air contaminated with cigarette smoke or car exhaust fumes is undoubtedly another factor that exacerbates the symptoms of allergic reactions. In recent years, the number of reported cases of allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and asthma has doubled, although the concentration of natural allergens has not changed. On the other hand, the air we breathe has become polluted. In addition to allergens, pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and dangerous benzopyrene enter the respiratory system. The allergy’s immune system reacts to such a “duo” with an increased inflammatory reaction.

The quality of the air we breathe determines the quality of life for all of us, but we must protect, in particular, young children whose lungs are not fully developed, the elderly and pregnant women against the negative effects of polluted air. Being constantly in a polluted environment during pregnancy may result in a tendency to chronic respiratory diseases or just allergies in a child. Of course, we cannot completely eliminate contact with polluted air, but we can minimize this contact. Each time the apartment is aired, the air should be cleaned with a good air purifier. Avoid physical activity outdoors when pollution is high, and use face masks when we need to leave the house with high levels of pollution.

An important topic for allergy sufferers are allergens and polluted air in the car. The interior of the car is an ideal habitat for mites and bacteria. Pollen and other allergens that have penetrated from the outside can also settle in the car. They pose a deadly danger to driver who is allergic, for people transporting them and other road users, e.g. pedestrians at crossings. Sudden sneezing at high speed could result in an accident. At a speed of 100 km / h, one sneeze results in the lack of control over what is happening on the road for the next 20 meters. To avoid this situation, the interior of the car should be regularly vacuumed and washed, remembering about small nooks and crannies. The cabin filter, which cleans the air flowing inside the car from the outside, should also be replaced regularly. For the sake of our health and safety, it is worth investing in a good-quality Bosch cabin filter, equipped with a special layer with active carbon that will clean the air of allergens, bacteria and smog particles.


If the harmfulness of smoking does not persuade you to quit, here is another reason. Tobacco smoke irritates the respiratory tract, making the epithelium more susceptible to the effects of allergens. Research shows that inhalation allergies are much more common in smokers.

Sudden and severe temperature changes

The severity of allergy symptoms is also influenced by such mundane factors as, for example, a sudden change in the ambient temperature. It is especially noticeable in summer, when we enter a strongly cooled, air-conditioned room from the air heated to 30 degrees. It should be remembered that the temperature difference in the air-conditioned room and the temperature outside should not exceed 6 degrees. With a greater difference, the function of the immune system may be weakened.

The material was created in cooperation with the Bosch company

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