Five exercises with TRX to get your whole body in shape

Five exercises with TRX to get your whole body in shape


Despite the fact that trx training is advisable for everyone, it is convenient to know perfectly what this accessory is for and how to use it correctly

Five exercises with TRX to get your whole body in shape

If you take a look at your gym, there is certainly a trx. Those ropes, usually black and yellow, that hang from any platform have a function, although you have not found it yet.

What are they for? Can I use them every day? Do you have a variety of exercises? And endless doubts crowd around this fitness accessory that even today is a total unknown for many and an essential for the vast majority.

It is a suspension training that is based on training and working with body weight. But do not think that it was released a few years ago … It could be said that the concept of trx was born a long time ago

 Back when the military hung from parachute cords to keep fit and do suspension exercise.


  • Improve posture.
  • Tones and strengthens.
  • Helps eliminate back pain.
  • It is conducive to injury recovery.
  • Ideal for improving balance and coordination.
  • Reduces the risk of injury when working with the stabilizer muscles.
  • Its low impact helps reduce bone loss.
  • Works the whole body.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system


  • It does not help increase muscle mass.
  • It is not suitable for people with obesity.
  • You have to be careful with the pelvis.
  • It is recommended to do the exercises in front of a sports professional.
  • It is important to control the resistance and stability, if you start to shake in the middle of the exercise you must reduce the resistance.
  • You must control the lumbar area to avoid injuries such as pelvic displacement, for this it is ideal to do exercises for the abdomen and lumbar muscles in united sequences.

Most trx exercises require you to stabilize your body with your abs and lower back in order to support your own body weight, working your core.

Exercises with trx

Bulgarian squat: if we want to work glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps we can do a squat holding the trx and raising one of the legs alternately.

Squat jump: this exercise helps to burn a large amount of calories in addition to strengthening all the muscles of the legs. You should get into a squat position with your arms extended holding the trx and then perform a jump.

Strides: just as we would do it on the floor, alternately advancing one leg and the other to work glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings, we can do it with trx accompanying with the movement of the arms, since the hands must be located on the handles of the harness.

Bimini: with the feet on the trx and the forearms on the ground or, with the hands in suspension and the feet on the ground, we can perform this isometric classic that works the deepest muscles of the abdomen as well as the lower back.

Climbers: with both feet on the handles of the trx and the palms of the hands on the ground, from a plank position with the body aligned from head to toe, we alternately bring the knees to the chest just as we would on the floor.

Among other benefits, such as the personal trainer Miguel Ángel Peinado (@ miguel.trainer), creator of ‘Better Naked Club’, these stand out:

1. Have stability in the spine. So that your back does not hurt before any movement you make, the spine must be strong and be ‘supported’ by a resistant musculature. The strength work of arms and shoulders, as well as those that include the lats, lumbar or trapezius serve precisely for this.

Many times, the typical neck and shoulder pain appear because the muscles are not fully strengthened and this creates instability in certain postures.

2. The body is a whole. We cannot train only legs and neglect the arms, since the body is a harmonious whole that needs to be exercised centimeter by centimeter. “It is convenient that even a third of your routine is dedicated to the upper body”, says Miguel Ángel Peinado.

3. Greater muscular balance. The body requires a certain balance in its entirety. It is not “acceptable” to have strong and weak areas, as the body will gradually become unbalanced and discomfort will be generated in the less worked areas.

4. Accelerated metabolism. In the event that you want to lose weight, the metabolism must be faster. If you improve your muscle mass, you will increase your caloric intake and you will be able to achieve your goal. But pay attention, because we are not only referring to training the legs and buttocks … but also the upper body!

Although it may not seem like it, there are a lot of muscles in the arms, back and chest that can “help” speed up metabolic processes. “Believe it or not, a routine in the upper part will help you lose weight in the lower part,” says the coach.

5. Mark arms is also feminine. More and more women are working the muscles of the upper body to put aside flaccidity and wear all kinds of clothes without problems.

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