Five exercises to reduce waist with the Pin Twins
The exercise routine proposed by personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pinada, Gemelas Pin, helps reduce waist and strengthen the area

Michelines out! Have you noticed that small floats begin to settle around your waist that were not there before the start of the confinement? It is time to act. The lack of physical activity and the abuse of sugars, pastries, saturated fats and unhealthy snacks is taking its toll on us. That is why personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, have designed this week for ABC Bienestar an exercise routine for reduce waist inches that threaten to stay there forever. In addition to taking care of food, hydration and rest, the Pin Twins propose to practice the table of five exercises three times a week.
In addition to these specific routines that the Pin Twins design every Wednesday for ABC Bienestar the Pin Twins, who have more than 78.200 followers on Instagram, the Pin Twins share their sporting activity both on their Instagram firects and in their stories, in addition to echoing the remains surpassed by his followers, who already call themselves «Team Twins Pin».
The specific routine for the waist that they propose this week involves little difficulty, like the one they proposed last week to work the upper body and build strong arms.
Something more complex was the exercise table with which they encouraged and worked the abdomen and achieve a flat stomach, although what was especially liked was the routine they proposed to work the buttocks and thus recover the size of pants before confinement. Other intense routines are the “full body” boards with which Pin Twins encourage you to increase your heart rate with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).
This week’s routine includes five exercises, which can be performed in a tiempo estimated 12-15 minutes. To practice the table correctly, 15 repetitions of each exercise, three series and a 30-second rest between each series will be done.
Exercise 1: Side Knee Bend Plank
To perform this exercise we place ourselves in a position of griddle with the arms extended and the tips of the feet resting on the ground. The hips, shoulder and knees will be aligned as if we were an iron. Next we will move the knee flexing it towards the elbow on the same side. We will try to keep the knee as open as possible. Then we will return to the starting position to do it with the other leg. In this exercise it is important to avoid moving the shoulder forward and we must keep the shoulder and wrist aligned.
Exercise 2: Plank with hip twists
Again from the plank position, but leaning on the forearms and elbows aligned with the shoulders, we will perform hip twists. Remember that the elbows cannot be separated from the ground. We will try to mark the turn as much as possible, but without raising the gluteus to the ceiling or arching the lumbar.
Exercise 3: Arms Raise Twists
We will place ourselves in a standing position with a separation of the feet slightly greater than that of the width of the shoulders. We place the arms extended at the height of the shoulders and make a side shift keeping the knees and hips to the front, so that, when we reach the lateral position with the arms, we will make an elevation at the height of the head keeping the elbows close to the ears. Then we will return to the starting position and repeat the movement to the other side.
Exercise 4: Side Waist Bend
We will place ourselves in a standing position with a separation of the feet slightly greater than that of the width of the shoulders. We will raise our arms and flex them until we place our palms behind the nape of the neck. In this position we will lateral push-ups from the hips to one side and the other, keeping your gaze straight ahead and without stooping.
Exercise 5: Knee Raise Twists
We will place ourselves in a standing position and we will place the elbows and arms in a 90 degree position without the elbows falling. In this position we will carry out twists so that the knee finds the elbow of the opposite arm. Elbows may not be lowered below shoulder height. The knee will rise outward and the elbow will seek the central position at the level of the sternum.