Five exercises to get a good ass before summer with the Pin Twins

Five exercises to get a good ass before summer with the Pin Twins


Follow this training for glutes proposed by the Pin Twins and remember that after this first round you must do three more

Five exercises to get a good ass before summer with the Pin TwinsPM4:29

Whether you sit at a desk to work or on the couch at home all day, regular glute workouts are one of the best things you can do for your body because keeping them strong is essential for the body to function properly as a whole. . Instead, if you don’t exercise them, they will be weakened and the hip flexors, which are the opposing muscles of the glutes, will begin to dominate the body, pushing it forward and creating poor posture and lower back pain.

That is why Gema and Esther Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, advise, now more than ever since there is more and more telework and tasks that require sitting for many hours, doing glute exercises regularly.

The fitness routine that the personal trainers propose to start the month of June is composed, as is the case in most of their workouts, of five exercises and each of them is repeated twelve times. Of course, they will rest 30 seconds after each series. Although their proposals are normally made without material, this week you will need a dumbbell of the weight that each one estimates (the Pin Twins carry one of 10 kilos) and some steps. If you do not have any of these accessories, they propose to do it on a curb and use water bottles or liters of water.

This week’s training was recorded on the premises of The Corporate Gym.

1 Exercise

Lying on the floor, we place the dumbbell on our hips and raise the pelvis as much as we can, so that the buttocks are off the ground. You have to do 12 climbs.

2 Exercise

With the dumbbell in the right hand, we bring the right leg forward, so that the left is further back and we are going to bring the dumbbell to the right foot, lowering the body and raising it. This deadlift exercise is repeated 12 times and in the next series it would be the left foot and the left arm that will work the most.

3 Exercise

In this exercise we will need, in addition to the dumbbell, a step. We will go up to the platform keeping the dumbbell at chest height. First we will go up with one foot, then with the other and we will go down in the same way. Once on the ground, we will perform a squat and start over. This exercise is repeated 12 times.

4 Exercise

With step, we will perform Bulgarian squats, that is, we will have one leg in the step that will be behind us. Remember to keep the dumbbell at chest level at all times and in the next series we will change legs. We will repeat the exercise 12 times.

5 Exercise

With one foot on the step and the other on the ground, we squat while the dumbbell remains at chest level. Then the foot that was on the step is replaced by the push of the other and we do another squat and so on. This exercise is repeated 12 times.

Although the first round of training has just come to an end, don’t forget that there are three more of the same to be done if the circuit proposed by the Pin Twins is completed.

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