Five easy workouts to stay healthy

In order to keep yourself in shape, sometimes it is not necessary to spend a lot of money and work up a sweat. Scientists from Harvard Medical School have identified five activities that benefit physical and mental health.

If a person is not an athlete and does not play sports seriously, but just wants to work out – for example, to feel better or look good in new jeans – the thought of a gym can scare him. What exercises to do? Where to find time? One raid on treadmills, weights and exercise bikes can be enough to immediately pull you home to the sofa.

But some very useful physical exercises do not require the strong muscles of a marathon runner and regular visits to the gym. However, according to experts, these workouts can work wonders and promote recovery.

They help control weight, improve balance and range of motion, strengthen bones, protect joints, prevent bladder control problems and even memory loss. These exercises are simple and accessible, regardless of age or fitness level, and will help you get in shape and reduce the risk of various diseases.

1. Swimming

We can say that this is an ideal activity. The density of water supports the body and relieves joint tension and pain, allowing you to move more smoothly. “Swimming is good for people with arthritis because it feels much lighter in the water,” explains Dr. Ai-Ming Lee, a professor at Harvard Medical School.

Studies have shown that swimming can also improve mental health and elevate mood. Another option for exercising in water is water aerobics, which helps burn calories and increase tone.

2. Thai

Combining movement and relaxation, this Chinese martial art is good for both body and mind. It’s actually called “meditation in motion.” Tai chi consists of a series of graceful movements that smoothly transition from one to another. Since classes are held at different levels, this gymnastics is accessible and useful for people of all ages and fitness levels.

“This is especially good for the elderly, because an important component here is balance, and that is what we lose with age,” says Dr. Lee. A trial lesson will help you get started and get a feel for tai chi. As a rule, in big cities and sports centers, masters conduct such training.

3. Strength training

Many people think that strength training is for muscular machos. However, it might be worth changing your mind. Lifting light weights will not increase muscle mass, but it will keep them working. “If you don’t use your muscles, they will lose strength over time,” says Dr. Lee.

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“The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to maintain weight,” says Dr. Li. Like other exercises, strength training can also help keep your brain functioning properly for years to come. Before starting a strength training program, be sure to study all the necessary information.

It is recommended to start with a light weight that a person can effortlessly lift 10 times. After a couple of weeks, the weight is increased. In order for classes to be beneficial, not harmful, it is important to get competent advice and approach the matter without going to extremes. The best thing is to practice under the supervision of a professional.

4. Walking

Walking is a simple yet powerful workout. Not only can it help you stay fit, but it can also help you raise your cholesterol, strengthen your bones, control your blood pressure, elevate your mood, and lower your risk of developing a number of diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

A number of studies have shown that walking and other physical activities can even improve memory and counteract age-related memory loss. All it takes is well-fitting and supportive shoes. You can start by walking for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Over time, you will be able to walk further and faster and bring the workout to a duration of 30-60 minutes almost every day.

5. Kegel exercises

These exercises won’t make you look better, but they do something just as important: strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support your bladder. Strong pelvic floor muscles can go a long way in preventing urinary incontinence, which can affect almost anyone with age.

Although many women are familiar with Kegel exercises, these exercises are useful for men too. To properly perform the exercise, you need to contract the muscles that are used to prevent the passage of urine or gas. The contraction is held for two or three seconds, then released. Be sure to completely relax the pelvic floor muscles after contraction. This cycle of actions is repeated 10 times, if possible, four to five sets per day.

Much of what people do in their daily lives for fun and work can be considered exercise. Walking in the park, ballroom dancing, playing with pets, children or grandchildren are forms of physical activity. According to doctors, if you do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day and set aside two days a week for strength training, it is quite possible to consider yourself an active person.

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