Five diseases that can be seen on the feet

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It is the support of our body. It contains 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles. It is on the soles of the feet that we have the thickest skin. Few people are aware that some disease states appear in this place.

  1. The first disease that comes to mind when we think of the feet is ringworm
  2. And rightly so, because it is the most common skin condition. Every fifth Pole will fight against mycosis in his life at least once
  3. The feet, however, say much more about health, pointing to diseases that are very dangerous to health
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Diseases visible on the feet – athlete’s foot

This is one of the most common skin diseases – statistics show that tinea pedis has, or will have, every fifth Pole. It most often appears on the sole of the foot, between the toes, or on the lateral surface of the toes, and is caused by yeasts and molds.

In most cases, the main culprit is Trichophyton rubrum – an anthropophilic fungus that often attacks the toenails or the skin between the toes in the first place.

Depending on the pathogen and form of the disease, symptoms may vary. In the initial stage of athlete’s foot, persistent itching, burning and reddening of the skin are felt. The epidermis then begins to peel and crack, which can cause pain and discomfort.

Sometimes the changes spread to the skin of the fingers and even the nails, which change their appearance. Whitish-yellow discoloration appears, and the plate peels, stratifies and becomes thicker.

Diseases visible on the feet – gout

Very severe pain that occurs at night or after waking up, swelling and redness of the toe joint are symptoms of gout, or gout. The disease is the deposition of an excess of sodium urate crystals in tissues and organs, especially joints, where chronic inflammation develops over time. The disease mainly affects men over 40 and postmenopausal women.

Typical gout often accompanies such diseases as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Interestingly, the incidence of the disease increases with a prosperous life, which is associated with a diet rich in red meat, offal and seafood.

In the past, it was the aristocracy that suffered mainly from gout. The list of famous people to whom the disease is attributed is really long: Sigismund III Vasa, Jan III Sobieski, Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and even Casanowa.

Diseases visible on the feet – atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

Initially, the disease may be asymptomatic. However, as the narrowing of the arteries in the legs increases, easy leg fatigue, tingling sensation, paleness and coldness of the feet are observed.

The most common symptom is intermittent claudication, a pain that occurs in the calf while walking and resolves when at rest. Usually, the discomfort is in one leg, where the lesions are more extensive. The ischemic limb is cold, characterized by hair loss and atrophy, and the heart rate in the arteries below the stenosis is absent or very faint.

In the next stage of the disease – as the blood supply to the lower limb worsens, the pain also appears at rest (initially it is located in the toes, then covers the entire foot and even the lower leg), then necrosis and non-healing ulcers develop, which indicate a very serious the advancement of the disease, requiring urgent hospitalization.

Diseases visible on the feet – diabetes (diabetic foot)

Drying and even peeling of the skin, calluses, muscle atrophy, hammer fingers, slowing healing of wounds and cuts are symptoms of a diabetic foot, a chronic complication of diabetes. Diabetic foot syndrome is caused by atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower leg and foot and nerve damage, which leads to ischemia, which significantly impairs the healing process.

  1. What is the risk of excessive foot sweating?

Unfortunately, some people who notice the first symptoms of a diabetic foot have never been treated for diabetes and did not know that they were suffering from diabetes. Delaying proper treatment can have serious consequences such as irreversible foot deformities, necrosis and even limb amputation.

Diseases visible on the feet – hypothyroidism

Cold feet, dry cracking skin on the heels, brittle and splitting nails – in the package with hypothyroidism, we get many skin-related symptoms.

If, in addition to the symptoms listed above, you notice hair loss, constant feeling of cold, swelling, as well as lack of energy, drowsiness, tendency to constipation, weight gain or difficulties with weight reduction, it is worth going to your family doctor, who will decide on the necessity after a medical examination. determination of the pituitary hormone thyrotropin (TSH) and thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T.4).

Thyroid function is controlled by the pituitary gland. Hypothyroidism is treated with the regular intake of missing thyroid hormones, most often throughout life.

SOS FLOSLEK Ballerina heel stick will help in foot care, as it moisturizes the skin and supports its regeneration. Try also BIO dry feet cream with Propolia BeeYes propolis, which is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

If you want to improve blood circulation and relax tense muscles at the same time, it is worth choosing a foot hydro massager. You can find it on Medonet Market.

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